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JavaScript OOP | [O]bject [O]riented [P]rogramming

(Still updating this file...)

Quick Introduction to JavaScript

  1. JavaScript is a lightweight, cross-platform, and interpreted scripting language.
    • lightweight: low memory usage
    • cross-platform: can run on multiple frameworks, operating systems, machine architecture1.
    • interpreted: debugging at run-time, can be modified while running, code is evaluated line-by-line
    • scripting: no scope, connects one language to another
      • scripting languages are a subset of programming languages (all scripting languages are programming languages but not all programming languages are scripting languages)
      • markup languages are presentational and a different kind of language (such as HTML, CSS, and our .md files written in [m]ark[d]own)
  2. It is well-known for the development of web pages... but many non-browser environments also use it.
    • Get used to the word(s) APIs
      • [A]pplication [P]rogramming [I]nterface
      • EECS 1720 anyone?: Building Interactive Systems
  3. JavaScript is a dynamic language.
    • So? Each Javascript component is dynamic all the way from individual variables to the code itself.
  4. WOW. With the help of JavaScript, you can:
    • Create variables on-the-go (during runtime)
    • Change their data-type
    • Create new functions
    • Replace existing logic


I totally know JavaScript: performs like the best programming language ever

I thought Java was short for JavaScript: why do I get different random errors for the SAME LINE OF CODE!!!

This random behavior can and will build up certain complexities... in our case? Especially if using it in a project. A shared Group Project. With different files. And different styles.

No. We will use strict and follow ES6 (what is this?)


HTML: [H]yper [T]ext [M]arkup [L]anguage

CSS : [C]ascading [S]tyle [S]heets

So, usually you can think of HTML as content structure, CSS as content appearance, and JavaScript as content behaviour. But this is changing (confusion inevitable). If we want anything to change on a webpage without reloading the entire page, we need JavaScript help me... that link is also useful in clarifying imperative v declarative programming... and it is PROBABLY USEFUL FOR UNDERSTANDING THE HOWS AND WHATS BEHIND YOUR BROWSER EXTENSION

What is JavaScript used for?

  • server side: allows interacting
  • client side: how we interact with
    • from client to server: Node.js is the best! (this is debatable (not really) but it's what we will use... because... it is what I use ^.^ (and it is powerful server-side))
  • what else?
    • art: p5.js (we use it)
    • machine learning: ml5.js (you might use it)

How can we use JavaScript?

  • internal JavaScript: into the html <script> between tags </script>
    • <head> here </head> or <body> here </body>
  • external JavaScript: link to a separate file as an extension.js
    • <head> usually here </head>

JavaScript: Standard Form

Standard Syntax

<script type="text/javascript">
  // Your javaScript code

Characteristics of JavaScript

  1. Dynamically typed
    • accepts different data types over time
  2. Case sensitive format
    • CASe SeNSitivE != case sensitive
  3. Lightweight
    • ? used everywhere a.k.a JavaScript is the support for all browsers
  4. Event handling (includes throwing errors and catching them)
    • We could summarise a website as: a series of handled events, anticipated or not.
    • Can we make only HTML websites? (yes but...)
  5. Interpreter centered
    • We can get output without using the compiler

JavaScript in an HTML Document

  1. JavaScript in <head>

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <script type="text/javascript">
          function interact() {
            document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML="Welcome to Building Interactive Systems";
        <h2>JavaScript in Head</h2>
        <p id="demo" style="color:green;">Is Interactive?</p>
        <button type="button" onclick="interact()">Click it</button>
  2. JavaScript in <body>

    <!DOCTYPE html>
          <h2>JavaScript in Body</h2>
          <p id="demo">Is Interactive?</p>
          <button type="button" onclick="interact()">Try it</button>
          <script type="text/javascript">
            function interact() {
              document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML="Welcome to Building Interactive Systems";
  3. JavaScript from External Files external.js

    <!DOCTYPE html>
          <h2>External JavaScript</h2>
          <p id="demo">Is Interactive?</p>
          <button type="button" onclick="interact()">Push it</button>;
          <script type="text/javascript" src="external.js"></script>

Benefits of External JavaScript

  1. Cached JavaScript files can speed up page loading. Want to know more?2
  2. Separate HTML and JavaScript code
    • So? Easier to read and maintain

Strict Mode

What is this?

Strict mode can be enabled providing a set of restrictions that make your JavaScript code much more secure and helps you to maintain a high standard of coding. The JavaScript codes can now be optimized before execution by the engine.

Also known as strict mode pragma, strict has its own scope and can affect the whole file or individual methods

Something to note: our JSON files are a type of re-strict-ed form (of an ECMAScript literal. a what? a literal refers to a value's notation in code. We often see string literals in the format: "this is a string". Here, the literal indicates that a string's value is notated by double quotations " ")

How to use strict?

