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Program Listing for File ecpint.cpp

:ref:`Return to documentation for file <file__Users_robertshaw_devfiles_libecpint_src_lib_ecpint.cpp>` (/Users/robertshaw/devfiles/libecpint/src/lib/ecpint.cpp)

 *      Copyright (c) 2020 Robert Shaw
 *      This file is a part of Libecpint.
 *      Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
 *      a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
 *      "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
 *      without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
 *      distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
 *      permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
 *      the following conditions:
 *      The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
 *      included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

#include "ecpint.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cassert>
#include "Faddeeva.hpp"
#include "mathutil.hpp"
#include "qgen.hpp"
#include <cassert>

namespace libecpint {

    ECPIntegral::ECPIntegral(const int maxLB, const int maxLU, const int deriv) {
        // Make sure library can perform requested integrals
        assert(maxLB+deriv <= LIBECPINT_MAX_L);
        assert(maxLU <= LIBECPINT_MAX_L);

        // Initialise singletons
        zero = nonzero = skipped = 0;

        // Initialise angular and radial integrators
        angInts.init(maxLB + deriv, maxLU);
        radInts.init(2*(maxLB+deriv) + maxLU, 1e-15, 256, 512);

    double ECPIntegral::calcC(const int a, const int m, const double A) const {
        double value = 1.0 - 2*((a-m) % 2);
        value *= std::pow(A, a-m);
        value *= FAC[a]/(FAC[m] * FAC[a-m]);
        return value;

    void ECPIntegral::makeC(FiveIndex<double> &C, const int L, const double *A) const {
        int z; double Ck, Cl;
        int na = 0;
        for (int x = L; x >= 0; x--) {
            for (int y = L-x; y >= 0; y--) {
                z = L - x - y;

                for (int k = 0; k<= x; k++) {
                    Ck = calcC(x, k, A[0]);
                    for (int l = 0; l <= y; l++) {
                        Cl = calcC(y, l, A[1]);
                        for (int m = 0; m <= z; m++) C(0, na, k, l, m) = Ck * Cl * calcC(z, m, A[2]);

    void ECPIntegral::type1(
      const ECP &U, const GaussianShell &shellA, const GaussianShell &shellB,
      const ShellPairData &data, const FiveIndex<double> &CA, const FiveIndex<double> &CB,
      const RadialIntegral::Parameters & parameters, TwoIndex<double> &values) const {

        int LA = data.LA; int LB = data.LB;
        int maxLBasis = data.maxLBasis;

        // Build radial integrals
        int L = LA + LB;
        TwoIndex<double> temp;
        ThreeIndex<double> radials(L+1, L+1, 2*L+1);
        for (int ix = 0; ix <= L; ix++) {
            radInts.type1(ix, ix, ix % 2, U, shellA, shellB, data, parameters, temp);
            for(int l = 0; l <= ix; l++) {
                for (int m = -l; m <= l; m++) radials(ix, l, l+m) = temp(l, l+m);

        // Unpack positions
        double Ax = data.A[0]; double Ay = data.A[1]; double Az = data.A[2];
        double Bx = data.B[0]; double By = data.B[1]; double Bz = data.B[2];

        // Calculate chi_ab for all ab in shells
        int z1, z2, lparity, mparity, msign, ix, k, l, m;
        double C;
        int na = 0, nb = 0;
        for (int x1 = LA; x1 >= 0; x1--) {
            for (int y1 = LA-x1; y1 >= 0; y1--) {
                z1 = LA - x1 - y1;
                nb = 0;

                for (int x2 = LB; x2 >= 0; x2--) {
                    for (int y2 = LB-x2; y2 >= 0; y2--) {
                        z2 = LB - x2 - y2;

                        for (int k1 = 0; k1 <= x1; k1++) {
                            for (int k2 = 0; k2 <= x2; k2++) {
                                k = k1 + k2;

                                for (int l1 = 0; l1 <= y1; l1++) {
                                    for (int l2 = 0; l2 <= y2; l2++) {
                                        l = l1 + l2;

                                        for (int m1 = 0; m1 <= z1; m1++) {
                                            for (int m2 = 0; m2 <= z2; m2++){
                                                m = m1 + m2;
                                                C = CA(0, na, k1, l1, m1) * CB(0, nb, k2, l2, m2);
                                                if ( fabs(C) > 1e-14 ) {
                                                    // Build radial integrals
                                                    ix = k + l + m;

