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The purescript-fetch Guide

The purescript-fetch library facilitates three methods for making data fetching more efficient:

  1. Deduplication of fetches: fetching the resource twice will actually only fetch it once.
  2. Batching of fetches: fetches that are performed together will be merged into a single fetch.
  3. Caching of responses: longer-term reduction of fetches of the same resource.


purescript-fetch introduces three concepts that make these possible. Each will be discussed briefly.


Keys can be thought of as primary keys in a database: they uniquely identify part of a resource. Keys are used to route responses back to the actions that requested them. Keys are also used as keys in caches, and duplicate keys are eliminated to implement deduplication.


To purescript-fetch, a “resource” is a law-abiding instance of the Resource type class.

-- | A resource implements the fetching of data.
-- |
-- | Instances must satisfy the following laws in addition to the `Ord` laws:
-- |
-- | - Key preservation: `(true <$ _) = map (\m -> all (Map.member <@> m) ks) (resource ks)`
class Ord k <= Resource k r f | k r -> f where
  resource :: Set k -> f (Map k r)

In short: resource receives all the keys to fetch, fetches them, and returns a result for each key. It must not omit any of the keys in the result.

Caching is also implemented as a resource, by delegating to another resource for parts that are not yet or no longer cached.


The Fetch data type is used to combine fetches so that they can be deduplicated and fetched. It has an Applicative instance that implements this. Two functions are of interest here:

-- | A computation that fetches data for some key.
fetch ::  k r. Ord k => k -> Fetch k r r

-- | Perform a fetch computation with some resource in some context.
runFetch ::  k r f a. Resource k r f => Functor f => Fetch k r a -> f a