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Joystick + Accelerometer Controlled Camera Mount

  • Utilizes a DE10-Lite SoC with Nios II processor to produce a multifunctional camera mount with hobby servos
  • Includes custom hardware such as:
    • A dual PWM signal generator controlled via an output-only GPIO peripheral to control pan and tilt servos with 8-bit precision.
    • A 1MHz ADC circuit with up to 18 channels for analog measurement with modes for single and continuous conversion for joystick control over pan and tilt servos
    • A 4-wire SPI component with memory mapped address and data registers controlling the 10-bit ADXL345 accelerometer chip
    • An I2C Master component to control an OV7670 camera module at 100kbits/sec with a FIFO queue.
  • Also comes with an API for application developers in C plus a complete user manual outlining features, architecture, usage, memory map, and example code