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Chapter 3

Configuring JdbcUserDetailsManager and BCrypt Password Encoder with an endpoint to add user to database



Add depenendencies

  • web, spring security, mysql connector java, spring data jdbc starter

Create a controller with get end point returning a String

  • controller package -> HelloController -> Get Request

Create config classes

  • ProjectConfig
    • Declare UserDetailsService bean returning null and PasswordEncoder bean returning no op.

NOTE: UserDetailsManager

  • UserDetailsManager:
    • Needed when you have to do operations other than find on users (create/update/delete)
    • Extends UserDetailsService which has single method - loadUserByUsername

NOTE: JdbcUserDetailsManager

  • Directly uses jdbc (no need for hibernate) as object
  • Just provide the data source and this class already has all the queries for default table
  • To use it we just have to create tables defined by the object nad provide a data source

Configure JdbcUserDetailsManager

  • Return JdbcUserDetailsManager in ProjectConfig class.
  • You will have to inject data source
  • Create a datasource bean in the ProjectConfig class
    • Add spring-boot-starter-jdb dependency
    • Create datasource bean: Do DriverManagerDataSource and set url(jdbc:mysql://localhost/ss_chapter3), username and password and return the data source.
  • Create tables in mysql
    • Create users table with columns username varchar PK, NN, password TEXT, enabled INT (Not used in this example)
    • Create authorities with id PK, NN, AI, username varchar, authority varchar
    • Add a user : john, 12345, 1. Add authority for john, read ,1 ; john, write, 2

Run application and test it

  • localhost:8080/hello with basic auth: john, 12345 => 200 OK

Create a new PasswordEncoder

  • Used to hash your password
  • Return an instance of BCryptPasswordEncoder
  • Delete record with password as plain text from users and authorities

Create a user model

  • username, password
  • implement UserDetails and implement all the needed methods

Create user via a new endpoint (/user)

  • Add a PostMapping. As we are using post, spring expects a CSRF token. Disable the protection using
  • Accept user via post (@RequestMapping)
  • Inject JdbcUserDetailsManager (return the same in ProjectConfig userDetailsService bean) as userDetailsManager and do a create user using createUser(User)

Post request fails as auth is enabled

  • Post with {"username": "john", "password": "12345"}

Fix CSRF issue by disabling it and try using addUser again

  • in project config extend WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter and implement configure method
  • http.httpBasic()
  • http.csrf().disable()
  • http.authorizeRequests().mvcMatchers("/user").permitAll().anyRequest().authenticated()
    • Allow any request at /user
    • Ideally should be done for admin role user only
  • Now the request works
  • user is now created in database tables

Including password encoder

  • In controller, autowire password encoder and call encode method on get password
  • Now hitting the controller will include user with encoded password
  • NOTE: you cannot convert hash back to plain text. For same password, hash would be different. Try it out by adding new user with same password
  • Now hello endpoint would authenticate and work. Password encoder can validate plain text vs. hashed password