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File metadata and controls

79 lines (60 loc) · 4.03 KB


A comfy way convert Markdown to (PDF|HTML|whatever) using pandoc and make.

If you write in Markdown, pandoc is extremely helpful for converting the source to a more generally useful form. However, the default workflow is a bit of a hassle: you probably want to use a modified template, there are a lot of command line switches to remember, and sometimes a lot of intermediate files cluttering up the directory. There are other scripts and tools that attempt to fix this, but I wanted something more minimal that still leaves ample room for customization.


  1. Copy makedown/Makefile to the directory you'll be working in.
  1. Modify the Makefile as desired.
  2. Run make initialize to create directories for source, build, and output.
    • The source directory is where you should store your Markdown documents as .md files.
    • The output directory will contain the generated PDFs.
    • build is used for the build process, to ensure separation between source/output files and any intermediate files that get generated.
  3. Run make pdfs.


See the ./example directory, where you will be treated to a first-person account of a README generating a PDF of itself and other paranormal happenings.


Everything's specified in the Makefile, so if you want to change what directories to process or add/remove options for pandoc, then that's where you should make your changes.

If you want to use a custom template, you need to modify the Makefile so that it knows where it's located. For convenience, I've added rules for downloading the templates provided by the author of pandoc, as well as my own slightly customized versions of the same. They can be acquired via make download-pandoc-templates and make download-cool-templates, respectively.


  • You should already have pandoc and make available, otherwise this is probably all very confusing.
  • You should also have a TeX engine (like pdflatex or xelatex) available and located where pandoc can find it.
  • I'm assuming you have other standard shell utilities available as well (sed and wget for example), but these are currently only used for displaying help messages and downloading supporting files if needed.
  • (Optional): For rebuilding on file changes, you can install entr and then run make watch.


Asides from enforcing a reasonably tidy directory structure, all this really does is wrap some commands that I frequently forget, with options that I find myself constantly looking up, using templates I constantly copy from folder to folder.

I like my files to look a certain way, but typing out:

pandoc  +RTS -K512m -RTS \
 --to pdf \
--from markdown+yaml_metadata_block+autolink_bare_uris-auto_identifiers+tex_math_single_backslash+raw_attribute+header_attributes \
--highlight-style tango \
--pdf-engine xelatex --strip-comments \
--metadata date="`date "+%B %e, %Y"`" \
-V graphics=yes \
-V fontsize=12pt \
--output README.pdf \

every time is a bit wearying.


  • Generate HTML files in addition to PDFs.
  • Make the "cool" templates cooler.
    • Particularly the preamble.
  • Automate creating new source files with YAML header
  • Is there a better way to do help messages?
  • Should I use latexmk or does that introduce too much complication?
  • Automate tests
    • Does it generate the expected results?
    • Does the make watch aspect function correctly if the input has errors?
  • Recurse through subdirectories looking for .md files
    • Option for whether to produce outputs in flat directory or to preserve directory structure.
  • Create a rule for updating the Makefile itself from the source repo
  • Create a rule in the Makefile for changing the Makefile template paths
  • Maybe ensure the default is CommonMark