Just include the following where relevant (whole file? individual method?)

"use strict";

What are some of the syntax and logical errors prevented?

  1. Auto-global variable declaration


    Remember me: if you mistakenly use a variable without its definition, JavaScript doesn’t throw an error instead it declares the variable in global scope which often leads to randomness and undesired outputs


    "use strict"; // Turn on strict mode.
    myVariable = 1;


    Uncaught ReferenceError: myVariable is not defined
  2. Using reserved keywords as variable names


    Remember me: JavaScript allows reserved keywords to be used as variable names! WHAT! Enable strict if you need to control this nonsense.


    "use strict"; // Turn on strict mode.
    let eval = 5;


    Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or arguments in strict mode
  3. Duplication of parameter names


    Remember me: JavaScript allows duplicate parameter names, we can prevent this using strict


    "use strict"; // Turn on strict mode.
    let eval = 5;


    Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected eval of arguments in strict mode
  4. Deletion of JavaScript elements


    Remember me: in strict mode scopes are static and don't change over the lifetime. Deleting variables or functions is not allowed (but it is in regular mode)


    "use strict"; // Turn on strict mode.
    let myVariable = 1;
    delete myVariable;


    Uncaught SyntaxError: Delete of an unqualified identifier in strict mode

...(what is unqualified?)

Key Features of Strict Mode

  1. Useful when dealing with local v global variables.

    • Why? In JavaScript objects are variables: requires the keyword var, let, or const to define one (and you need to define them!)
    • Recall: Uncaught ReferenceError: myVariable is not defined
    • var is outdated but you may still use it or come across it
  2. Useful when handling deletions.

    • Why? JavaScript provides the functionality where you can define a property of an object as deletable.
    • So? This qualifies the property to be deleted in strict mode
    • Recall: Uncaught SyntaxError: Delete of an unqualified identifier in strict mode
  3. Enforcing reserved keywords


A function is a set of statements that takes input(s), does some specific computation(s), and produces output.

All functions*:

  • start with the keyword: function

  • followed by a uniquely chosen name: funtion uniqueName

  • list of parameters: function uniqueName(param1, param2)

  • enclosed statements with curlies..: function uniqueName(param1, param2) { \\statements }

    *All for our puposes at this time

General Function Syntax

function functionName(Parameter1, Parameter2, ..)
  // Function body

How do we use Functions?

  1. Defining the Function

    Before we can use a function, we have to... define it. All function definitions follow the same basic format. Remember the external.js file? That file is just three lines, a function definition, like this one:

    function calcAddition(number1, number2)
      return number1 + number2;
  2. Calling the Function with (optional) Parameters

    Calling a function means we want to use it (probably now-ish). If we defined the function with parameters, now is a good time to include those:

    functionName(Value1, Value2, ..);
  3. Returning Information

    A function can (but is not required) to return some values using the keyword return

    • basic syntax statment: return value;

Features of an OOP

  1. Object
  2. Classes
  3. Encapsulation
  4. Inheritence


  1. An Object is a unique entity that contains Property and Method
  2. The characteristics of an Object are properties
  3. The actions of an Object are methods
    • NOTE: A Method in JavaScript
      • is a Property of an Object
        • whose Value is a Function
  4. An Object is an instance of a Class

psst: pretty much everything is an Object in JavaScript (yes, even functions, arrays, and strings!)

How can we create an Object?

  1. Object Literal

    //Defining the object
    let person = {
      first_name: 'Git',
      last_name: 'Hub',
      //a useful method
      getFunction : function(){
        return (`The name of the person is ${person.first_name} ${person.last_name}`)
      //we can have an object within an object
      phone_number : {
        mobile2: 'ffgf'


    The name of the person is Git Hub


    • The returned value 'Git' comes from returning ${person.first_name}
    • and phone_number.mobile2 are both accepted as numbers and letters
  2. Object Constructor

    The this.

    //using a constructor
    function person(first_name,last_name){
      this.first_name = first_name;
      this.last_name = last_name;
    //creating new instances of person object
    let person1 = new person('First','Last');
    let person2 = new person('Git','Hub');
    console.log(`${person2.first_name} ${person2.last_name}`);


    Git Hub
  3. Object.create() method

    This creates a new object by using an existing object as the prototype of the newly created object.

