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#[union_fn]: Data Structure for Efficient Interpreters

This crate provides a procedural macro #[union_fn] that can be applied to Rust trait definitions.

A #[union_fn] can be thought of as a set of polymorphic, parameterized functions that are optimized for data locality and polymorphic calls.

Motivation & Idea

Interpreters usually use a switch-loop based instruction dispatch where a simple enum represents all kinds of different instructions such as Add and Branch. Instruction dispatch occurs in between instruction execution and has a lot of overhead when using this form of dispatch via branch table which often is not optimized ideally.

The #[union_fn] macro decreases the dispatch costs down to the minimal by embedding the function pointer to the instruction handling instruction directly into the type next to its function parameters. This way there is no need for a branch table and a call dispatch is equal to an indirect function call.

Due to alignment of Rust enum discriminants there is a lot of wasted space for the enum representation which is properly utilized by the optimized representation by storing a function pointer instead of the enum discriminant. Therefore both types usually have equal size_of. The function pointed to then knows how to decode the function parameters encoded via union with zero overhead.


The #[union_fn] macro primarily generates 2 different types:

  • An enum representation of all trait methods referred to by the trait's identifier.
    • Useful to inspect, debug and create the different calls.
    • Accessed via the trait's identifier, e.g. Foo.
    • Each method generates a constructor with the same name and arguments.
  • A type optimized for data locality and polymorphic calls.
    • Primarily used for actual calling during the compute phase.
    • Accessed via <Foo as union_fn::IntoOpt>::Opt> where Foo is the trait's identifier.
    • Each method generates a constructor with the same name and arguments OR; it is possible to convert from the enum representation via the union_fn::IntoOpt trait.



A full fledged calculator example that acts as inspiration for interpreters can be found here.


Given the following Rust code:

use union_fn::union_fn;

trait Counter {
    type Context = i64;

    /// Bumps the value `by` the amount.
    fn bump_by(value: &mut Self::Context, by: i64) {
        *value += by;

    /// Selects the values in `choices` depending on `value`.
    fn select(value: &mut Self::Context, choices: [i64; 4]) {
        *value = choices.get(*value as usize).copied().unwrap_or(0)

    /// Resets the `value` to zero.
    fn reset(value: &mut Self::Context) {
        *value = 0;

fn main() {
    let mut value = 0;

    Counter::bump_by(1).call(&mut value);
    assert_eq!(value, 1);

    Counter::bump_by(41).call(&mut value);
    assert_eq!(value, 42);

    Counter::reset().call(&mut value);
    assert_eq!(value, 0);

    let choices = [11, 22, 33, 44];
    let opt = Counter::select(choices).into_opt();
    for i in 0..5 {
        let mut value = i; value);
        assert_eq!(value, choices.get(i as usize).copied().unwrap_or(0));

This proc. macro will expand to roughly the following code: (Note, for demonstration purposes whitespace and derive macro expansions have been changed.)

#[derive(::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone)]
pub enum Counter {
    /// Bumps the value `by` the amount.
    BumpBy { by: i64 },
    /// Selects the values in `choices` depending on `value`.
    Select { choices: [i64; 4] },
    /// Resets the `value` to zero.
    Reset {},

impl Counter {
    /// Bumps the value `by` the amount.
    pub fn bump_by(by: i64) -> Self {
        Self::BumpBy { by }

    /// Selects the values in `choices` depending on `value`.
    pub fn select(choices: [i64; 4]) -> Self {
        Self::Select { choices }

    /// Resets the `value` to zero.
    pub fn reset() -> Self {
        Self::Reset {}

impl ::union_fn::CallWithContext for Counter {
    type Context = i64;

    fn call(
        ctx: &mut Self::Context,
    ) -> <Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Output {
        match self {
            Self::BumpBy { by } => {
                <Self as ::union_fn::IntoOpt>::Impls::bump_by(ctx, by)
            Self::Select { choices } => {
                <Self as ::union_fn::IntoOpt>::Impls::select(ctx, choices)
            Self::Reset { } => {
                <Self as ::union_fn::IntoOpt>::Impls::reset(ctx,)

const _: () = {
    ///Call optimized structure of the [`Counter`] type.
    #[derive(::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone)]
    pub struct CounterOpt {
        handler: fn(
            ctx: &mut <Counter as ::union_fn::CallWithContext>::Context,
            &<Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Args,
        ) -> <Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Output,
        args: <Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Args,

    impl ::union_fn::IntoOpt for Counter {
        type Opt = CounterOpt;
        type Delegator = CounterDelegate;
        type Impls = CounterImpls;

        fn into_opt(self) -> Self::Opt {
            match self {
                Self::BumpBy { by } => <Self as ::union_fn::IntoOpt>::Opt::bump_by(by),
                Self::Select { choices } => {
                    <Self as ::union_fn::IntoOpt>::Opt::select(choices)
                Self::Reset {} => <Self as ::union_fn::IntoOpt>::Opt::reset(),

    impl ::union_fn::CallWithContext for CounterOpt {
        type Context = i64;

        fn call(
            ctx: &mut Self::Context,
        ) -> <Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Output {
            (self.handler)(ctx, &self.args)

    impl CounterOpt {
        /// Bumps the value `by` the amount.
        pub fn bump_by(by: i64) -> Self {
            Self {
                handler: <Counter as ::union_fn::IntoOpt>::Delegator::bump_by,
                args: <Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Args::bump_by(by),

