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File metadata and controls

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Exercise 1 - JSON

In many cases, web applications do not return HTML, but rather some more data-oriented format such as XML or JSON. In this exercise we are going to look at the aeson library, considered the most performant and nicest library to manipulate JSON in the Haskell world.

Throughout all the exercises we are going to move from a template with holes to a working solution. In case you had not downloaded the template code from the repository, please do it now by either cloning the repository or downloading a ZIP.

Retuning JSON

If you look at the main file from the ex1-json project, you shall find the following code:

json $ object [ "hello" .= String name ]

The json function comes from Spock and is similar to the text and html functions which we have introduced before. Its purpose is to signal the web framework that a JSON value is the result of executing the route. But in this case, the argument to the call is no longer a string-like value, but rather some other kind of data.

This new kind of data comes must be of the type Value from the aeson package, and represents a JSON value as a Haskell data type. Indeed, if you look at the definition of Value (extracted directly from aeson's source code):

data Value = Object !Object
           | Array  !Array
           | String !Text
           | Number !Scientific
           | Bool   !Bool
           | Null

you shall notice that the constructors correspond to the basic ways to build JSON values: objects, arrays, strings, numbers, booleans and null. Around this simple data type, aeson builds a series of niceties to make it easier to work with JSON.

You may have notice, however, that we haven't used the Object constructor in our example. Inside the library, Object is defined as needing a hashmap of strings to values: this is a very performant way to operate with it, but unfortunately does not provide a very nice interface for writing a JSON value as we are doing here. Instead, it is more convenient to use the object function, which expects a list of pairs as key-values to JSON. That is, if we want to represent the JSON value:

{ "key1": value1, "key2": value2, ...}

we write inside aeson:

object [ "key1" .= value1
       , "key2" .= value2
       , ...]

Task 1: rewrite the code for the /allow/:age route to return either { "allowed": true } or { "allowed": false }.

Task 2: the template code includes the definition of a Person data type and a list of people. Add a route to your Spock application of the form /person/:n, which returns the information of the n-th person in the list as JSON.

Hint: to obtain the n-th element of a list, use the (!!) function from the Data.List module.


For the second task it is quite probable that you had written a function, or a piece of code, which transforms a Person value into a corresponding Value from aeson. Given that this a very common operation, aeson defines a ToJSON type class. Each type which is an instance of this class has a way to be converted to JSON. For example:

instance ToJSON Person where
  toJSON (Person nm ag ad) = object [ "name"    .= nm
                                    , "age"     .= ag
                                    , "address" .= ad

This instance definition itself makes use of the ToJSON type class. Note that we didn't have to mark explicitly how to convert a string or an Integer to JSON: the conversion is done automatically for us when using the (.=) operator.

The json function from Spock also works on any ToJSON value, not only of those from the Value type. In conclusion, task 2 can be solved with only two lines of code once you have the instances in place:

get ("person" <//> ix) $ \ix ->
  json $ listPeople !! ix

Task 3: create a new data type Task which stores a title, a description and the Person who is in charge of the task. Write a corresponding ToJSON instance. Note that you can reuse the definition for Person in the code for Task.

Imagine however that your code does not include two, but dozens of data types which you might need to show to the user as JSON: what a nightmare of boilerplate code! Luckily, GHC has a feature called generic deriving which alleviates this problem.

The first step is to make your type an instance of the Generic type class, which can be done automatically by the compiler. Given that generic deriving is not part of the Haskell standard, you need to enable a GHC extension. The way extensions are added to a file is via a {-# LANGUAGE Extension #-} line at the beginning of the source. In our case, it should read:

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}

Then, you need to import the Generic type class into scope, via:

import GHC.Generics

Finally, include a deriving clause in your data type:

data Person = Person { name    :: String
                     , age     :: Integer
                     , address :: String
                     } deriving Generic

In short, being an instance of Generic means that the code can perform reflection on the structure of the data type. In particular, functions or instances which depend on the shape of a data type can be defined all at once for those types which are Generic.

The class ToJSON is one of those type classes. Given a record definition, like that of Person, you can generically build a way to show the information in JSON format by using as keys the names of the records. To signal the compiler that you want that instance to be automatically generated for you, just write:

instance ToJSON Person


In this exercise we have looked at the capabilities for creating JSON values out of Haskell values. In particular, we have looked at the generic deriving mechanism in GHC which helps us removing lots of boilerplate code.