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Pyalect |release|

A dynamic dialect transpiler for Python that you can install with pip!

pip install pyalect


Pyalect is still young! If you have ideas or find a problem let us know!

Now why would you want to transpile Python one might ask? Well a transpiler probably isn't the first tool you should reach for when trying to solve a problem, but sometime's it's the only option. For example, sometimes the easiest way to express a given bit of logic turns out to be sub-optimal when it comes to performance - in this situation you could use a transpiler optimize your expressive, but inefficient code. On the otherhand you may have purely assthetic reasons for using a transpiler to transform pretty, but invalid syntax into an uglier, but valid form so that it can be executed. For example, one might want to transpile the following HTM style string template:

# dialect=html
dom = html"<div height=10px><p>hello!</p></div>"

Into valid Python:

# dialect=html
dom = html("div", {"height": "10px"}, [html("p", {}, ["hello!"])])

So what would it look like to implement the custom syntax above? All you need to do is register a "dialect" transpiler with Pyalect before importing the module containing the code in question. Consider the following directory structure:


Inside should be a :class:`~pyalect.dialect.Dialect` that implements two methods:

from pyalect import Dialect

class HtmlDialect(Dialect, name="html"):
    def transform_src(source: str) -> str:
        """Called first to manipulate the module source as a string"""
        # your code goes here...

    def transform_ast(tree: ast.AST) -> ast.AST:
        """Called second to change the AST of the now transformed source"""
        # your code goes here...

import my_html_module

Where my_html_module is a normal Python file with a dialect header comment:

# dialect=html
dom = html"<div height=10px><p>hello!</p></div>"

With all this in place and the methods of HtmlDialect implemented you should be able to run in your console to find my_html_module has been transpiler just before execution:



For a real world example implementation of an HTML transpiler check out IDOM!

In most situations Pyalect should work out of the box, but some tools require special support.

IPython and Jupyter

Dialects are supported in IPython and Jupyter via magics:

%%dialect html

Pytest Asserts

Similarly to Pyalect, Pytest uses import hooks to transpile code at import-time. Since Pyalect's own import hook should take priority over Pytest's you'll have to import the builtin pytest dialect and include it in any test files where you're using your own dialects:

import pyalect.builtins.pytest
# dialect = my_dialect, pytest

def test_my_code():
    assert ...
.. automodule:: pyalect.dialect