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What is Atrrition?

A common attrition rate definition refers to staff or employee turnover, but in a broader sense atrrition rate is a calculation of the number of individuals or items that vacate or move out of a larger, collective group that can be an organization over a specified time frame.

Details of The Project

The project is divided into three parts : - Building a machine learning model to predict attrition among employees. - We build a web app on Django to mount the prediction model. - We deploy the Django project on Heroku through Github.

Machine Learning Model

We start of with building a machine learning model (we actually use 3 models and compare which is the best) and train that model using the attrition rate dataset having 900 datapoints.

Modules Used

  • ✓ asgiref==3.3.4
  • ✓ click==7.1.2
  • ✓ Django==2.1
  • ✓ gunicorn==20.1.0
  • ✓ joblib==1.0.1
  • ✓ nltk==3.6.2
  • ✓ numpy==1.20.2
  • ✓ pandas==1.2.4
  • ✓ psycopg2==2.8.6
  • ✓ python-dateutil==2.8.1
  • ✓ pytz==2021.1
  • ✓ regex==2021.4.4
  • ✓ scikit-learn==0.24.2
  • ✓ scipy==1.6.3
  • ✓ six==1.15.0
  • ✓ sklearn==0.0
  • ✓ sqlparse==0.4.1
  • ✓ threadpoolctl==2.1.0
  • ✓ tqdm==4.60.0
  • ✓ typing-extensions==
  • ✓ whitenoise==5.2.0


Works on Python 3+ (make an issue if you really need Python 2)

pip install -r -requirements.txt

It will install all the dependencies


For demo of the Application you can visit the Link