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Measurement estimation (#139)
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* Estimating sets of pauli sums to fixed variance

Estimates the expected value of a linear combination of pauli terms to a
fixed variance on the estimator.  The variance of the pauli sum is
estimated by sample variance.  Example notebooks will be added later.
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ncrubin authored and ntezak committed Apr 2, 2018
1 parent 5c87c1d commit dfd8b77
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177 changes: 177 additions & 0 deletions grove/measurements/
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Utilities for estimating expected values of Pauli terms given pyquil programs
import numpy as np
from pyquil.paulis import (PauliSum, PauliTerm, commuting_sets, sI,
from pyquil.quil import Program
from pyquil.gates import RY, RX

class CommutationError(Exception):

def remove_imaginary_terms(pauli_sums):
Remove the imaginary component of each term in a Pauli sum
:param PauliSum pauli_sums: The Pauli sum to process.
:return: a purely hermitian Pauli sum.
:rtype: PauliSum
if not isinstance(pauli_sums, PauliSum):
raise TypeError("not a pauli sum. please give me one")
new_term = sI(0) * 0.0
for term in pauli_sums:
new_term += term_with_coeff(term, term.coefficient.real)

return new_term

def get_rotation_program(pauli_term):
Generate a rotation program so that the pauli term is diagonal
:param PauliTerm pauli_term: The Pauli term used to generate diagonalizing
one-qubit rotations.
:return: The rotation program.
:rtype: Program
meas_basis_change = Program()
for index, gate in pauli_term:
if gate == 'X':
meas_basis_change.inst(RY(-np.pi / 2, index))
elif gate == 'Y':
meas_basis_change.inst(RX(np.pi / 2, index))
elif gate == 'Z':
raise ValueError()

return meas_basis_change

def get_parity(pauli_terms, bitstring_results):
Calculate the eigenvalues of Pauli operators given results of projective measurements
The single-qubit projective measurement results (elements of
`bitstring_results`) are listed in physical-qubit-label numerical order.
An example:
Consider a Pauli term Z1 Z5 Z6 I7 and a collection of single-qubit
measurement results corresponding to measurements in the z-basis on qubits
{1, 5, 6, 7}. Each element of bitstring_results is an element of
:math:`\{0, 1\}^{\otimes 4}`. If [0, 0, 1, 0] and [1, 0, 1, 1]
are the two projective measurement results in `bitstring_results` then
this method returns a 1 x 2 numpy array with values [[-1, 1]]
:param List pauli_terms: A list of Pauli terms operators to use
:param bitstring_results: A list of projective measurement results. Each
element is a list of single-qubit measurements.
:return: Array (m x n) of {+1, -1} eigenvalues for the m-operators in
`pauli_terms` associated with the n measurement results.
:rtype: np.ndarray
max_weight_pauli_index = np.argmax(
[len(term.get_qubits()) for term in pauli_terms])
active_qubit_indices = sorted(
index_mapper = dict(zip(active_qubit_indices,

results = np.zeros((len(pauli_terms), len(bitstring_results)))

# convert to array so we can fancy index into it later.
# list() is needed to cast because we don't really want a map object
bitstring_results = list(map(np.array, bitstring_results))
for row_idx, term in enumerate(pauli_terms):
memory_index = np.array(list(map(lambda x: index_mapper[x],

results[row_idx, :] = [-2 * (sum(x[memory_index]) % 2) +
1 for x in bitstring_results]
return results

def estimate_pauli_sum(pauli_terms, basis_transform_dict, program,
variance_bound, quantum_resource,
Estimate the mean of a sum of pauli terms to set variance
The sample variance is calculated by
.. math::
\mathrm{Var}[\hat{\langle H \rangle}] = \sum_{i, j}h_{i}h_{j}
\mathrm{Cov}(\hat{\langle P_{i} \rangle}, \hat{\langle P_{j} \rangle})
:param pauli_terms: list of pauli terms to measure simultaneously or a
PauliSum object
:param basis_transform_dict: basis transform dictionary where the key is
the qubit index and the value is the basis to
rotate into. Valid basis is [I, X, Y, Z].
:param program: program generating a state to sample from
:param variance_bound: Bound on the variance of the estimator for the
PauliSum. Remember this is the SQUARE of the
standard error!
:param quantum_resource: quantum abstract machine object
:param Bool commutation_check: Optional flag toggling a safety check
ensuring all terms in `pauli_terms`
commute with each other
:return: estimated expected value, covariance matrix, variance of the
estimator, and the number of shots taken
if not isinstance(pauli_terms, (list, PauliSum)):
raise TypeError("pauli_terms needs to be a list or a PauliSum")