                                                    // Certain terms can be neglected as the angular integrals will always be zero
                                                    // See Flores06 appendix for details.
                                                    lparity = ix % 2;
                                                    msign = 1 - 2*(l%2);
                                                    mparity = (lparity + m) % 2;

                                                    for (int lam = lparity; lam <= ix; lam+=2) {
                                                        for (int mu = mparity; mu <= lam; mu+=2)
                                                            values(na, nb) += C * angInts.getIntegral(k, l, m, lam, msign*mu) * radials(ix, lam, lam+msign*mu);


                        values(na, nb) *= 4.0 * M_PI;



    void ECPIntegral::type2(
      const int lam, const ECP& U, const GaussianShell &shellA, const GaussianShell &shellB,
      const ShellPairData &data, const FiveIndex<double> &CA, const FiveIndex<double> &CB,
      const RadialIntegral::Parameters & parameters, ThreeIndex<double> &values) const {

        // Unpack some data for convenience
        int LA = data.LA;
        int LB = data.LB;
        int L = LA + LB;
        int maxLBasis = data.maxLBasis;

        double Am = data.Am; double Bm = data.Bm;

        if (data.A_on_ecp && data.B_on_ecp) {

            // Both on ECP, simplest case - see Shaw2017 supplementary material
            double prefactor = 4.0 * M_PI;
            int npA = shellA.nprimitive();
            int npB = shellB.nprimitive();
            int npC = U.getN();

            double zA, zB, zC, dA, dB, dC, p;
            int nC, z1, z2;

            int na = 0;
            for (int x1 = LA; x1 >= 0; x1--) {
                for (int r1 = LA-x1; r1 >= 0; r1--) {
                    z1 = LA - x1 - r1;

                    int nb = 0;
                    for (int x2 = LB; x2 >= 0; x2--) {
                        for (int y2 = LB - x2; y2 >= 0; y2--) {
                            z2 = LB - x2 - y2;

                            double value = 0.0;
                            for (int c = 0; c < npC; c++) {
                const GaussianECP& g = U.getGaussian(c);
                                if (g.l == lam) {
                                    zC = g.a;
                                    dC = g.d;
                                    nC = g.n;

                                    for (int a = 0; a < npA; a++) {
                                        zA = shellA.exp(a);
                                        dA = shellA.coef(a);

                                        for (int b = 0; b < npB; b++) {
                                            zB = shellB.exp(b);
                                            dB = shellB.coef(b);

                                            p = zA + zB + zC;

                                            double o_root_p = 1.0 / sqrt(p);
                                            int N = 2 + LA + LB + nC;
                                            value += 0.5*dA*dB*dC*GAMMA[N]*FAST_POW[N+1](o_root_p);

                            for (int mu = -lam; mu <= lam; mu++) {

                                double angular = prefactor * angInts.getIntegral(x1, r1, z1, lam, mu, 0, 0) * angInts.getIntegral(x2, y2, z2, lam, mu, 0, 0);
                                values(na, nb, lam+mu) = angular * value;


        } else {

            // At least one of the shells is not on the ECP, so spherical harmonics will be required

            double xA = Am > 0 ? data.A[2] / Am : 0.0;
            double xB = Bm > 0 ? data.B[2] / Bm : 0.0;
            double phiA = atan2(data.A[1], data.A[0]);
            double phiB = atan2(data.B[1], data.B[0]);
            TwoIndex<double> SA = realSphericalHarmonics(lam+LA, xA, phiA);
            TwoIndex<double> SB = realSphericalHarmonics(lam+LB, xB, phiB);

            if (data.A_on_ecp) {
                // Radial integrals need to be calculated by a different recursive scheme, or by quadrature
                ThreeIndex<double> radials(L+1, lam + LA + 1, lam + LB + 1);
                TwoIndex<double> temp;
                std::fill(,, 0.0);

                for (int N = 0; N < L+1; N++) {
                    radInts.type2(lam, 0, lam + LA, 0, lam + LB, N, U, shellA, shellB, data, parameters, temp);
                    for (int l1 = 0; l1 < lam + LA + 1; l1++)
                        for (int l2 = 0; l2 < lam + LB + 1; l2++)
                            radials(N, l1, l2) = temp(l1, l2);