    // Object.create() example
    // a simple object with some properties
    const coder = {
      isStudying : false,
      printIntroduction : function(){
        console.log(`My name is ${}. Am I studying?: ${this.isStudying}.`)
    // the Object.create() method
    const me = Object.create(coder);
    // "name" is a property set on "me", but not on "coder" = '1720';
    // Inherited properties can be overwritten
    me.isStudying = true;


    My name is 1720. Am I studying?: true

IMPORTANT: in the example above you should have noticed that:

  • our existing Object instance, called coder, has properties and methods isStudying and printIntroduction
  • these are inherited by our new Object instance, called me
    • (coder is the protoype we based our instance me on)
  • we then give our new Object instance a new property, called name
  • our prototype Object instance (coder) does not have a property name
    • (but our new instance me does...)
    • if we could use our new Object instance (me) as a prototype... we could make a new new Object instance which would inherit the property name

(HEY! maybe you have noticed how useful console.log() is?)

  • (Maybe you also noticed how F12 might solve all problems?)


  1. Classes are like the blueprint of an Object
  2. A Class can have many Objects
    • Why? Because a Class is a template
  3. Objects are instances of the class
    • ? They are the implementation

In other words, Templates are to Instances as Classes are to Objects.

  • You can also think of classes as special functions

WAIT. Unlike (most) OOP languages there are technically no classes in JavaScript (because... everything is an object).

INSTEAD we consider JavaScript to be a Prototype Based Object Oriented Language

  • behaviours are defined using a constructor function
  • behaviours are reused by reusing existing Objects
    • this is called inheritence

The class syntax is not introducing a new object-oriented inheritance model to JavaScript. JavaScript classes provide a much simpler and clearer syntax to create objects and deal with inheritance. –Mozilla Developer Network

Defining a Class

The updated ES6 format for JavaScript implements a JavaScript version of classes. Traditionally, classes were simulated through Object definitions. Let's look at the different formats. Does ES6 make it easier to define and reuse an Object?

  1. ES6

    // Defining class using es6
    class Vehicle {
      constructor(name, maker, engine) { = name;
        this.maker = maker;
        this.engine = engine;
        return (`The name of the bike is ${}.`)
    // Making object with the help of the constructor
    let bike1 = new Vehicle('Hayabusa', 'Suzuki', '1340cc');
    let bike2 = new Vehicle('Ninja', 'Kawasaki', '998cc');
    console.log(; // Hayabusa
    console.log(bike2.maker); // Kawasaki


    The name of the bike is Hayabusa.
  2. Traditional

    // Defining class in a Traditional Way
    function Vehicle(name,maker,engine){ = name,
      this.maker = maker,
      this.engine = engine
    Vehicle.prototype.getDetails = function(){
      console.log('The name of the bike is '+;
    let bike1 = new Vehicle('Hayabusa','Suzuki','1340cc');
    let bike2 = new Vehicle('Ninja','Kawasaki','998cc');


    The name of the bike is Hayabusa.


The process of wrapping property and function within a single unit is known as encapsulation


//an encapsulation example
class person{
  constructor(name,id){ = name; = id;

    this.add = add;

    console.log(`Name is ${}, Address is: ${this.add}`);

let person1 = new person('Git',21);



Name is Git, Address is: YorkU

Alternatively, encapsulation can also refer to restricting the scope of a variable within the Class or Object


// Abstraction example
// we change the scope through the definition format of our function
function person(fname,lname){
  let firstname = fname;
  let lastname = lname;
  // how to define a no access version
  let getDetails_noaccess = function(){
    return (`First name is: ${firstname} Last name is: ${lastname}`);
  // how to define an accessible version
  this.getDetails_access = function(){
    return (`First name is: ${firstname}, Last name is: ${lastname}`);

let person1 = new person('NAME','LAST');



First name is: NAME, Last name is: LAST

What happened?

  • we try to access property person1.firstname and function person1.getDetails_noaccess
  • because we changed how we defined the function, we have restricted the function's scope
    • we get a return of undefined
      • even though we know there is a method we can access through our Object instance, person (person1.getDetails_access())


  1. Concept: some, one, or all property and/or method of an Object is being used by another Object.
  2. Unlike (most) OOP languages where classes inherit classes, in JavaScript an Object inherits Object
    • certain features (property and method) of one object can be reused by other Objects.


//Inheritance example
class person{
  constructor(name){ = name;

  //method to return the string
    return (`Name of person: ${}`);

//we use the super keyword to call the class constructor above
class student extends person{
    super(name); = id;

    return (`${super.toString()},Student ID: ${}`);

let student1 = new student('NAME',22);



Name of person: NAME, Student ID: 22

In the example above both Object student and Object person have the same Method toString()

  • this is called method overriding
  • method overriding allows a Method in a child (our student) to have the same name as a Method in its parent Class (our person)
    • we use a keyword called super to refer to the immediate parent class instance variable

Thanks to gfg for the helpful JavaScript information

Also thanks to this Mike for general HTML, CSS, JS, HTML-in-JS, JS-in-HTML, and other things you'll probably want to read