if isinstance(pauli_terms, PauliSum):
pauli_terms = PauliSum.terms

# check if each term commutes with everything
if commutation_check:
if len(commuting_sets(sum(pauli_terms))) != 1:
raise CommutationError("Not all terms commute in the expected way")

pauli_for_rotations = PauliTerm.from_list(
[(value, key) for key, value in basis_transform_dict.items()])
post_rotations = get_rotation_program(pauli_for_rotations)

coeff_vec = np.array(
list(map(lambda x: x.coefficient, pauli_terms))).reshape((-1, 1))

# upper bound on samples given by IV of arXiv:1801.03524
num_sample_ubound = int(np.ceil(np.sum(np.abs(coeff_vec))**2 / variance_bound))
results = None
sample_variance = np.infty
number_of_samples = 0
while (sample_variance > variance_bound and
number_of_samples < num_sample_ubound):
# note: bit string values are returned according to their listed order
# in run_and_measure. Therefore, sort beforehand to keep alpha numeric
tresults = quantum_resource.run_and_measure(
program + post_rotations,
trials=min(10000, num_sample_ubound))
number_of_samples += len(tresults)

parity_results = get_parity(pauli_terms, tresults)

# Note: easy improvement would be to update mean and variance on the fly
# instead of storing all these results.
if results is None:
results = parity_results
results = np.hstack((results, parity_results))

# calculate the expected values....
covariance_mat = np.cov(results)
sample_variance = / \

return, axis=1)), covariance_mat, \
sample_variance, results.shape[1]
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Tests for the estimation module
import pytest
from mock import Mock
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import bernoulli
from pyquil.paulis import sX, sY, sZ, sI, PauliSum, is_zero
from pyquil.quil import Program
from pyquil.gates import RY, RX
from pyquil.api import QVMConnection
from grove.measurements.estimation import (remove_imaginary_terms,

def test_imaginary_removal():
remove terms with imaginary coefficients from a pauli sum
test_term = 0.25 * sX(1) * sZ(2) * sX(3) + 0.25j * sX(1) * sZ(2) * sY(3)
test_term += -0.25j * sY(1) * sZ(2) * sX(3) + 0.25 * sY(1) * sZ(2) * sY(3)
true_term = 0.25 * sX(1) * sZ(2) * sX(3) + 0.25 * sY(1) * sZ(2) * sY(3)
assert remove_imaginary_terms(test_term) == true_term

test_term = (0.25 + 1j) * sX(0) * sZ(2) + 1j * sZ(2)
# is_identity in pyquil apparently thinks zero is identity
assert remove_imaginary_terms(test_term) == 0.25 * sX(0) * sZ(2)

test_term = 0.25 * sX(0) * sZ(2) + 1j * sZ(2)
assert remove_imaginary_terms(test_term) == PauliSum([0.25 * sX(0) * sZ(2)])

with pytest.raises(TypeError):

with pytest.raises(TypeError):

def test_rotation_programs():
Testing the generation of post rotations
test_term = sZ(0) * sX(20) * sI(100) * sY(5)
# note: string comparison of programs requires gates to be in the same order
true_rotation_program = Program().inst(
[RX(np.pi / 2)(5), RY(-np.pi / 2)(20)])
test_rotation_program = get_rotation_program(test_term)
assert true_rotation_program.out() == test_rotation_program.out()

def test_get_parity():
Check if our way to compute parity is correct
single_qubit_results = [[0]] * 50 + [[1]] * 50
single_qubit_parity_results = list(map(lambda x: -2 * x[0] + 1,

