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Unit testing


This library is fully unit-tested and does not have any special dependency, however, you can run unit test if you wish. It is mainly useful when you fork the library and want to improve something.

The source code contains everything you need to run the tests, but it is optimized for using it in PHPStorm with Docker. Using the custom Docker-based PHP interpreter and PHPUnit script you can test the source code with multiple PHP versions and compatible PHPUnit versions.

These scripts are based on the following information:

PHP 5.6 is the oldest PHP version supported by the Library, but only because the project started in 2017 without releasing a stable version so I kept the compatibility in the first stable release and I will drop it in the next release.


Installing Docker is required if you want to use the custom PHP interpreters which are based on Docker containers. You can follow the official documentation to install Docker. If you would like to read a short explanation about the variant of Docker check out the Install Docker in my "Learn Docker" tutorial.

Custom PHP interpreters

  • ./php/bin/ Wrapper script to run a container for any supported PHP version. It also contains some logic for running PHPUnit with customized configuration files and parameters. The first parameter of the script is the major and minor part of the PHP version and the rest of the parameters are the parameters of the PHP interpreter.

    ./php/bin/ 8.2 --version
  • ./php/bin/php-<PHP_VERSION>.sh: Wrapper scripts for configured in PHPStorm as PHP interpreters.

  • ./php/bin/ A special interpreter which runs the command with each custom PHP interpreter. Using this script you can see the test result for each PHP version where the test suite name contains the version number.

  • ./php/bin/phpunit.php: This PHP script runs inside the container of the PHP interpreter and changes some of the parameters which was not handled in It is responsible for downloading a compatible version of PHPUnit as a PHP Archive (phar).

Then run the following command to test in terminal:

./php/bin/ "$PWD/php/bin/phpunit.php" --configuration phpunit.xml

It actually doesn't matter what you pass as configuration file. It is just a placeholder so phpunit.php can replace it with the required and compatible configuration file. phpunit.php however must be written as is, because the interpreter will compare it with an expected value to add PHPUnit-related arguments.

At the end, every line should be tested. If you are not sure if it happened, use code coverage.

./php/bin/ "$PWD/php/bin/phpunit.php" --configuration phpunit.xml --coverage-clover "$PWD/phpunit.clover"


Starting the path of the coverage file with $PWD or $(pwd) is important, since it will be recognized by the custom php interpreters and mounted into the containers so as a bind mount, the source path must be absolute.

If you want to run coverage test using PHP 5.6, you need to add an extra parameter to enable code coverage.

./php/bin/ -dxdebug.coverage_enable=1 "$PWD/php/bin/phpunit.php" --configuration phpunit.xml --coverage-clover "$PWD/phpunit.coverage.xml"

You can also use the PHPStorm GUI to run these tests, although PHP 5.6 unit test is not compatible with the latest PHPStorm. You can see the result in the terminal of the unit test, but code coverage works with PHP 5.6 as well.

Downloading the base image and installing the necessary extensions can be slow. It can be a good idea to run a simple php command before the actual test just for downloading the base images and building the local image:

./php/bin/ --version

This custom interpreters was created to use with PHPStorm. PHPStorm supports to choose Docker container as interpreter, but in that case, you could would need much more manual configurations. These custom interpreters can be set as local interpreters and will give the same output as any PHP interpreter would do.