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Merge pull request #1 from ampolloreno/grover
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Added Grover's Algorithm, no tests yet
  • Loading branch information
willzeng committed Mar 23, 2017
2 parents eed6cc0 + aea67c0 commit 9e0dd20
Showing 1 changed file with 205 additions and 0 deletions.
205 changes: 205 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
"""Module for Grover's algorithm. Uses the quadratic n-qubit controlled gate decomposition from
Barenco et al. (1995): arXiv:quant-ph/9503016. This requires defining O(n) new gates, Makes use
of C. Lavor et al.'s (2003) decomposition of the diffusion operator into elemenary gates :
Future work should be done to minimize gate count. For instance, linear depth n-qubit Toffoli
gates see Saeedi and Pedram: arXiv:1303.3557. """
import pyquil.quil as pq
from pyquil.quilbase import Qubit
from pyquil.gates import H, X, Z, RZ, MEASURE, STANDARD_GATES
from scipy.linalg import sqrtm
import numpy as np

def n_qubit_control(controls, target, u, gate_name):
Returns a controlled u gate with n-1 controls.
Uses a number of gates quadratic in the number of qubits, and defines a linear number of new
gates. (Roots and adjoints of u.)
:param controls: The indices of the qubits to condition the gate on.
:param target: The index of the target of the gate.
:param u: The unitary gate to be controlled, given as a numpy array.
:param gate_name: The name of the gate u.
:return: The controlled gate.
def controlled_program_builder(controls, target, target_gate_name, target_gate,
zero_projection = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 0]])
one_projection = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1]])

control_true = np.kron(one_projection, target_gate)
control_false = np.kron(zero_projection, np.eye(2, 2))
control_root_true = np.kron(one_projection, sqrtm(target_gate))

controlled_gate = control_true + control_false
controlled_root_gate = control_root_true + control_false
assert np.isclose(controlled_gate,, controlled_root_gate)).all()

sqrt_name = "SQRT" + target_gate_name
adj_sqrt_name = "ADJ" + sqrt_name

# Initialize program and populate with gate information
p = pq.Program()
for gate_name, gate in ((target_gate_name, controlled_gate),
(sqrt_name, controlled_root_gate),
(adj_sqrt_name, np.conj(controlled_root_gate.T))):
if "C" + gate_name not in defined_gates:
p.defgate("C" + gate_name, gate)
defined_gates.add("C" + gate_name)

if len(controls) == 1:
p.inst(("C" + target_gate_name, controls[0], target))

p.inst(("C" + sqrt_name, controls[-1], target))
many_toff, new_defined_gates = controlled_program_builder(
controls[:-1], controls[-1], 'NOT', np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]]), set(defined_gates))
p += many_toff

p.inst(("C" + adj_sqrt_name, controls[-1], target))

# Don't redefine all of the gates.
many_toff.defined_gates = []
p += many_toff
many_root_toff, new_defined_gates = controlled_program_builder(
controls[:-1], target, sqrt_name, sqrtm(target_gate), set(defined_gates))
p += many_root_toff

return p, defined_gates

p = controlled_program_builder(controls, target, gate_name, u)[0]
return p

def diffusion_operator(qubits):
"""Constructs the (Grover) diffusion operator on qubits, assuming they are ordered from most
significant qubit to least significant qubit.
The diffusion operator is the diagonal operator given by(1, -1, -1, ..., -1).
:param qubits: A list of ints corresponding to the qubits to operate on. The operator
operates on bistrings of the form |qubits[0], ..., qubits[-1]>.
p = pq.Program()

if len(qubits) == 1:

p.inst(map(X, qubits))
p += n_qubit_control(qubits[:-1], qubits[-1], np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]]), "NOT")
p.inst(map(X, qubits))
return p

def grover(oracle, qubits, query_qubit, num_iter=None):
Implementation of Grover's Algorithm for a given oracle.
The query qubit will be left in the zero state afterwards.
:param oracle: An oracle defined as a Program. It should send |x>|q> to |x>|q \oplus f(x)>,
where |q> is a a query qubit, and the range of f is {0, 1}.
:param qubits: List of qubits for Grover's Algorithm. The last is assumed to be query for the
:param query_qubit: The qubit |q> that the oracle write its answer to.
:param num_iter: The number of iterations to repeat the algorithm for. The default is
:return: A program corresponding to the desired instance of Grover's Algorithm.
if len(qubits) < 1:
raise ValueError("Grover's Algorithm requires at least 1 qubits.")

if num_iter is None:
num_iter = int(round(np.pi * 2**(len(qubits) / 2.0 - 2.0)))

diff_op = diffusion_operator(qubits)
def_gates = oracle.defined_gates + diff_op.defined_gates
unique_gates = []
seen_names = set()
for gate in def_gates:
if not in seen_names:

many_hadamard = pq.Program().inst(map(H, qubits))
grover_iter = oracle + many_hadamard + diff_op + many_hadamard
# To prevent redefining gates, this is not the preferred way.
grover_iter.defined_gates = []

prog = pq.Program()
prog.defined_gates = unique_gates

# Initialize ancilla to be in the minus state

prog += many_hadamard
for _ in xrange(num_iter):
prog += grover_iter

# Move the ancilla back to the zero state
return prog

def basis_selector_oracle(bitstring, qubits, query_qubit):
Defines an oracle that selects the ith element of the computational basis.
Sends the state |x>|q> -> |x>|!q> if x==bitstring and |x>|q> otherwise.
:param bitstring: The desired bitstring, given as a string of ones and zeros. e.g. "101"
:param qubits: The qubits the oracle is called on, the last of which is the query qubit. The
qubits are assumed to be ordered from most significant qubit to least signicant qubit.
:param query_qubit: The qubit |q> that the oracle write its answer to.
:return: A program representing this oracle.
if len(qubits) != len(bitstring):
raise ValueError("The bitstring should be the same length as the number of qubits.")
if not isinstance(query_qubit, Qubit):
raise ValueError("query_qubit should be a single qubit.")
if not (isinstance(bitstring, str) and all([num in ('0', '1') for num in bitstring])):
raise ValueError("The bitstring must be a string of ones and zeros.")
prog = pq.Program()
for i, qubit in enumerate(qubits):
if bitstring[i] == '0':

prog += n_qubit_control(qubits, query_qubit, np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]]), 'NOT')

for i, qubit in enumerate(qubits):
if bitstring[i] == '0':
return prog

if __name__ == "__main__":
from pyquil.forest import Connection
import sys
target = sys.argv[1]
except IndexError:
raise ValueError("Enter a target bitstring for Grover's Algorithm.")

grover_program = pq.Program()
qubits = [grover_program.alloc() for _ in target]
query_qubit = grover_program.alloc()
oracle = basis_selector_oracle(target, qubits, query_qubit)
grover_program += grover(oracle, qubits, query_qubit)

# To instantiate the qubits in the program. This is just a temporary hack.
print grover_program
cxn = Connection()
mem = cxn.run_and_measure(grover_program, [q.index() for q in qubits])
print mem

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