                // a significant number of terms can be neglected a priori - see Shaw2017 supplementary material.
                qgen::rolled_up_special(lam, LA, LB, radials, CB, SB, angInts, values);

            } else if (data.B_on_ecp){
                // Same as above with A and B reversed
                ThreeIndex<double> radials(L+1, lam + LB + 1, lam + LA + 1);
                ThreeIndex<double> tmpValues(values.dims[1], values.dims[0], values.dims[2]);
                std::fill(,, 0.0);
                TwoIndex<double> temp;

                for (int N = 0; N < L+1; N++) {
                    radInts.type2(lam, 0, lam + LA, 0, lam + LB, N, U, shellA, shellB, data, parameters, temp);
                    for (int l1 = 0; l1 < lam + LB + 1; l1++)
                        for (int l2 = 0; l2 < lam + LA + 1; l2++)
                            radials(N, l1, l2) = temp(l2, l1);

                // a significant number of terms can be neglected a priori - see Shaw2017 supplementary material.
                qgen::rolled_up_special(lam, LB, LA, radials, CA, SA, angInts, tmpValues);
                // transcribe back into values
                for (int na = 0; na < values.dims[0]; na++)
                    for (int nb = 0; nb < values.dims[1]; nb++)
                        for (int nc = 0; nc < values.dims[2]; nc++)
                            values(na, nb, nc) = tmpValues(nb, na, nc);
            } else {

                // Neither is on the ECP, the full recursive scheme with generated integrals can be used
                // Need LA <= LB, but symmetry means we can just swap the arguments if LB > LA.
                if (LA <= LB)
                    QGEN[LA][LB][lam](U, shellA, shellB, CA, CB, SA, SB, Am, Bm, radInts, angInts, parameters, values);
                else {
                    ThreeIndex<double> temp_values(data.ncartB, data.ncartA, 2*U.getL() + 1);
                    QGEN[LB][LA][lam](U, shellB, shellA, CB, CA, SB, SA, Bm, Am, radInts, angInts, parameters, temp_values);
                    for (int na = 0; na < data.ncartA; na++)
                        for (int nb = 0; nb < data.ncartB; nb++)
                            for (int nu = 0; nu < 2*U.getL() + 1; nu++)
                                values(na, nb, nu) = temp_values(nb, na, nu);


    void ECPIntegral::estimate_type2(
      const ECP& U, const GaussianShell &shellA, const GaussianShell &shellB,
      const ShellPairData &data, double* results) const {
        double sigma_a, sigma_b, min_eta, n2, an, bn, a_bound, b_bound, ab_bound;
        double atilde, btilde, ztilde, Tk, Tk_0, xp;

        double Na_0 = 0.5 * data.LA / M_EULER;
        double Nb_0 = 0.5 * data.LB / M_EULER;

        for (int l = 0; l <= U.getL(); l++) {
            min_eta = U.min_exp_l[l];
            n2 = min_eta * min_eta;
            an = shellA.min_exp + min_eta;
            bn = shellB.min_exp + min_eta;
            if (data.A2 < 1e-6) sigma_a = 0.5 * an / shellA.min_exp;
            else sigma_a = 0.5 * data.LA * an * an / (shellA.min_exp * (n2*data.A2 + data.LA * an));
            if (data.B2 < 1e-6) sigma_b = 0.5 * bn / shellB.min_exp;
            else sigma_b = 0.5 * data.LB * bn * bn / (shellB.min_exp * (n2*data.B2 + data.LB * bn));

            atilde = (1.0 - sigma_a) * shellA.min_exp;
            btilde = (1.0 - sigma_b) * shellB.min_exp;

            a_bound = 0.0;
            for (int i = 0; i < shellA.exps.size(); i++)
                a_bound += FAST_POW[data.LA](std::sqrt(Na_0 / (shellA.exps[i] * sigma_a))) * std::abs(shellA.coeffs[i]);

            b_bound = 0.0;
            for (int i = 0; i < shellB.exps.size(); i++)
                b_bound += FAST_POW[data.LB](std::sqrt(Nb_0 / (shellB.exps[i] * sigma_b))) * std::abs(shellB.coeffs[i]);

