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Rewards Tree v8

RPIP-30 is ratified. The RPIP directs the oDAO to adopt a rewards tree strategy that shifts away from linear RPL rewards between the eligiblity bounds. Instead, a piecewise function will calculate a rewards 'weight' above a minimum bound. The maximum bound will be removed. One piece of the piecewise function calls for use of ln(), or an approximation of ln(), on inputs greater than or equal to 2.

Implementation options

1. oDAO standardizes on IEEE-754 floats

This option is perhaps the most naive.

  1. No on-chain support for IEEE-754 (Future SCs may want to validate the computation of reward weight for a fraud proof).
  2. IEEE-754 is weak about ln() support, saying that ln(x) is a "recommended" mathematical operation which "must" round correctly.
  3. Different languages and different architectures may not trivially arrive at the same results for a given input.

I recommend against any approach involving floats.

2. oDAO agrees on a lookup table over a range, e.g. [10, 400], and with a particular granularity, e.g. 3 sigfigs.

This option is straight forward. A table can be generated and converted into a simple array in any language, and attached to the specification. The main downside is that it needs to be bounded, so above a certain level of collateral, rewards will not increase. This is probably acceptable, as we can set the boundary high enough to capture any rational amount of collateral, and can set the granularity low enough to keep the table compact.

The table would simply map collateral percentages of borrowed eth to node weights, and the mapped value would represent the result of the piecewise function defined in RPIP-30.

I don't favor this approach, as I believe it is nearly as complex as the next option, but with more downsides (lost granularity, and constant rewards above the upper bound of the table). We can mitigate the granularity issues with non-even spacing over the domain of the LUT, but that adds additional complexity (beyond, in my opinion, the complexity of the next option).

3. EVM-friendly approximation

This option is the one I am recommending, and involves using an iterative approximation of log2 to calculate ln(x) as log2(x)/log2(e).

Existing solidity library prb-math has a good reference implementation of ln() via iterative approximation that operates on unsigned 60x18 (60 digits with 18 decimal places), and it has a maximum error of 2**-60, which is well beyond sufficiently small (less than 1 wei). I'll be basing my suggested change to the spec on this approach.

Suggested changes to the Rewards Tree spec

To apply RPIP-30, the spec should be updated to add a transformation to the Collateral Rewards section, and to eventually remove the maxCollateral calculations.

Modifying the calculation

We jump ahead in the spec to the scaling of nodeEffectiveStake, immediately before this block:

nodeAge := targetElBlock.Timestamp - registrationTime
if (nodeAge < intervalTime) {
    nodeEffectiveStake = nodeEffectiveStake * nodeAge / intervalTime

We will call a new function for each node with the signature int getNodeWeight(eligibleBorrowedEth, nodeStake, ratio, belowMin=nodeEffectiveStake==0) to calculate a nodeWeight.

Update the subsequent section to include scaling nodeWeight by registration time:

nodeAge := targetElBlock.Timestamp - registrationTime
if (nodeAge < intervalTime) {
    nodeEffectiveStake = nodeEffectiveStake * nodeAge / intervalTime
+   nodeWeight = nodeWeight * nodeAge / intervalTime

Finally, a new term, totalNodeWeight, the sum of all nodes' nodeWeight must be calculated.

getNodeWeight specification

First, check if belowMin is true. Return 0 if so. This will remove nodes below minCollateral, as the spec has set nodeEffectiveStake to 0 for them, as well as nodes with no RPL staked yet, if they have not already been filtered.

Calculate stakedRplValueInEth = nodeStake * ratio / 1 Eth (since ratio and nodeStake are both measured in wei, they must be divided by 1 Eth to normalize the result).

Calculate percentOfBorrowedEth = stakedRplValueInEth * 100 Eth / eligibleBorrowedEth and if percentOfBorrowedEth <= 15 Eth return 100 wei * stakedRplValueInEth. This handles the piecewise section of the function between 10 and 15 percent of borrowed.

