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File metadata and controls

92 lines (71 loc) · 4.81 KB

Getting Started

The data sets home_prices.csv and yearly_rent.csv are merged into one dataframe using the Python (version 3.6) module Pandas. Merging the data allows for direct comparison of trends between home prices and long-term rental rates.

# Import Dependencies
import pandas as pd

Data processing

The paths to the two .csv files were called to access. The .csv files were then loaded to separate dataframes.

# Create a path to the csv and read it into a Pandas DataFrame
csv_path = "../Data/home_prices.csv"
rent_path = "../Data/yearly_rent.csv"
home_df = pd.read_csv(csv_path, encoding='utf8', engine='python')
rent_df = pd.read_csv(rent_path, encoding='utf8', engine='python')

Because the rental rates of each year are presented in separate columns in rent_df, it is melted from wide form to long form, resulting in a new dataframe designated as melted_df. The format of this dataframe now matches that of home_df.

# Changing from columns to rows
melted_df = pd.melt(rent_df,id_vars=["Neighborhood"],
                    value_vars=[i for i in list(rent_df.columns.values[1:8])],
                    var_name = "Year", value_name = "Annual Rent")

# Parse "Year" values to reflect year
melted_df["Year"] = melted_df["Year"].str.replace("Rent_", "")
melted_df["Year"] = melted_df["Year"].astype(int)

rent_df2 is created by merging rent_df and melted_df so that geographic coordinates are included.

#merging two data frames
rent_df2 = pd.merge(melted_df,rent_df.loc[:,["Neighborhood","City","Lat","Lng"]])

Column names in home_df are renamed to match the column names in rent_df2.

#rename columns to merge on same names
home_df = home_df.rename(columns={'Assessor Neighborhood': 'Neighborhood', 
                                  'Assessed Land Value': 'Home Price',
                                  'Closed Roll Year': 'Year'})

Also, the spelling and name variants in home_df are made uniform with those in rent_df2. In instances where the names led to two entries with the same name (e.g., "Financial District North" and "Financial District South" converted to "Financial District") are grouped and the average of their home prices are calculated.

#rename home prices neighbourhoods for consistency with rent neighbourhoods
home_df["Neighborhood"] = home_df["Neighborhood"].replace({"Buena Vista Park": "Buena Vista",
                                                             "Bayview Heights": "Bayview",
                                                             "Croker Amazon": "Crocker Amazon",
                                                             "Forest Hill Extension": "Forest Hill",
                                                             "Lake --The Presidio": "Lake", 
                                                             "Lake Shore": "Lakeshore", 
                                                             "Jordan Park/Laurel Heights": "Laurel Heights",
                                                             "Mission Dolores": "Mission", 
                                                             "Sea Cliff": "Seacliff",
                                                             "Financial District North": "Financial District",
                                                             "Financial District South": "Financial District"})
# Group by the same neighbourhood name and use the means
home_gb = home_df.groupby("Neighborhood").mean()
home_gb = home_gb.reset_index()
home_gb["Year"] = home_gb["Year"].astype(int)

A new dataframe, merged_csv, is created by merging rent_df2 and home_df based on columns Neighborhood and Year.

#merge home price and rent dataframes
merged_df = pd.merge(home_gb,rent_df2, on = ["Neighborhood", "Year"])

DataFrame merged_csv is grouped on Neighborhood in order to count mean values for Annual Rent and Home Price for each neighbourhood. Column Year is dropped.

#Grouping DataFrame based on "Neighborhood"
merged_gb = merged_df.groupby("Neighborhood").mean()

#Dropping column
merged_gb = merged_gb.drop(['Year'], axis=1)
merged_gb = merged_gb.reset_index()


merged_df is saved as hp_and_rent.csv and merged_gb as hp_and_rent_grouped.csv in the Data folder.