            double Tk_0 = 2.0 * atilde * btilde * data.Am * data.Bm;
            ab_bound = 0.0;
            xp = atilde*atilde*data.A2 + btilde*btilde*data.B2;
            for (int k = U.l_starts[l]; k < U.l_starts[l+1]; k++) {
        const GaussianECP& g = U.getGaussian(k);
                ztilde = atilde + btilde + g.a;
                Tk = Tk_0 / ztilde;
                Tk = Tk > 1 ? 0.5 * std::exp(Tk) / Tk : SINH_1;
                ab_bound += std::abs(g.d) * FAST_POW[3](std::sqrt(M_PI/g.a)) * std::exp(xp / ztilde) * Tk;
            ab_bound *= std::exp(-atilde*data.A2 -btilde*data.B2);
            results[l] = (2*l+1)*(2*l+1)* a_bound * b_bound * ab_bound;

    void ECPIntegral::compute_shell_pair(
      const ECP &U, const GaussianShell &shellA, const GaussianShell &shellB,
      TwoIndex<double> &values, const int shiftA, const int shiftB) const {

        ShellPairData data;

        // Shift A and B to be relative to U
        const double* C =;
        data.A[0] =[0] - C[0];
        data.A[1] =[1] - C[1];
        data.A[2] =[2] - C[2];
        data.B[0] =[0] - C[0];
        data.B[1] =[1] - C[1];
        data.B[2] =[2] - C[2];

        // Construct data that will be reused everywhere, and takes account of derivative shifts
        data.LA = + shiftA;
        data.LB = + shiftB;
        data.maxLBasis = data.LA > data.LB ? data.LA : data.LB;
        data.ncartA = (data.LA+1)*(data.LA+2)/2;
        data.ncartB = (data.LB+1)*(data.LB+2)/2;

        data.A2 = data.A[0]*data.A[0] + data.A[1]*data.A[1] + data.A[2]*data.A[2];
        data.Am = sqrt(data.A2);
        data.A_on_ecp = (data.Am < 1e-6);
        data.B2 = data.B[0]*data.B[0] + data.B[1]*data.B[1] + data.B[2]*data.B[2];
        data.Bm = sqrt(data.B2);
        data.B_on_ecp = (data.Bm < 1e-6);
        double RAB[3] = {data.A[0] - data.B[0], data.A[1] - data.B[1], data.A[2] - data.B[2]};
        data.RAB2 = RAB[0]*RAB[0] + RAB[1]*RAB[1] + RAB[2]*RAB[2];
        data.RABm = sqrt(data.RAB2);

        // Prepare the radial integrator
        const auto radIntParameters = radInts.buildParameters(shellA, shellB, data);

        // Construct coefficients
        FiveIndex<double> CA(1, data.ncartA, data.LA+1, data.LA+1, data.LA+1);
        FiveIndex<double> CB(1, data.ncartB, data.LB+1, data.LB+1, data.LB+1);
        makeC(CA, data.LA, data.A);
        makeC(CB, data.LB, data.B);

        double screens[U.getL() + 1];
        estimate_type2(U, shellA, shellB, data, screens);

        // Calculate type1 integrals, if necessary
        values.assign(data.ncartA, data.ncartB, 0.0);
        if (!U.noType1() && screens[U.getL()] > tolerance)
            type1(U, shellA, shellB, data, CA, CB, radIntParameters, values);

        std::vector<int> l_list;
        for (int l = 0; l < U.getL(); l++)
            if (screens[l] > tolerance) l_list.push_back(l);

        // Now all the type2 integrals
        ThreeIndex<double> t2vals(data.ncartA, data.ncartB, 2*U.getL() + 1);
        for (int l : l_list) {
            type2(l, U, shellA, shellB, data, CA, CB, radIntParameters, t2vals);

            for (int m = -l; m <= l; m++) {
                for(int na = 0; na < data.ncartA; na++) {
                    for (int nb = 0; nb < data.ncartB; nb++) {
                        values(na, nb) += t2vals(na, nb, l+m);

    void ECPIntegral::left_shell_derivative(
      const ECP &U, const GaussianShell &shellA, const GaussianShell &shellB,
      std::array<TwoIndex<double>, 3> &results) const {
        int LA =;
        int LB =;

        int ncartB = (LB+1) * (LB+2) / 2;
        int ncartA = (LA+1) * (LA+2) / 2;
        int ncartA_minus = LA * (LA+1) / 2;
        TwoIndex<double> Q_minus, Q_plus;

        for (auto& r : results) r.assign(ncartA, ncartB, 0.0);

        if (LA != 0)
            compute_shell_pair(U, shellA, shellB, Q_minus, -1, 0);

