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Configure JPA entities programmatically. Inspired by .NET's Entity Framework fluent API for model configuration.


fluentmapper is a library which allows you to configure Jakarta Persistence API models not neither XML nor annotations - with a third, more sinister option - lambda expressions.

Utilizing runtime lambda expression bytecode analysis, fluentmapper accepts code-based model configuration classes in the form of classes implementing the EntityMapper interface, and transforms them into JPA compliant XML mappings, which can then be processed by the implementaiton of your liking.

Meaning, fluentmapper does not truly offer a third configuration option, merely a code-based, programmatic workaround for the configuration options the JPA offers.

...what do you mean "with lambda expressions"?

fluentmapper's used a domain-specific language based on the usage of lambda expressions, and/or method references, to configure the JPA mappings of entities. They are used to specify, or "select", an entity's field (via getter, or field access if you're feisty) to use in mapping configuration, providing a type-safe, Java code-based alternative to solutions offered by the JPA.

For example, you can configure a User model's username field to map to a column by the name of user_name by providing a lambda expression accessing this field to one of the mapping builders provided by the library.>user.getUsername())

Or, a more Java-geared solution would be using a method reference to the field's getter.

Referred to internally as simply expressions, these magical arrows make up the bulk of the builder API, and provides fluentmapper with the knowledge required to construct and output these mappings according to the entity they're intended for.

Usage guide

Building locally

To build fluentmapper and have it available in your local repo, run mvn clean install.

Declaring dependencies

To use fluentmapper in your project, you must declare a dependency on its API.


It's recommended to use the fluentmapper-maven-plugin in order to generate the mappings XML during the project's build, making sure it's available for the JPA implementation beforehand.


The fluentmapper-api artifact provides the interfaces to be used for configuring your entities, whereas the fluentmapper-maven-plugin will process these mapping classes into XML.

Creating your first mapping class

Now it's time to configure the mappings of your entity. In order to do so, you must create a new class to implement the EntityMapper interface, providing you with an instance of ModelBuilder to get your hands dirty. Or fingertips. Ideally neither, keep your keyboard clean.

Continuing our User entity example, we can create a UserMapping class to configure its JPA mappings.

public final class UserMapping implements EntityMapper<User> {

    public void configure(ModelBuilder<User> modelBuilder) {


Now, having access to an instance of ModelBuilder, we can start the configuration process. Let's specify what table our entity should map to, as well as the schema of the table.

public final class UserMapping implements EntityMapper<User> {

    public void configure(ModelBuilder<User> modelBuilder) {


Beautiful. Now let's map something more interesting. Our entity has a primary key, a JPA Id. We can specify which field corresponds to its primary key via the hasKey method.

public final class UserMapping implements EntityMapper<User> {

    public void configure(ModelBuilder<User> modelBuilder) {



This may look confusing at first, but it's rather simple concept - the User entity's id field is its primary key, which corresponds to the user_id column in its table representation. We provide fluentmapper with the id field via the User::getId method reference, which can alternatively also be expressed via lambda expression -

public final class UserMapping implements EntityMapper<User> {

    public void configure(ModelBuilder<User> modelBuilder) {

        modelBuilder.hasKey(user -> user.getId())


This expression can further be simplified if the id field is accessed directly. This of course, requires proper access be given to the field (usually public) which for encapsulation purposes is not usually recommended.

public final class UserMapping implements EntityMapper<User> {

    public void configure(ModelBuilder<User> modelBuilder) {

        // Looks great! But wouldn't recommend.
        modelBuilder.hasKey(user ->


Different builder API calls return different results - most of them return the same builder, so the mapping you're currently configuring can be further worked on, whereas others return different builders to answer the order in which they were called. In the above example, the ModelBuilder returns a KeyBuilder on call of hasKey, who then returns a ColumnBuilder on call of toColumn. Because a column has no nested mappings of its own, the ColumnBuilder won't return anything but itself, effectively limiting this method chain to itself. To configure something else, another chain has to be started.

Entity relationships

Let's configure something a bit more complicated. Unlike you, entities belong in relationships, and often find themselves entangled with one another. Our User entity has a many-to-many relationship with an Address entity, which can be expressed via this method chain -

public final class UserMapping implements EntityMapper<User> {

    public void configure(ModelBuilder<User> modelBuilder) {


Here we specify the many-to-many relationship between the User and Address entities. We use expressions to specify the fields in User and Address which realize this relationship code-side - the addresses and users fields respectively. For such a relationship to be realized, a junction table is necessary. This can also be configured by extending the call chain -

public final class UserMapping implements EntityMapper<User> {

    public void configure(ModelBuilder<User> modelBuilder) {
                .withForeignKey("users_addresses_user_id", "user_id")
                .withInverseForeignKey("users_addresses_address_id", 'address_id');


Here we provide the details regarding the table this relationship is realized on. A table called users_addresses is used to relate these two entities, whose foreign keys (and primary keys) refer to the user_id and address_id primary keys in the respective entities.

Notice how this relationship is bi-directional, as fields corresponding to the other related entity are present in both entities. By providing this mapping information, the User entity however, is declaring itself as the owner of this relationship. Kinky! 😳

fluentmapper also addresses the issues of relationship ownership and direction by providing APIs which explicitly, and sometimes implicitly, mark the owner of the relationship. In the User / Address example, the User takes on the owner role, leaving Address to simply specify its relationship as mapped by my related entity. This can be achieved in the mapping class of the entity.

public final class AddressMapping implements EntityMapper<Address> {

    public void configure(ModelBuilder<Address> modelBuilder) {


Calling isMapped is equivalent to saying this relationship is mapped by the appropriate field in the User entity, which fluentmapper knows to be the addresses field from previous method calls.

Next up is directionality. The previous example showcased a User / Address many-to-many relationship which was bidirectional. With a few modifications, this relationship can be configured to be unidirectional instead. For example, expecting the Address entity to keep a record of every User who lives on it is rather insane. So let's make this relationship unidirectional.

Because unidirectionality means the users field will be omitted from the Address entity, the User mapping file needs to be tweaked to accommodate this. Instead of specifying the field in Address which realizes this relationship, we provide... nothing.

public final class UserMapping implements EntityMapper<User> {

    public void configure(ModelBuilder<User> modelBuilder) {


The User entity remains the owner of the relationship, and the relationship is reduced to a unidirectional one.

...and congratulations! That's all you need to know fluentmapper's DSL and mapping syntax. Please refer to the javadoc to access info on all the available mappings currently configurable via fluentmapper.

Generating the XML

Code-based configuration is not a thing in JPA. Therefore, we need to translate these class files into something archaic I mean different and understandable by the JPA implementation consuming them. This is where the plugin comes in.

Before the plugin can be executed, your mapping classes should be put inside a package of your choice. This is important, as you need to provide this information to the plugin in its configuration.


Now, all that's left to do is compile your project with mvn compile or execute the goal directly via mvn fluentmapper:generate-mappings and an orm.xml file will be generated in your build output's META-INF folder.


Configure JPA entities programmatically. Inspired by EFCore's fluent API for model configuration.







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