Finally, if we have not yet returned, return ((13.6137 Eth + 2 wei * ln(percentOfBorrowedEth - 13 Eth)) * eligibleBorrowedEth) / 1 Eth. The natural log ln is defined in the next section, and returns a value in wei with 18 decimal places. The final division is, again, to normalize, as the result of the outermost multiplication produces a result in Eth-squared.

ln specification

The ln(x) function is specified to equal log2(x) * 1 Eth / 1442695040888963407 wei. The constant is the result of log2(e). The log2 function is defined in the next section, and returns a value in wei.

log2 specification

log2(x) is calculated using iterative approximation for 60 loops, ensuring an error of at most 2**-60.

Define result = 0

First, calculate exponent of the highest power of two that is less than or equal to the input x. The easiest way to do this is to find the index of most significant set bit, with the least significant digit being 0-indexed. Id est, if x is 40 Ether, the highest power of two that is less than 40 Eth is 32 Eth, and the most significant bit of 0b0100000 (32 in binary) is at index 5, so exponent is 5.

Multiply the exponent by 1 Eth and add it to the result, result = result + exponent * 1 Eth. Next, calculate the iterative approximation's y term y = x >> exponent. If y is 1 Eth, return result.

Define delta = 1 Eth.

Loop 60 times. In each loop:

  1. Divide delta by 2 wei, delta = delta / 2 wei
  2. Square y, y = y * y / 1 Eth
  3. If y >= 2 Eth:
    • Add delta to result, i.e. result = result + delta
    • Divide y by 2 wei, i.e. y = y / 2 wei

After 60 loops, return result

Phase-In period

RPIP-30 is going to be phased in over 5 rewards cycles, reaching full effect during the sixth.

Define C to be an integer in the closed range [1, 6] wei that represents the rewards cycle (offset by the cycle before the spec is adopted). That is, if the spec is adopted for rewards cycle 17, C is 1 when calculating cycle 17, 2 when calculating cycle 18, and so on until cycle 22, when C reaches and remains at 6.

For each node, nodeCollateralAmount will be defined by (collateralRewards * C * nodeWeight / (totalNodeWeight * 6 wei)) + (collateralRewards * (6 wei - C) * nodeEffectiveStake / (totalEffectiveRplStake * 6 wei))

The sum of nodeCollateralAmount will be used as totalCalculatedCollateralRewards in the subsequent epsilon comparison.

Once C reaches 6, the phase-in is complete, and nodeCollateralAmount is defined by collateralRewards * nodeWeight / totalNodeWeight.

In the final state of RPIP-30, max collateral is no longer needed and can be removed.

maxCollateral is currently given by maxCollateral := eligibleBondedEth * maxCollateralFraction / ratio. Once RPIP-30 removes the maximum, this term no longer needs to be calculated. eligibleBondedEth and maxCollateralFraction can also be removed, as they are only referenced in calculating the maxCollateral term.

Additionally, nodeEffectiveStake can be removed, provided the minimum is still applied to nodeStake before calculating nodeWeight.

Updates to the merkle tree

I'm recommending adding totalNodeWeight to the merkle tree.

It isn't required for the distribution of rewards. However, we will inevitably have to update things like the Node Operator APR calculator or build other tools that can estimate the APR for a given RPL / Borrowed Eth configuration for node operators. Id est, a Node Operator deciding how much RPL to stake will want to know what kind of rewards to expect for various configurations.

In the old system, the APR could be approximated with just the collateralRewards, nodeEffectiveStake, and totalEffectiveRplStake terms. collateralRewards is reasonably predictable, nodeEffectiveStake comes from the inputs to the calculator, and totalEffectiveRplStake can be looked up on-chain (and adjusted by the input of the calcuator).

However, in the new system, a node operator deciding how much RPL to stake will have a rewards amount impacted by totalWeight in addition to nodeEffectiveStake and eligibleBorrowedEth. The simplest way to update these tools would be to calculate the hypothetical nodeWeight and use a recent interval tree's totalWeight field to approximate what their share would be (collaterapRewards * nodeWeight / (nodeWeight + totalWeight)).