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Getting started guide

This guide describes step-by-step instructions for running a full example of training a neural network on a LTR task.

Data loading


PyTorchLTR provides utilities to automatically download and prepare several public LTR datasets. We do not host or distribute these datasets and it is ultimately your responsibility to determine whether you have permission to use each dataset under its respective license.

The first step is loading the dataset. For this guide we will use the MSLR-WEB10K dataset which is a learning to rank dataset containing 10,000 queries split across a training (60%), validation (20%) and test (20%) split. We will use the first fold of the dataset. The following code will automatically download the dataset if it has not yet been downloaded. Downloading and processing the data can take a few minutes.

>>> from pytorchltr.datasets import MSLR10K
>>> train = MSLR10K(split="train", fold=1)
>>> test = MSLR10K(split="test", fold=1)

A complete list of available datasets is available here <datasets>.

Building a scoring function

Next, we will set up a scoring function. For this guide we will use a simple feedforward neural network with ReLU activation functions. This network will, given a query-document feature vector, predict a score as output.

>>> import torch
>>> class Model(torch.nn.Module):
>>>   def __init__(self, in_features):
>>>     super().__init__()
>>>     self.l1 = torch.nn.Linear(in_features, 50)
>>>     self.l2 = torch.nn.Linear(50, 10)
>>>     self.l3 = torch.nn.Linear(10, 1)
>>>   def forward(self, x):
>>>     o1 = torch.nn.functional.relu(self.l1(x))
>>>     o2 = torch.nn.functional.relu(self.l2(o1))
>>>     return self.l3(o2)

With our model class defined, we can now create an instance. We can use the train dataset to extract the dimensionality of the input feature vectors and create a model instance.

>>> torch.manual_seed(42)
>>> dimensionality = train[0].features.shape[1]
>>> model = Model(dimensionality)

Training the model

Next, we will train the model using a basic training loop. First we set up the loss function and optimizer. For this example we will use a simple pairwise hinge loss. More information about the available loss functions can be found here <loss>.

>>> from pytorchltr.loss import PairwiseHingeLoss
>>> optimizer = torch.optim.Adagrad(model.parameters(), lr=0.1)
>>> loss_fn = PairwiseHingeLoss()

Next, we will implement the actual training loop which will run for 20 epochs. We use a collate function with a maximum list size of 20 to truncate the list of each training instance to a maximum of 20 items. This will significantly speed up the training process for pairwise losses which have a computational complexity that is quadratic in the list size.

>>> for epoch in range(1, 21):
>>>   loader =
>>>     train, batch_size=16, shuffle=True,
>>>     collate_fn=train.collate_fn(max_list_size=20))
>>>   for batch in loader:
>>>     xs, ys, n = batch.features, batch.relevance, batch.n
>>>     loss = loss_fn(model(xs), ys, n).mean()
>>>     optimizer.zero_grad()
>>>     loss.backward()
>>>     optimizer.step()
>>>   print("Finished epoch %d" % epoch)
Finished epoch 1
Finished epoch 2
Finished epoch 3
Finished epoch 4
Finished epoch 5
Finished epoch 6
Finished epoch 7
Finished epoch 8
Finished epoch 9
Finished epoch 10
Finished epoch 11
Finished epoch 12
Finished epoch 13
Finished epoch 14
Finished epoch 15
Finished epoch 16
Finished epoch 17
Finished epoch 18
Finished epoch 19
Finished epoch 20

Evaluating the trained model

Finally we will evaluate the model using ndcg@10 on the test set. To do so we iterate over the test set in batches and compute ndcg@10 on each batch. To compute the average ndcg@10 on the test set we take the sum of all scores and finally divide by the length of the test set.

>>> from pytorchltr.evaluation import ndcg
>>> loader =
>>>   test, batch_size=16, collate_fn=test.collate_fn())
>>> final_score = 0.0
>>> for batch in loader:
>>>   xs, ys, n = batch.features, batch.relevance, batch.n
>>>   ndcg_score = ndcg(model(xs), ys, n, k=10)
>>>   final_score += float(torch.sum(ndcg_score))

>>> print("ndcg@10 on test set: %f" % (final_score / len(test)))
ndcg@10 on test set: 0.448297

Additional information about available evaluation metrics and how to integrate with pytrec_eval can be found here <evaluation>.