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nguyenmp edited this page Mar 8, 2012 · 3 revisions

Content: reddits


path description
/ Returns the subreddits that make up the default front page of reddit. Same as /popular/.
/popular/ Returns the subreddits that make up the default front page of reddit. Same as /.
/new/ Returns the newly created subreddits
/mine/ Returns the subreddits the currently logged in user subscribes to. Requires cookie be set in request header.
/mine/subscriber/ Returns the subreddits the currently logged in user subscribes to. Requires cookie be set in request header.
/mine/contributor/ Returns the subreddits the currently logged in user is an approved submitter on. Requires cookie be set in request header.
/mine/moderator/ Returns the subreddits the currently logged in user is a moderator of. Requires cookie be set in request header.

Returned information can be formatted into templates. Append a format extension such as .json or .xml to the path in order to retrieve a JSON or XML object instead.

How To Use

Submit a GET to

Submit a GET to with reddit_session set in the cookie request properties.

You can format the infomation by appending a format extension such as .json or .xml to the path in order to retrieve a JSON or XML object instead.

Example Response

If the reddit_session cookie is not present in the request, the page will serve a 302 Moved Temporarily status code, and redirect to That page will return the following:


Otherwise, the API will return something like the following about the subreddits the currently logged in user subscribes to.

    "kind": "Listing",
    "data": {
        "modhash": "f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0",
        "children": [
                "kind": "t5",
                "data": {
                    "display_name": "Ubuntu",
                    "name": "t5_2qh62",
                    "title": "Ubuntu: Linux for Human Beings",
                    "url": "/r/Ubuntu/",
                    "created": 1201269320.0,
                    "created_utc": 1201269320.0,
                    "over18": false,
                    "subscribers": 16259,
                    "id": "2qh62",
                    "description": "**News for the Ubuntu Linux distribution**\n\nNote that this subreddit is intended primarily for news and information, **not tech support**. If you are in need of support, try one of the following sites:\n\n* [Official Ubuntu Documentation](\n\n* [Official Ubuntu Forums](\n\n* [Ubuntu Manual](\n\n* [/r/LinuxQuestions](\n\n* [Ask Ubuntu](\n\n* [#ubuntu on](\n\n\nAdditionally, feel free to message us if your (non-spam!) link/post is accidentally trapped in our **spam filter**, and we'll sort it out."
                "kind": "t5",
                "data": {
                    "display_name": "UniversityofReddit",
                    "name": "t5_2rqj9",
                    "title": "University of Reddit",
                    "url": "/r/UniversityofReddit/",
                    "created": 1273206076.0,
                    "created_utc": 1273206076.0,
                    "over18": false,
                    "subscribers": 12092,
                    "id": "2rqj9",
                    "description": "##**When we say you can teach anything, we mean anything!**\n\n* [Read our FAQ](\n\n* [View course offerings](\n\n* [Create a class](\n\n* [Follow us on Twitter](\n\n* [Like us on Facebook](\n\n* Join us on IRC - #universityofreddit\n\nCheck out some of our friends at [/r/DepthHub](, [/r/MethodHub](, [/r/LanguageLearning](, and [/r/food2]("
                "kind": "t5",
                "data": {
                    "display_name": "chrome",
                    "name": "t5_2qlz9",
                    "title": "Chrome",
                    "url": "/r/chrome/",
                    "created": 1220310943.0,
                    "created_utc": 1220310943.0,
                    "over18": false,
                    "subscribers": 4452,
                    "id": "2qlz9",
                    "description": "All about developments relating to Google's web browser. Post links, ask questions & discuss Chrome-related subjects.\n\nDo not post to blogs that are simply re-hosting information ripped off from another site. Please post directly to original source where possible.\n\n[**Essential Chrome Extensions**](\n\nFor other Google related posts, try [**/r/Google**](, [**/r/Chromium**]( and [**/r/Android**](\n\n####Questions? Problems? Submission not showing up? Spot a spammer or a troll? Message the mods and we will look into it ASAP."
                "kind": "t5",
                "data": {
                    "display_name": "redditdev",
                    "name": "t5_2qizd",
                    "title": "Reddit Development",
                    "url": "/r/redditdev/",
                    "created": 1213802177.0,
                    "created_utc": 1213802177.0,
                    "over18": false,
                    "subscribers": 2152,
                    "id": "2qizd",
                    "description": "A reddit for discussion of reddit API clients and the reddit source code.\n\n* [Get the code on github!](\n* [Join the mailing list](\n* [Harass us on IRC: `#reddit-dev` on]( (you can PM `spladug` if we're not in the channel: we're usually at least signed on)\n\n\nPlease please please confine discussion to reddit code instead of using this as a soapbox to talk to the admins. In particular, use [/r/ideasfortheadmins](/r/ideasfortheadmins) for feature ideas and [/r/bugs](/r/bugs) for bugs unless you're planning to write a patch. If you have general reddit questions, try [/r/help](/r/help)."
        "after": null,
        "before": null

API Reference: mine.json

  • ###kind (string)

    The type of thing (see glossary on the API page) this is, which translates to Listing.

  • data (object)

    Holds relevant subreddit data.

    • modhash (string)

      The user's modhash (see glossary on the API page)

    • children (array)

      An array that holds an object for each subreddit that the currently logged in user is subscribed to, if any.

      • kind (string)

        The type of thing (see glossary on the API page) this is, which translates to Subreddit.

      • data (object)

        Holds relevant subreddit data

        • display_name (string)

          The name of the subreddit as found in the subreddit's URL, header, and sidebar.

        • name (string)

          The FULLNAME (see glossary on the API page) of the subreddit.

        • title (string)

          The title of the subreddit as found in the subreddit's <title> tag.

        • url (string)

          The relative URL to the subreddit.

        • created (number)

          This is the unix time that the subreddit was created in the currently logged in user's time zone?.

        • created_utc (number)

          This is the unix time that the subreddit was created in UTC.

        • over18 (boolean)

          Indicates whether the subreddit has been marked as NSFW.

        • subscribers (number)

          The number of subscribers the subreddit currently has.

        • id (string)

          The subreddit's id36 (see glossary on the API page). This is only used internally**, right?**.

        • description (string)

          The description of the subreddit, as written by its moderators, formatted in reddit flavored markdown. Newlines are escaped as \n.

    • after ([null, string])

      If not null, it is the FULLNAME (see glossary on the API page) of the subreddit previous to the first one in children if what the API returns is paginated. However, mine.json does not seem to paginate things, so the API will always return null.

    • ###before ([null, string])

      If not null, it is the FULLNAME (see glossary on the API page) of the subreddit after the last one in children if what the API returns is paginated. However, mine.json does not seem to paginate things, so the API will always return null.