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Translates MongoDB query filters into sentences. Supports nested properties, custom field labeling, and custom locales. The result is an array of translated text for each field.



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Mongo Translate

Translates MongoDB query filters into sentences. Supports nested properties, custom field labeling, and custom locales. Contributions to support more locales is appreciated (currently only EN-US is supported). The result is an array of translated text for each field.

Table of Contents

v2 Changes

  • The args for the translate method have changed. It should now be called with a valid MongoDB query filter as the first argument followed by a config object that includes the labels and locale to use.
  • Improved translation for various data types.
  • Regex detection is still minimal but improved.
  • The module now exposes the reduce method which is used in the translate method but can now be called directly. This method reduces the depth of an object to 1.


npm i -S mongo-translate


// Import mongo-translate
const mongoTranslate = require('mongo-translate');

// Query Filter Sample
const filter = {
  name: {
    $regex: '/^test/i'
  type: {
    $ne: 'TEST'
  organization: {
    $eq: 'TEST'
  tags: {
    $all: ['TEST', 'ALL']
  category: {
    $in: ['TEST', 'IN']
  time: {
    $gt: '2021-01-01',
    $lte: '2021-01-31'
  count: {
    $gte: 10,
    $lt: 20
  metrics: {
    total: 1, // no operator $eq
    keys: { $in: ['nested'] },
    data: {
      nested: { $eq: 1 }

// Custom Field Labels
const labels = {
  name: 'Name',
  type: 'Type',
  organization: 'Organization',
  tags: 'Tags',
  category: 'Category',
  time: 'Date/Time',
  count: 'Count',
  '': 'Metrics Total',
  'metrics.keys': 'Metrics Keys',
  '': 'Metrics Data Nested'

// Translate MongoDB query filter
mongoTranslate.translate(filter, {
  locale: 'enus'

/* Output
  'Name is like [ ^test ]',
  'Type is not equal to [ TEST ]',
  'Organization is equal to [ TEST ]',
  'Tags includes all [ TEST, ALL ]',
  'Category includes [ TEST, IN ]',
  'Date/Time is greater than [ 12/31/2020, 6:00:00 PM ]',
  'Date/Time is less than or equal to [ 1/30/2021, 6:00:00 PM ]',
  'Count is greater than or equal to [ 10 ]',
  'Count is less than [ 20 ]',
  'Metrics Total is equal to [ 1 ]',
  'Metrics Keys includes [ nested ]',
  'Metrics Data Nested is equal to [ 1 ]'


Property Type Required Description
filter Object Yes MongoDB query filter
labels Object No Key:Value pairs where the Key matches an expected field or path in the MongoDB query filter, and the Value is a String to use in place of it
locale String No The locale to use when translating the query filter. Defaults to en-us (English - United States) if missing or invalid

IMPORTANT - Not providing a label for any field that appears in the query filter will result in the path being used. If the field is nested, it will use dot notation (e.g. parent.nested-field).

Custom Locale

If the supported locale(s) are not sufficient, it is possible to use a custom one. Adding a custom locale with the same name of an existing locale will overwrite the existing one.

IMPORTANT - Each supported query filter operator (e.g. $gt, $lt, ...) should be defined in the custom locale. Be sure to include {value} where the query filter's field value should show up in the text.

In the example below, the name of the custom locale is custom but it could be anything (e.g. sarcastic, lame, hopeful, sullen).

// Import mongo-translate
const mongoTranslate = require('mongo-translate');

// Define custom locale
const customLocale = {
  $gt: 'CUSTOM GT LOCALE {value}',
  $gte: 'CUSTOM GTE LOCALE {value}',
  $lt: 'CUSTOM LT LOCALE {value}',
  $lte: 'CUSTOM LTE LOCALE  {value}',
  $in: 'CUSTOM IN LOCALE {value}',
  $nin: 'CUSTOM NIN LOCALE {value}',
  $all: 'CUSTOM ALL LOCALE {value}',
  $eq: 'CUSTOM EQ LOCALE {value}',
  $ne: 'CUSTOM NE LOCALE {value}',
  $regex: 'CUSTOM REGEX LOCALE {value}',
// Add custom locale to the mongo-translate's locales
mongoTranslate.locales.custom = customLocale;

const filter = {...}; // same as defined in Usage
const labels = {...}; // same as defined in Usage

// Translate MongoDB query filter
    locale: 'custom'

/* Output
  'Name CUSTOM REGEX LOCALE [ ^test ]',
  'Organization CUSTOM EQ LOCALE [ TEST ]',
  'Category CUSTOM IN LOCALE [ TEST, IN ]',
  'Date/Time CUSTOM GT LOCALE [ 12/31/2020, 6:00:00 PM ]',
  'Date/Time CUSTOM LTE LOCALE  [ 1/30/2021, 6:00:00 PM ]',
  'Count CUSTOM GTE LOCALE [ 10 ]',
  'Count CUSTOM LT LOCALE [ 20 ]',
  'Metrics Total CUSTOM EQ LOCALE [ 1 ]',
  'Metrics Keys CUSTOM IN LOCALE [ nested ]',
  'Metrics Data Nested CUSTOM EQ LOCALE [ 1 ]'


const obj = {
  propA: 1,
  propB: {
    nestedPropA: 1,
    nestedPropB: ['a', 'b', 'c']
  propC: [{propA: 1, propB: 2}, {propA: 1, propB: 2}]

// Reduce without reducing arrays

/* Output
  propA: 1,
  'propB.nestedPropA': 1,
  'propB.nestedPropB': [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ],
  propC: [ { propA: 1, propB: 2 }, { propA: 1, propB: 2 } ]


Translates MongoDB query filters into sentences. Supports nested properties, custom field labeling, and custom locales. The result is an array of translated text for each field.







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