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reactive-storage is a simple library integrating reactive-coffee with the HTML5 Web Storage API. reactive-storage exposes two objects, rxStorage.local and rxStorage.session, which map to window.localStorage and window.sessionStorage, respectively. Under the hood, these are powered by two reactive SrcMap objects.

In addition, reactive-storage automatically serializes and deserializes numbers, booleans, nulls, and JSON objects and arrays for storage and retrieval.


To install reactive-storage, simply run bower install reactive-storage.


Both rxStorage.local and rxStorage.session have the same API. Each supports the following methods from the Web Storage API. The only difference is that, unlike with the web storage API, these methods work with JSON objects. That is, you can store and retrieve arrays and objects, and reactive-storage will automatically handle serializing and deserializing for you.


getItem is safe to call outside of a reactive bind context, as it wraps the underlying call in an rx.snap.

setItem(k, v)




This is the most important function in reactive-storage. Whereas getItem returns the value stored in k, getItemBind returns an rx.DepCell bound to the value stored in k. This means that if the value stored in k changes, the DepCell will automatically update.

    userCell = window.rxStorage.session.getItemBind 'username'
    rx.autoSub userCell.onSet, ([o, n]) ->
        s = ""
        if o then s += "Goodbye, #{o}! "
        if n then s += "Welcome, #{n}!"
        if s then alert s
    window.rxStorage.session.setItem 'username', 'Joe'
    # output: "Welcome, Joe!"
    window.rxStorage.session.setItem 'username', 'Fred'
    # output: "Goodbye, Joe! Welcome, Fred!"
    window.rxStorage.session.setItem 'username', 'Bob'
    # output: "Goodbye, Fred! Welcome, Bob!"
    window.rxStorage.session.removeItem 'username'
    # output: "Goodbye, Bob! "

If the item is removed, the value of the DepCell is set to undefined.


In addition, the storage objects expose the onAdd, onRemove, and onChange events from their underlying SrcMap objects, allowing you to add listeners to these events:

    rx.autoSub window.rxStorage.session.onAdd, ([k, n]) -> alert "Added #{k}: #{v} to session storage!"
    window.rxStorage.session.addItem("answer", 42)
    # output: "Added answer: 42 to session storage!"

Storage events

The Web storage API supports events for storage changes from other browser tabs. reactive-bootstrap listens for storage events, and when one is received, it updates itself accordingly.


Richard Mehlinger

Copyright and license

Code and docs released under the MIT license.