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Table of Contents

Git & Github

Please make sure that you have a CLI (command line interface), a GitHub account and a text editor of your choice (e.g. VS Code).

  1. What is Git?
  2. Git Commands
  3. Create and Initialize a Project


Please make sure there's a GO lang installed on your machine. If you're not familiar with GO lang, please go over to their page or you could visit Tour of Go. To download and install, please follow the instructions described here. For a detailed installation for Linux, please go to this page.

Golang Tutorial for Beginners

  1. Variables

  2. Primitives

  3. Constants

  4. Arrays and Slices

  5. Maps and Structs

  6. Control Flow

  7. Looping

  8. Defer, Panic, and Recover

    a. defer and panic Example

  9. Pointers

  10. Functions

a. Anonymous Function Example

Golang Projects

  1. go-server
  2. go-movies-crud
  3. go-bookstore
  4. slack-age-bot
  5. email-checker-tool
  6. lambda-basics
  7. go-fiber-crm-basic
  8. go-fiber-mongo-hrms
  9. go-serverless


Please make sure you already have an AWS Account and AWS CLI configured. If your AWS CLI is still not configured, and is using a Linux machine, you could follow the steps here. To download and install the Terraform, and you are using a Linux machine, please follow the instructions described here. For a detailed installation in a different OS, please go to this page

Useful Commands

  • terraform init initializes your Terraform
  • terraform fmt format your Terraform configuration file
  • terraform validate validates your Terraform configuration file
  • terraform plan shows you the blueprint of your resources
  • terraform apply deploys resources on your specific provider
  • terraform destroy destroys all the resources
  1. Terraform EC2 AWS
  2. Terraform Subnet within the VPC
  3. Terraform Files
  4. Terraform Practice Project
  5. Terraform State Commands
  6. Terraform Output
  7. Terraform Resources
  8. Terraform Variables
  1. Basic JavaScript

    1. Comment
    2. Variables
    3. var, let, const
    4. Strings
    5. Numbers
    6. Arrays
    7. Functions
    8. Boolean
    9. ifelse ifelse Statements
    10. switch Statements
    11. Objects
    12. Loops
    13. Recursion
    14. Generate Random Number
    15. parseInt()
    16. Conditional Operator
  2. ES6

    1. var and let Keywords
    2. const Keyword
    3. Prevent Object Mutation
    4. Arrow Functions
    5. Default and Rest Parameters and Spread Operator
    6. Destructuring Assignment
    7. Template Literals
    8. Object Literals
    9. Class
    10. Modules
    11. Promise
  3. Regex

    1. test() Method
    2. match() Method
    3. Capture Groupings
  4. Debugging

    1. console
    2. typeof
    3. Syntax Errors
    4. Runtime Errors
    5. Logical Errors
  5. Basic Data Structures

    1. Array
    2. Objects
  6. Object Oriented Programming

    1. Basic JavaScript Object
    2. Constructor
    3. Properties
    4. Inheritance
    5. Mixins, Closure, IIFE
  7. Functional Programming

    1. Functional Programming


  1. Learn Go Programming by Building 11 Projects
  2. Learn Go Programming - Golang Tutorial for Beginners
  3. Terraform Course - Automate your AWS cloud infrastructure
  4. JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
  5. Git and GitHub Tutorial – Version Control for Beginners
  6. Git and GitHub for Beginners - Crash Course