        // hack in the exponents to the coefficients
        GaussianShell tempA = shellA.copy();
        for (int i = 0; i < tempA.nprimitive(); i++)
            tempA.coeffs[i] *= tempA.exps[i];
        compute_shell_pair(U, tempA, shellB, Q_plus, 1, 0);

        // Now compile the derivatives
        if (LA != 0) {
            int nA = 0;
            int nA_minus, nA_plus;
            for (int k=LA; k >= 0; k--) {
                for (int l=LA-k; l>=0; l--) {
                    int m = LA - k - l;

                    for (int nB = 0; nB < ncartB; nB++) {
                        nA_plus = N_INDEX(l, m);
                        nA_minus = std::min(nA_plus, Q_minus.dims[0]-1);
                        results[0](nA, nB) = -k*Q_minus(nA_minus, nB) + 2.0*Q_plus(nA_plus, nB);

                        nA_minus = l > 0 ? N_INDEX(l-1, m) : 0;
                        nA_plus  = N_INDEX(l+1, m);
                        results[1](nA, nB) = -l*Q_minus(nA_minus, nB) + 2.0*Q_plus(nA_plus, nB);

                        nA_minus = m > 0 ? N_INDEX(l, m-1) : 0;
                        nA_plus  = N_INDEX(l, m+1);
                        results[2](nA, nB) = -m*Q_minus(nA_minus, nB) + 2.0*Q_plus(nA_plus, nB);
                    nA += 1;
        } else {
            for (int nB = 0; nB < ncartB; nB++) {
                results[0](0, nB) = 2.0*Q_plus(0, nB);
                results[1](0, nB) = 2.0*Q_plus(1, nB);
                results[2](0, nB) = 2.0*Q_plus(2, nB);

    void ECPIntegral::left_shell_second_derivative(
      const ECP &U, const GaussianShell &shellA, const GaussianShell &shellB,
      std::array<TwoIndex<double>, 6> &results) const {
        int LA =;
        int LB =;

        int ncartB = (LB+1) * (LB+2) / 2;
        int ncartA = (LA+1) * (LA+2) / 2;
        int ncartA_minus = std::max(1, (LA-1) * (LA) / 2);
        TwoIndex<double> Q_minus, Q_plus, Q_0;

        for (auto& r : results) r.assign(ncartA, ncartB, 0.0);

        if (LA > 1)
            compute_shell_pair(U, shellA, shellB, Q_minus, -2, 0);
            Q_minus.assign(ncartA_minus, ncartB, 0.0);

        // hack in the exponents to the coefficients
        GaussianShell tempA = shellA.copy();
        for (int i = 0; i < tempA.nprimitive(); i++)
            tempA.coeffs[i] *= tempA.exps[i];
        compute_shell_pair(U, tempA, shellB, Q_0, 0, 0);

        // and for the l+2
        for (int i = 0; i < tempA.nprimitive(); i++)
            tempA.coeffs[i] *= tempA.exps[i];
        compute_shell_pair(U, tempA, shellB, Q_plus, 2, 0);

        // Now compile the derivatives
        int nA = 0;
        int nA_mm, nA_pp, nA_mp, nA_pm;
        for (int k=LA; k >= 0; k--) {
            for (int l=LA-k; l>=0; l--) {
                int m = LA - k - l;

                for (int nB = 0; nB < ncartB; nB++) {
                    nA_mp = nA_pp = N_INDEX(l, m); //dxx
                    nA_mm = std::min(nA_mp, Q_minus.dims[0]-1);
                    results[0](nA, nB) = k*(k-1)*Q_minus(nA_mm, nB) - 2.0*(2*k+1)*Q_0(nA_mp, nB)
                                        +4.0*Q_plus(nA_pp, nB);

                    nA_pm = l > 0 ? N_INDEX(l-1, m) : 0;
                    nA_mm = k > 0 ? nA_pm : 0; //dxy
                    nA_pp = N_INDEX(l+1, m);
                    nA_mp  = k > 0 ? nA_pp : 0;
                    results[1](nA, nB) = k*l*Q_minus(nA_mm, nB) - 2.0*k*Q_0(nA_mp, nB)
                                        - 2.0*l*Q_0(nA_pm, nB) + 4.0*Q_plus(nA_pp, nB);

