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We broke our goals down into several tasks we needed to perform:

  • Use computer vision to detect the lane markers and return the waypoints.
  • Use computer vision to detect the object and return the bounding boxes.
  • Implement an MPC controller and control barrier functions(CBF) to follow the track and avoid obstacles.
  • Implement a traction control algorithm to maximize vehicle traction and acceleration.

Hardware Architecture

We began with the Robot Open Autonomous Racing (ROAR) platform developed by researchers at UC Berkeley. Based around a Traxxas RC car, the platform utilizes an NVIDIA Jetson Nano as its central processing unit. The Jetson Nano receives vision data from a RealSense D435i camera mounted on the front of the car and wheel speed data from an Arduino Nano connected to wheel encoders we designed. It takes these inputs and processes the optimal control, ultimately sending PWM commands to a Traxxas XL-5 electronic speed controller (ESC) that then drives the motor.

Software Architecture

Our software relies on the wheel velocities from the wheel encoders and the image and depth data from the RealSense camera. Our LQR controller relies on waypoints generated by the vision algorithms, bounding boxes for obstacles, and wheel velocities. Given this information, it generates the appropriate MotorPWM and SteeringPWM values. The MotorPWM is an input to the traction controller along with the wheel velocities to determine slip. The traction controller outputs the final MotorPWM for the ESC and the previously generated SteeringPWM is given to the ESC to drive the steering actuator.




  • An Intel RealSense D435i RGB-D camera is used to estimate coordinates of desired waypoints to send to the controller.
  • Custom designed wheel encoders are used to independently estimate the velocity of all four wheels as well as the car's overall velocity.


  • After input data is processed on the Jetson Nano, PWM commands are sent to control:
    • The drive motor
    • The servo motor for steering

Lane Tracking

Design Criteria

  • The lane tracking algorithm must generate three stable waypoints on the lane for the car to navigate.
  • The algorithm must be robust and in real time for the control algorithms.

Main Challenges

  • The algorithm can easily influenced by noisy pixels coming from other objects that are colored similarly to our lane.
  • It can be difficult to extract the outliers of the lane once noise is introduced.
  • Waypoints may shift out of the lane which leads the car to run off the track.
  • Image processing needs to be in real time.

Method Design

  • A filter based on HSV space was used to extract the line pixels from raw images.
  • Our waypoint algorithm utilizes the biggest connected component in order to remove extra noise.
  • Two methods are used to obtain the waypoints:
    • The outlines of the lane are extracted using Hough line detection based on edges generated by Canny edge detection. The middle line is then obtained by averaging the two lines. Finally, we get three way points in the line.
    • Fix three y-coordinates, then average the x coordinates to get three way points.
  • A RealSense API based on the camera parameters is then used to translate the 2D waypoints into 3D space which can be directly used by the LQR controller.

Object Detection

Design Criteria

  • The object detection algorithm must be able to detect objects in front of the vehicle of any size.
  • Similar to the lane detection algorithm, it must be robust and run in real time to support the control algorithms.
  • It must also generate the 3D coordinates of each object it detects.


There were originally two possible design choices, one using a trained neural net to detect objects, and a second that would use the depth data and perform image segmentation to determine objects in the image. We decided to use the second approach. This involved getting depth data from the RealSense camera and filtering the pixels based on the depth of each pixel. After performing filtering, the algorithm would need to determine bounding boxes for any remaining pixels and then filter those boxes to determine what objects actually exist.

Tradeoffs/Design Choices

When deciding between the two options, there were a couple of tradeoffs to consider. With the neural net based approach, this would require gathering a large number of images and labeling the images so that the model could detect objects. The model would also determine more information than we needed, such as what type of object it found. Performing inference with this model would likely require more time and power, slowing down the speed of the control algorithms. However, this approach would likely be more robust in situations with different lighting and would have fewer false positives compared to the depth data/image segmentation approach.