        /// Selects the values in `choices` depending on `value`.
        pub fn select(choices: [i64; 4]) -> Self {
            Self {
                handler: <Counter as ::union_fn::IntoOpt>::Delegator::select,
                args: <Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Args::select(choices),

        /// Resets the `value` to zero.
        pub fn reset() -> Self {
            Self {
                handler: <Counter as ::union_fn::IntoOpt>::Delegator::reset,
                args: <Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Args::reset(),

    ///Efficiently packed method arguments for the [`Counter`] type.
    #[derive(::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone)]
    pub union CounterArgs {
        /// Bumps the value `by` the amount.
        bump_by: i64,
        /// Selects the values in `choices` depending on `value`.
        select: [i64; 4],
        /// Resets the `value` to zero.
        reset: (),

    impl CounterArgs {
        /// Bumps the value `by` the amount.
        pub fn bump_by(by: i64) -> Self {
            Self { bump_by: by }

        /// Selects the values in `choices` depending on `value`.
        pub fn select(choices: [i64; 4]) -> Self {
            Self { select: choices }

        /// Resets the `value` to zero.
        pub fn reset() -> Self {
            Self { reset: () }

    impl ::union_fn::UnionFn for CounterOpt {
        type Output = ();
        type Args = CounterArgs;

    impl ::union_fn::UnionFn for Counter {
        type Output = ();
        type Args = CounterArgs;

    ///Decodes and delegates packed arguments to the implementation of [`Counter`] methods.
    pub enum CounterDelegate {}

    impl CounterDelegate {
        /// Bumps the value `by` the amount.
        fn bump_by(
            value: &mut <Counter as ::union_fn::CallWithContext>::Context,
            args: &<Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Args,
        ) -> <Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Output {
            let by = unsafe { args.bump_by };
            <Counter as ::union_fn::IntoOpt>::Impls::bump_by(value, by)

        /// Selects the values in `choices` depending on `value`.
        fn select(
            value: &mut <Counter as ::union_fn::CallWithContext>::Context,
            args: &<Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Args,
        ) -> <Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Output {
            let choices = unsafe { };
            <Counter as ::union_fn::IntoOpt>::Impls::select(value, choices)

        /// Resets the `value` to zero.
        fn reset(
            value: &mut <Counter as ::union_fn::CallWithContext>::Context,
            args: &<Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Args,
        ) -> <Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Output {
            let () = unsafe { args.reset };
            <Counter as ::union_fn::IntoOpt>::Impls::reset(value)

    ///Implements all methods of the [`Counter`] type.
    pub enum CounterImpls {}

    impl CounterImpls {
        /// Bumps the value `by` the amount.
        fn bump_by(
            value: &mut <Counter as ::union_fn::CallWithContext>::Context,
            by: i64,
        ) -> <Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Output {
            *value += by;

        /// Selects the values in `choices` depending on `value`.
        fn select(
            value: &mut <Counter as ::union_fn::CallWithContext>::Context,
            choices: [i64; 4],
        ) -> <Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Output {
            *value = choices.get(*value as usize).copied().unwrap_or(0);

        /// Resets the `value` to zero.
        fn reset(
            value: &mut <Counter as ::union_fn::CallWithContext>::Context,
        ) -> <Counter as ::union_fn::UnionFn>::Output {
            *value = 0;

Generated Assembly

Below is the generated assembly for the Call[WithContext] trait according to the Compiler Explorer for the generated user facing enum and the call-optimized opt types for the above Counter example:

Call[WithContext] for <enum>

<example::Counter as example::union_fn::CallWithContext>::call:
        sub     rsp, 40
        mov     rax, qword ptr [rdi]
        test    rax, rax
        je      .LBB3_8
        cmp     eax, 1
        jne     .LBB3_6
        movups  xmm0, xmmword ptr [rdi + 8]
        movups  xmm1, xmmword ptr [rdi + 24]
        movaps  xmmword ptr [rsp + 16], xmm1
        movaps  xmmword ptr [rsp], xmm0
        mov     rax, qword ptr [rsi]
        cmp     rax, 3
        ja      .LBB3_3
        mov     rax, qword ptr [rsp + 8*rax]
        mov     qword ptr [rsi], rax
        add     rsp, 40
        mov     rax, qword ptr [rdi + 8]
        add     qword ptr [rsi], rax
        add     rsp, 40
        mov     qword ptr [rsi], 0
        add     rsp, 40
        xor     eax, eax
        mov     qword ptr [rsi], rax
        add     rsp, 40

Call[WithContext] for <opt>

<example::_::CounterOpt as example::union_fn::CallWithContext>::call:
        mov     rax, rsi
        mov     rcx, qword ptr [rdi]
        lea     rsi, [rdi + 8]
        mov     rdi, rax
        jmp     rcx