# just making sure I constructed my test properly
assert np.allclose(np.array([1] * 50 + [-1] * 50),

test_results = get_parity([sZ(5)], single_qubit_results)
assert np.allclose(single_qubit_parity_results, test_results[0, :])

brv1 = bernoulli(p=0.25)
brv2 = bernoulli(p=0.4)
n = 500
two_qubit_measurements = list(zip(brv1.rvs(size=n), brv2.rvs(size=n)))
pauli_terms = [sZ(0), sZ(1), sZ(0) * sZ(1)]
parity_results = np.zeros((len(pauli_terms), n))
parity_results[0, :] = [-2 * x[0] + 1 for x in two_qubit_measurements]
parity_results[1, :] = [-2 * x[1] + 1 for x in two_qubit_measurements]
parity_results[2, :] = [-2 * (sum(x) % 2) + 1 for x in

test_parity_results = get_parity(pauli_terms, two_qubit_measurements)
assert np.allclose(test_parity_results, parity_results)

def test_estimate_pauli_sum():
Full test of the estimation procedures
quantum_resource = QVMConnection()

# type checks
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
estimate_pauli_sum('5', {0: 'X', 1: 'Z'}, Program(), 1.0E-3,

with pytest.raises(CommutationError):
estimate_pauli_sum([sX(0), sY(0)], {0: 'X', 1: 'Z'}, Program(), 1.0E-3,

with pytest.raises(TypeError):
estimate_pauli_sum(sX(0), {0: 'X', 1: 'Z'}, Program(), 1.0E-3,

# mock out qvm
brv1 = bernoulli(p=0.25)
brv2 = bernoulli(p=0.4)
n = 500
two_qubit_measurements = list(zip(brv1.rvs(size=n), brv2.rvs(size=n)))
pauli_terms = [sZ(0), sZ(1), sZ(0) * sZ(1)]

fakeQVM = Mock(spec=QVMConnection())
fakeQVM.run_and_measure = Mock(return_value=two_qubit_measurements)
mean, cov, estimator_var, shots = estimate_pauli_sum(pauli_terms,
{0: 'Z', 1: 'Z'},
1.0E-1, fakeQVM)
parity_results = np.zeros((len(pauli_terms), n))
parity_results[0, :] = [-2 * x[0] + 1 for x in two_qubit_measurements]
parity_results[1, :] = [-2 * x[1] + 1 for x in two_qubit_measurements]
parity_results[2, :] = [-2 * (sum(x) % 2) + 1 for x in

assert np.allclose(np.cov(parity_results), cov)
assert np.isclose(np.sum(np.mean(parity_results, axis=1)), mean)
assert np.isclose(shots, n)
variance_to_beat = np.sum(cov) / n
assert np.isclose(variance_to_beat, estimator_var)

# Double the shots by ever so slightly decreasing variance bound
double_two_q_measurements = two_qubit_measurements + two_qubit_measurements
mean, cov, estimator_var, shots = estimate_pauli_sum(pauli_terms,
{0: 'Z', 1: 'Z'},
variance_to_beat - \
1.0E-8, fakeQVM)

parity_results = np.zeros((len(pauli_terms), 2 * n))
parity_results[0, :] = [-2 * x[0] + 1 for x in double_two_q_measurements]
parity_results[1, :] = [-2 * x[1] + 1 for x in double_two_q_measurements]
parity_results[2, :] = [-2 * (sum(x) % 2) + 1 for x in

assert np.allclose(np.cov(parity_results), cov)
assert np.isclose(np.sum(np.mean(parity_results, axis=1)), mean)
assert np.isclose(shots, 2 * n)
assert np.isclose(np.sum(cov) / (2 * n), estimator_var)

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Expand Up @@ -146,3 +146,4 @@ def test_term_grouping():
('Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y'): set(map(lambda x:, yyyy_terms))}
for key, value in clumped_terms.items():
assert set(map(lambda x:, clumped_terms[key])) == true_set[key]

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