                    nA_pm = m > 0 ? N_INDEX(l, m-1) : 0;
                    nA_mm = k > 0 ? nA_pm : 0; //dxz
                    nA_pp = N_INDEX(l, m+1);
                    nA_mp  = k > 0 ? nA_pp : 0;
                    results[2](nA, nB) = k*m*Q_minus(nA_mm, nB) - 2.0*k*Q_0(nA_mp, nB)
                                        - 2.0*m*Q_0(nA_pm, nB) + 4.0*Q_plus(nA_pp, nB);

                    nA_mm = l > 1 ? N_INDEX(l-2, m) : 0; //dyy
                    nA_mp = N_INDEX(l, m);
                    nA_pp  = N_INDEX(l+2,m);
                    results[3](nA, nB) = l*(l-1)*Q_minus(nA_mm, nB) - 2.0*(2*l+1)*Q_0(nA_mp, nB)
                                        +4.0*Q_plus(nA_pp, nB);

                    nA_mm = l*m > 0 ? N_INDEX(l-1, m-1) : 0; //dyz
                    nA_mp = l > 0 ? N_INDEX(l-1, m+1) : 0;
                    nA_pm = m > 0 ? N_INDEX(l+1, m-1) : 0;
                    nA_pp  = N_INDEX(l+1, m+1);
                    results[4](nA, nB) = l*m*Q_minus(nA_mm, nB) - 2.0*l*Q_0(nA_mp, nB)
                                        - 2.0*m*Q_0(nA_pm, nB) + 4.0*Q_plus(nA_pp, nB);

                    nA_mm =  m > 1 ? N_INDEX(l, m-2) : 0; //dzz
                    nA_mp = N_INDEX(l, m);
                    nA_pp  = N_INDEX(l,m+2);
                    results[5](nA, nB) = m*(m-1)*Q_minus(nA_mm, nB) - 2.0*(2*m+1)*Q_0(nA_mp, nB)
                                        +4.0*Q_plus(nA_pp, nB);

                nA += 1;

    void ECPIntegral::mixed_second_derivative(
      const ECP &U, const GaussianShell &shellA, const GaussianShell &shellB,
      std::array<TwoIndex<double>, 9> &results) const {
        int LA =;
        int LB =;

        int ncartB = (LB+1) * (LB+2) / 2;
        int ncartA = (LA+1) * (LA+2) / 2;
        int ncartB_minus = std::max(1, (LB) * (LB+1) / 2);
        int ncartA_minus = std::max(1, (LA) * (LA+1) / 2);
        int ncartB_plus = (LB+2) * (LB+3) / 2;
        int ncartA_plus = (LA+2) * (LA+3) / 2;
        TwoIndex<double> Q_mm, Q_mp, Q_pm, Q_pp;

        for (auto& r : results) r.assign(ncartA, ncartB, 0.0);

        GaussianShell tempA = shellA.copy();
        for (int i = 0; i < tempA.nprimitive(); i++)
            tempA.coeffs[i] *= tempA.exps[i];
        GaussianShell tempB = shellB.copy();
        for (int i = 0; i < tempB.nprimitive(); i++)
            tempB.coeffs[i] *= tempB.exps[i];

        if (LA > 0) {
            if (LB > 0) {
                compute_shell_pair(U, shellA, shellB, Q_mm, -1, -1);
                compute_shell_pair(U, tempA, shellB, Q_pm, 1, -1);
            } else {
                Q_mm.assign(ncartA_minus, ncartB_minus, 0.0);
                Q_pm.assign(ncartA_plus, ncartB_minus, 0.0);
            compute_shell_pair(U, shellA, tempB, Q_mp, -1, 1);
        } else if (LB > 0) {
            compute_shell_pair(U, tempA, shellB, Q_pm, 1, -1);
            Q_mm.assign(ncartA_minus, ncartB_minus, 0.0);
            Q_mp.assign(ncartA_minus, ncartB_plus, 0.0);
        } else {
            Q_mm.assign(ncartA_minus, ncartB_minus, 0.0);
            Q_mp.assign(ncartA_minus, ncartB_plus, 0.0);
            Q_pm.assign(ncartA_plus, ncartB_minus, 0.0);
        compute_shell_pair(U, tempA, tempB, Q_pp, 1, 1);

