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RobotKernel is a Robot Framework IPython kernel for Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab.

Requires Python 3.6 or later and Robot Framework 3.1 or later.

Check also ipythonrobotframework for alternative Robot Framework IPython kernel.

Try RobotKernel

You can try RobotKernel without installing it at MyBinder cloud:

Jupyter Notebook:


Note: Log | Report -links on existing notebooks are only active on trusted notebooks.

Install RobotKernel

RobotKernel is included with RobotLab distribution, but there are also plenty of other installation options.

Learn RobotKernel

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2

   notebooks/01 Running Code.ipynb
   notebooks/02 Python XKCD.ipynb
   notebooks/03 Running Robot.ipynb
   notebooks/04 Robot XKCD.ipynb
   notebooks/05 Interactive Selenium.ipynb
   notebooks/07 Executable Keywords.ipynb
   notebooks/08 Interactive WhiteLibrary.ipynb

Export robot files

It is possible to export test suites directly from Jupyter Notebook or JupyterLab user interface (into traditional .robot files), but also from command line:

$ jupyter nbconvert --to script example.ipynb

Execute notebooks

Robotkernel installs script named nbrobot, which the Robot Frameworks test runner robot with support for executing Jupyter notebooks created with Robotkernel:

$ nbrobot example.ipynb

In addition, it is also possible to execute notebooks as such, resulting into a new notebook with embedded execution logs and reports:

$ jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --execute example.ipynb

This will stop the execution at first failing test case.

When execution with errors, to also get a result notebook with execution logs saved, an extra flag --ExecutePreprocessor.allow_errors=True must be set:

$ jupyter nbconvert --ExecutePreprocessor.allow_errors=True --to notebook --execute example.ipynb

This may change in future versions of nbconvert.

Note that when executing a notebook, each cell with tests cases or tasks will be executed as its own suite. It might be more efficient to export notebook into a robot script and execute that with the traditional robot runner.