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Robert Smith committed Feb 7, 2017
0 parents commit da62fa3
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Showing 9 changed files with 2,280 additions and 0 deletions.
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions LICENSE.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
Written by Mark Kantrowitz, School of Computer Science,
Carnegie Mellon University, March 1993.

Copyright (c) 1993 by Mark Kantrowitz. All rights reserved.

Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works
based upon this software are permitted, so long as the following
conditions are met:

* no fees or compensation are charged for use, copies,
distribution or access to this software

* this copyright notice is included intact.

This software is made available AS IS, and no warranty is made about
the software or its performance.

In no event will the author(s) or their institutions be liable to you
for damages, including lost profits, lost monies, or other special,
incidental or consequential damages, arising out of or in connection
with the use or inability to use (including but not limited to loss of
data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by third
parties or a failure of the program to operate as documented) the
program, or for any claim by any other party, whether in an action of
contract, negligence, or other tortious action.
103 changes: 103 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@

A library for writing infix mathematical notation in Common Lisp.

## Origin

This library was originally written by Mark Kantrowitz in 1993 with updates the following few years. The code in this repository was derived from the original [``]( library provided by the CMU AI Repository. For posterity, a copy of this original file—otherwise unused by this library—can be found in [`attic/`](attic/

With minimal changes to the core functionality, the library was modernized by Robert Smith to be in-line with contemporary Common Lisp usage.

## Example Use

This package uses [`named-readtables`]( to manage the readtables. If you've loaded `CMU-INFIX` successfully, then you'll have this package loaded as well.

To use `CMU-INFIX`, simply use the readtable named `cmu-infix:syntax`:

(named-readtables:in-readtable cmu-infix:syntax)

Once you have this, you can use the `#I` syntax for infix syntax. Here are some examples.

**Example**: Pythagorean Theorem

(defun hypot (a b)
"Compute the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle
with sides A and B."
#I( sqrt(a^^2 + b^^2) ))

**Example**: Power-of-Two Check

(defun power-of-two-p (n)
"Check if N is a power of 2."
#I( n != 0 and (n & (n - 1)) == 0 ))

**Example**: Euclidean Algorithm

(defun euclid (a b)
"Compute the GCD of A and B using Euclid's algorithm."
(let (temp)
(loop :until #I( b == 0 ) :do
#I( temp := b,
b := a % b,
a := temp

**Example**: Matrix Multiplication

(defun matmul (A B)
"Compute C = A * B for matrices A and B."
(let* ((m (array-dimension A 0))
(n (array-dimension A 1))
(q (array-dimension B 1))
(C (make-array (list m q) :initial-element 0)))
(loop :for i :below m :do
(loop :for k :below q :do
(loop :for j :below n :do
#I( C[i, k] += A[i, j] * B[j, k] ))))
;; Example:
(let ((A (make-array '(2 2) :initial-contents '((0 1) (1 0))))
(B (make-array '(2 1) :initial-contents '((2) (3)))))
#I( matmul(A, B) ))

A full description of the supported operators is in the package documentation for `CMU-INFIX`:

(format t "~A" (documentation (find-package :cmu-infix) t))

## Modernization Updates

The library has been updated in the following ways:

* The package of this library has been renamed `CMU-INFIX` so as to not conflict with existing Quicklisp libraries.

* A system of the same name has been made so it is loadable by ASDF.

* The tests have been lifted and put into a separate system called `CMU-INFIX-TESTS`. You can run them by doing

(asdf:test-system :cmu-infix)

* The library was modified to use `NAMED-READTABLES` to not eagerly pollute your readtable.

* Some out-of-date comments have been deleted.

## Contributing

After receiving permission from Mark Kantrowitz, [Rigetti Computing]( has taken stewardship of the library. Questions and issues should be filed on GitHub [here](, and pull requests are welcome. The licensing terms are described in [`LICENSE.txt`](LICENSE.txt).

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