The image segmentation approach was significantly more efficient than the neural net model in terms of both creating the algorithm and running the algorithm. We only needed a few images to test and tune our algorithm, and it ran fairly quickly since we used OpenCV which was optimized for speed. The tasks and filtering were also simpler to perform so it was more efficient. One tradeoff was the robustness of the algorithm, the depth data was prone to having patches of pixels with incorrect depths. For example, some patches of the ground were given a depth of 0.6 meters, while the rest of the ground had a depth of 0 meters. This caused some incorrect bounding boxes to be create, but additional tuning and filtering would remove most of those issues. Since speed was a significant criteria, and a majority of the tradeoffs could be managed, we decided the approach using depth data and image segmentation would be the best approach for object detection.

In both cases, we relied on the RealSense API to generate 3D coordinates from the bounding boxes.

Wheel Encoders

Design Criteria

  • The encoders must be able to accurately and consistently estimate the velocity of the four wheels independently.
  • They must be designed so that an off-the-shelf Traxxas RC car can be retrofitted with them with as little modification as possible.
  • The velocities of the wheels must be calculated on-board an Arduino Nano.


The wheel encoders were primarily designed to be rapidly prototyped and custom built using a 3D printer, in-house. 4 digital line sensors were used as the basis for the encoder system. One line sensor was mounted on the suspension system near each wheel and pointed outward towards an encoder disk printed in white PLA, with alternating sections colored black to trigger the line sensor when the wheel is rotated. This signal is sent to an Arduino Nano mounted on a break-out board that registers these signals and uses the time between subsequent signals to measure the velocity of each wheel. The values are then averaged to estimate the overall body velocity of the car. These values are then passed through a three-step, weighted moving average filter that smooths erroneous readings but still weighs the calculated value toward the latest estimate. Finally the four wheel velocities and the body velocity are sent to the Jetson Nano for use in the PID, LQR, and traction controllers.

Main Challenges

The primary challenge in this part of the project was balancing the first two design criteria above. The encoders were originally designed with the line sensors' optimal measuring distance as 5mm. In practice, we observed the most consistent performance with a measuring distance of roughly 2 cm. This forced multiple redesigns of the encoder disks and made it very difficult to fit the disks, and wheels on the cars axles.

Another challenge was the relatively low precision 3D printer used to build the custom pieces. Often times pieces that were designed to a certain specification would have rough edges or imprecise angles, causing us to manually cut, file and force them into shape.

Traction Control


High performance vehicles at both the full size and RC size scales are typically limited primarily by the total amount of frictional force that their tires can provide. This friction is needed to accelerate, brake, and turn, and much research has gone into figuring out how to increase the total amount of traction available. Under high speed cornering or sudden acceleration conditions, the amount of frictional force needed to maintain static friction between the ground and the tire can exceed what the tire is able to provide. When this occurs, the tire starts sliding instead of rolling (often referred to as "wheel slip") and vehicle traction and acceleration are both lost. Traction control algorithms are designed to detect when wheel slip occurs and modulate the throttle so that the vehicle can regain traction as quickly as possible.

Existing Research

Research into existing traction control algorithms revealed an IEEE paper titled Model Predictive PID Traction Control Systems for Electric Vehicles published by Tohru Kawabe. In this paper, Kawabe quantifies wheel slip using the slip ratio $\lambda$ defined as

$$ \frac{V_{\omega}V}{V_\omega} $$

where $V_{\omega}$ is the wheel velocity and $V$ is the vehicle body velocity. Physically, a slip ratio of 0 corresponds to wheel velocity exactly matching body velocity. A positive slip ratio corresponds to wheel velocity exceeding body velocity, such as traction loss during acceleration from a stand still when the torque sent to the tire exceeds the frictional force available. A negative slip ratio corresponds to body velocity exceeding wheel velocity, such as traction loss during high speed cornering when the tire is no longer able to continue rolling and begins sliding. The exact relationship between slip ratio and the amount of frictional force that the tire can provide is related through a formula called the Magic-Formula developed through testing data:

$$ \mu(\lambda)=-c_{road}\times 1.1\times(e^{-35\lambda}-e^{-0.35\lambda}) $$

where $\mu$ is the coefficient of friction and $c_{road}$ is a parameter that depends on the condition of the road being driven on. Plotting this equation yields the following graph:

which indicates that in general, $\mu$ is maximized at a slip ratio of $\lambda=0.1$. This therefore drove the design of our traction controller to limit wheel slip ratio to a range of 0.05 to 0.15 with a desired slip ratio of 0.1.