        // Now compile the derivatives
        int nA = 0;
        int nB = 0;
        int nA_m[3], nA_p[3], nB_m[3], nB_p[3], AL[3], BL[3];
        for (int ka=LA; ka >= 0; ka--) {
            for (int la=LA-ka; la>=0; la--) {
                int ma = LA - ka - la;
                AL[0]=ka; AL[1]=la; AL[2]=ma;
                nA_p[0] = N_INDEX(la, ma);
                nA_m[0] = std::min(nA_p[0], Q_mm.dims[0]-1);
                nA_m[1] = la > 0 ? N_INDEX(la-1, ma) : 0;
                nA_m[2] = ma > 0 ? N_INDEX(la, ma-1) : 0;
                nA_p[1] = N_INDEX(la+1,ma);
                nA_p[2] = N_INDEX(la, ma+1);

                nB = 0;
                for (int kb=LB; kb >= 0; kb--) {
                    for (int lb=LB-kb; lb>=0; lb--) {
                        int mb = LB - kb - lb;
                        nB_p[0] = N_INDEX(lb, mb);
                        nB_m[0] = std::min(nB_p[0], Q_mm.dims[1]-1);
                        nB_m[1] = lb > 0 ? N_INDEX(lb-1, mb) : 0;
                        nB_m[2] = mb > 0 ? N_INDEX(lb, mb-1) : 0;
                        nB_p[1] = N_INDEX(lb+1,mb);
                        nB_p[2] = N_INDEX(lb, mb+1);
                        BL[0]=kb; BL[1]=lb; BL[2]=mb;

                        for (int p = 0; p < 3; p++) {
                            for (int q = 0; q < 3; q++) {
                                results[3*p+q](nA, nB) = AL[p]*BL[q]*Q_mm(nA_m[p], nB_m[q]) - 2.0*BL[q]*Q_pm(nA_p[p], nB_m[q])
                                    - 2.0*AL[p]*Q_mp(nA_m[p], nB_p[q]) + 4.0*Q_pp(nA_p[p], nB_p[q]);

                        nB += 1;
                nA += 1;

    void ECPIntegral::compute_shell_pair_derivative(
      const ECP &U, const GaussianShell &shellA, const GaussianShell &shellB,
      std::array<TwoIndex<double>, 9> &results) const {
        // First we check centres
        double A[3], B[3], C[3];
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            A[i] =[i];
            B[i] =[i];
            C[i] =[i];

        double dAC = std::abs(A[0] - C[0]) + std::abs(A[1] - C[1]) + std::abs(A[2] - C[2]);
        double dBC = std::abs(B[0] - C[0]) + std::abs(B[1] - C[1]) + std::abs(B[2] - C[2]);

        // Calculate shell derivatives
        std::array<TwoIndex<double>, 3> QA, QB;
        if (dAC > 1e-6)
            left_shell_derivative(U, shellA, shellB, QA);
        if (dBC > 1e-6)
            left_shell_derivative(U, shellB, shellA, QB);

        // initialise results matrices
        int ncartA = ( * ( / 2;
        int ncartB = ( * ( / 2;

        // Now construct the nuclear derivs
        if (dAC > 1e-6) {
            results[0] = QA[0];
            results[1] = QA[1];
            results[2] = QA[2];
            if (dBC > 1e-6) {
                results[3] = QB[0].transpose();
                results[4] = QB[1].transpose();
                results[5] = QB[2].transpose();
                for (int i = 6; i < 9; i++) results[i].assign(ncartA, ncartB, 0.0);
                for (int nA = 0; nA < ncartA; nA++) {
                    for (int nB = 0; nB < ncartB; nB++){
                        results[6](nA, nB) = -1.0 * (results[0](nA, nB) + results[3](nA, nB));
                        results[7](nA, nB) = -1.0 * (results[1](nA, nB) + results[4](nA, nB));
                        results[8](nA, nB) = -1.0 * (results[2](nA, nB) + results[5](nA, nB));
            } else {
               results[3] = results[0]; results[3].multiply(-1.0);
               results[4] = results[1]; results[4].multiply(-1.0);
               results[5] = results[2]; results[5].multiply(-1.0);
               for (int i = 6; i < 9; i++) results[i].assign(ncartA, ncartB, 0.0);
        } else if (dBC > 1e-6) {
            results[3] = QB[0].transpose();
            results[4] = QB[1].transpose();
            results[5] = QB[2].transpose();
            results[0] = results[3]; results[0].multiply(-1.0);
            results[1] = results[4]; results[1].multiply(-1.0);
            results[2] = results[5]; results[2].multiply(-1.0);
            for (int i = 6; i < 9; i++) results[i].assign(ncartA, ncartB, 0.0);
        } else {
            // else everything is zero
            for (auto& r : results) r.assign(ncartA, ncartB, 0.0);

