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This page gives a quick overview on how to start using Robustness Gym.

The central operation in Robustness Gym is the construction of slices of data: a slice is just a dataset that is used to test specific model properties.

Robustness Gym comes with a set of general abstractions to build slices with ease. We'll use a simple example to show you how these work.

Robustness Gym also has a lot of built-in functionality that you can use out-of-the-box (thanks to some other great open-source projects) for creating slices. You can read more about these in [](), and check out []() if you'd like to contribute some of your own slice building code to Robustness Gym.

Let's dive in quickly!

Building Slices

Robustness Gym contains a SliceBuilder class for writing code to build slices. This class defines a common interface that all SliceBuilders must follow:

  1. Any SliceBuilder object can be called using slicebuilder(batch_or_dataset, columns).
  2. This call always returns a (dataset, slices, matrix) tuple.

To see how this works, let's see a simple example. We're going to

  1. Create a dummy dataset containing just 4 text examples.
  2. Use a ScoreSubpopulation (a kind of SliceBuilder) to build 2 slices.

Let's start by creating the dataset.

from robustnessgym import Dataset, Identifier

dataset = Dataset.from_batch({
    'text': ['a person is walking',
             'a person is running',
             'a person is sitting',
             'a person is walking on a street eating a bagel']
}, identifier=Identifier(_name='MyDataset'))

Here, we used the .from_batch(..) method to create a dataset called MyDataset. This dataset has a single column called text with 4 examples or rows.

The Identifier class is used to store identifying information for Dataset objects, SliceBuilder objects and more.


Most objects in Robustness Gym have a .identifier property that can be used to inspect the object.

Next, let's create the ScoreSubpopulation to build slices.

def length(batch, columns):
    A simple function to compute the length of all examples in a batch.

    batch: a dict of lists
    columns: a list of str

    return: a list of lengths
    assert len(columns) == 1, "Pass in a single column."

    # The name of the column to grab text from
    column_name = columns[0]
    text_batch = batch[column_name]

    # Tokenize the text using .split() and calculate the number of tokens
    return [len(text.split()) for text in text_batch]

We pause here to point out three things:

  1. The def func(batch, columns) is a common pattern in Robustness Gym for adding custom functionality.

    The batch here refers to a batch of data,

    {'text': ['a person is walking', 'a person is running'], 'index': [0, 1]}

    is a batch of size 2 from the dataset (dataset[:2]).

    The columns parameter specifies the relevant columns of the batch. This has some advantages e.g. suppose otherdataset has a column of text named sentence instead. We can reuse length for both datasets,

    length(batch=dataset[:2], columns=['text'])
    length(batch=otherdataset[:2], columns=['sentence'])
  2. length returns a list of scores (lengths in this case). This is an important ingredient of the ScoreSubpopulation, which constructs (as the name suggests) slices by bucketing examples based on their score.
  3. We tokenized text inside the length function. This is bad:
    1. Tokenization is a basic step in text processing, and we should only do it once.
    2. If it was some other, more expensive operation, we should definitely do it once.

Let's keep going and wrap length in a ScoreSubpopulation.

from robustnessgym import ScoreSubpopulation

# Create the score subpopulation for length
length_sp = ScoreSubpopulation(intervals=[(0, 5), (5, 10)], score_fn=length)

The ScoreSubpopulation requires

  1. a list of intervals, each interval is a tuple containing the range of lengths that are considered part of that slice.
  2. a score_fn, used to assign scores to a batch of examples

Let's run this on the dataset.

# Run the length subpopulation on the dataset
dataset, slices, membership = length_sp(batch_or_dataset=dataset, columns=['text'])

This call just executes the length function on the dataset, and buckets the examples based on which intervals they fall in. As we briefly mentioned earlier, this returns the (dataset, slices, membership) tuple,

  1. dataset now tags each example with slice information i.e. what slices does the example belong to
  2. slices is a list of Slice objects (2 here, since we specified 2 intervals). Each Slice object is a dataset containing just the examples that were part of the slice.
  3. membership is a np.array matrix of shape (n, m), where n is the number of examples in the original dataset, and m is the number of slices built. Entry (i, j) is 1 if example i is in slice j.

And that's (almost) it! Most code you write in Robustness Gym will follow a similar workflow. Before we end, we take a short segue to talk about the other major abstraction in Robustness Gym: the CachedOperation class.

Caching Information

As we noted earlier, we tokenized text inside the length function, when we should ideally run this step separately and reuse it across multiple SliceBuilder objects.

When creating Robustness Gym, we noticed this pattern frequently: cache some information (CachedOperation), and use that information to build some slices (SliceBuilder).

Let's look at the same example as before, and use a CachedOperation for tokenization this time.

from robustnessgym import CachedOperation, Identifier

def tokenize(batch, columns):
    A simple function to tokenize a batch of examples.

    batch: a dict of lists
    columns: a list of str

    return: a list of tokenized text
    assert len(columns) == 1, "Pass in a single column."

    # The name of the column to grab text from
    column_name = columns[0]
    text_batch = batch[column_name]

    # Tokenize the text using .split()
    return [text.split() for text in text_batch]

# Create the CachedOperation
cachedop = CachedOperation(apply_fn=tokenize,

We've written tokenize with the familiar func(batch, columns) function signature. This function is then wrapped into a CachedOperation for use.


A CachedOperation can be created with any func(batch, columns). The only constraint is that it must return a list, with size equal to that of the batch.

Let's create our ScoreSubpopulation for length again.

from robustnessgym.decorators import singlecolumn

def length(batch, columns):
    A simple function to compute the length of all examples in a batch.

    batch: a dict of lists
    columns: a list of str

    return: a list of lengths
    assert len(columns) == 1, "Pass in a single column."

    # The name of the column to grab text from
    column_name = columns[0]
    text_batch = batch[column_name]

        proc_fns=lambda decoded_batch: []

    # Tokenize the text using .split() and calculate the number of tokens
    return [len(text.split()) for text in text_batch]

Robustness Gym ships with CachedOperations that use standard text processing pipelines to tokenize and tag text.

There's a ton more to Robustness Gym (and more coming). Here are some pointers on where to head to next, depending on your specific goals:

  1. If you want a more detailed tutorial and walkthrough, head to the [Tutorial 1]() Jupyter notebook
  2. If you'd like to see what SliceBuilders are available in Robustness Gym today, check out []().
  3. If you're interested in a walkthrough of the SliceBuilder class in more detail, head to [](). Head to []() for a deep dive into the CachedOperation class. This is recommended for expert users.
  4. If you'd like to learn more about the motivation behind Robustness Gym, check out []().
  5. If you're interested in becoming a contributor, read []().