    void ECPIntegral::compute_shell_pair_second_derivative(
      const ECP &U, const GaussianShell &shellA, const GaussianShell &shellB,
      std::array<TwoIndex<double>, 45> &results) const {
        // First we check centres
        double A[3], B[3], C[3];
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            A[i] =[i];
            B[i] =[i];
            C[i] =[i];

        double dAC = std::abs(A[0] - C[0]) + std::abs(A[1] - C[1]) + std::abs(A[2] - C[2]);
        double dBC = std::abs(B[0] - C[0]) + std::abs(B[1] - C[1]) + std::abs(B[2] - C[2]);

        // Calculate shell derivatives
        std::array<TwoIndex<double>, 6> QAA, QBB;
        std::array<TwoIndex<double>, 9> QAB;

        if (dAC > 1e-6) {
            left_shell_second_derivative(U, shellA, shellB, QAA);
            if (dBC > 1e-6) {
                left_shell_second_derivative(U, shellB, shellA, QBB);
                mixed_second_derivative(U, shellA, shellB, QAB);
        } else if (dBC > 1e-6) {
            left_shell_second_derivative(U, shellB, shellA, QBB);

        // initialise results matrices
        int ncartA = ( * ( / 2;
        int ncartB = ( * ( / 2;
        for (auto& r : results) r.assign(ncartA, ncartB, 0.0);

        // Now construct the nuclear derivs
        int jaas[9] = {0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 2, 4, 5};
        int jbbs[9] = {0, 3, 6, 1, 4, 7, 2, 5, 8};
        int jaa, jbb;
        if (dAC > 1e-6) {
            //AA (xx, xy, xz, yy, yz, zz)
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) results[i] = QAA[i];

            if (dBC > 1e-6) {
                // AB (xx, xy, xz, yx, yy, yz, zx, zy, zz)
                for (int i = 6; i < 15; i++) results[i] = QAB[i-6];
                 //BB (xx, xy, xz, yy, yz, zz)
                for (int i = 24; i < 30; i++) results[i] = QBB[i-24].transpose();

                for (int nA = 0; nA < ncartA; nA++) {
                    for (int nB = 0; nB < ncartB; nB++){
                        for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
                            jaa = jaas[j];
                            jbb = jbbs[j];

                            // AC (xx, xy, xz, yx, yy, yz, zx, zy, zz)
                            results[15+j](nA, nB) = -1.0*(QAA[jaa](nA, nB) + QAB[j](nA, nB));

                            // BC (xx, xy, xz, yx, yy, yz, zx, zy, zz)
                            results[30+j](nA, nB) = -1.0*(QBB[jaa](nB, nA) + QAB[jbb](nA, nB));

                            // CC (xx, xy, xz, yy, yz, zz)
                            results[39+jaa](nA, nB) = -results[30+j](nA, nB) -results[15+j](nA, nB);
            } else {
                // AB (xx, xy, xz, yx, yy, yz, zx, zy, zz)
                for (int i = 6; i < 15; i++) {
                    results[i] = QAA[jaas[i-6]];
                 //BB (xx, xy, xz, yy, yz, zz)
                for (int i = 24; i < 30; i++) results[i] = QAA[i-24];
        } else if (dBC > 1e-6) {
            //BB (xx, xy, xz, yy, yz, zz)
            for (int i = 24; i < 30; i++) results[i] = QBB[i-24].transpose();
            // AB (xx, xy, xz, yx, yy, yz, zx, zy, zz)
            for (int i = 6; i < 15; i++) {
                results[i] = QBB[jaas[i-6]].transpose();
             //AA (xx, xy, xz, yy, yz, zz)
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) results[i] = QBB[i].transpose();
