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.. note:: A full API documentation is avalable here: :mod:`autodiff`

External dependencies

The autodiff package proper requires only numpy. Running tests requires pytest and codecov, while generating this documentation requires sphinx (version 1.7.9).

Core data structures and classes

Currently, the autodiff package has two core data structure, Number and Array. A Number is a scalar that stores a value and a derivative. Array subclasses the numpy.ndarray to support functions with vector inputs. It holds a 1-d array of Number objects.

Important attributes of the Number class

The Number class has only two attributes, a value (val) and a dict of partial derivatives (_deriv). It is intialized as follows:

def __init__(self, val, deriv=None):

        self.val = val
        if deriv is None:
            self._deriv = {
                self: 1
        elif isinstance(deriv, dict):
            self._deriv = deriv
            #keep also a copy of the derivative w.r.t. itself
            self._deriv[self] = 1
            self._deriv = {
                    self: deriv

The _deriv dict is meant to not be accessable to the user directly. It is only stored for internal reference. To access partial derivatives, the user can call .jacobian() method, with a list of elements (or a single element) that the user wants to take partial derivatives with respect to. .jacobian() method takes elements out of the _deiv dict to display for the user

>>> from autodiff.structures import Number
>>> x = Number(2)
>>> y = Number(3)
>>> def f(x, y, a=3):
>>>     return a * x * y
>>> q = f(x, y, a=3)
>>> q.jacobian(x)
>>> q.jacobian(y)
>>> q._deriv
{Number(value=2): 9, Number(value=3): 6}

The Array class inherits from the np.array. It stores a _data attribute internally to hold a list of Number objects.

def __init__(self, iterable):
        self._data = np.array(iterable, dtype=np.object)

Methods and name attributes

The Number class overloads the following common elementary operations:

  • +
  • -
  • *
  • /
  • **
We have also included the following elementary operations, all of which use their `numpy` counterparts and live in the :mod:`autodiff.operations` module.
  • autodiff.operations.sin()
  • autodiff.operations.cos()
  • autodiff.operations.tan()
  • autodiff.operations.asin()
  • autodiff.operations.acos()
  • autodiff.operations.atan()
  • autodiff.operations.log()
  • autodiff.operations.exp()
  • autodiff.operations.sqrt()

Defining custom elementary functions is straightforward, using the elementary decorator (this is the same method we use internally). The decorator takes one input, a function with the same arguments as the elementary operation, but calculates the derivative of the operation rather than the value. We call this derivative function internally.

To perform the derivatives, we wrote an elementary decorator that will also support using all these operations on Array objects by looping through each element:

def elementary(deriv_func):
    def inner(func):
            def inner_func(*args, **kwargs):
                # Check if args[0] has len. If so, apply the function elementwise and return an array
                # rather than a Number
                    value = func(*args, **kwargs)
                    deriv = deriv_func(*args, **kwargs)
                    return Number(value, deriv)

                except AttributeError:

                    vals = [func(element, *args[1:], **kwargs) for element in args[0]]
                    derivs = [deriv_func(element, *args[1:], **kwargs) for element in args[0]]
                    numbers = [Number(val, deriv) for val, deriv in zip(vals, derivs)]
                    return Array(numbers)

            return inner_func
        return inner

Then, each elementary operation can be defined as follows:

def my_pow_deriv(a, b):
    """ Returns the derivative of my_pow at a and b
    return b * a ** (b - 1)

def my_pow(a, b):
    return pow(a, b)
def sin_deriv(a):
    """ Returns the derivative of the sin() elemental operation"""
        return a.deriv * np.cos(a.value)
    except AttributeError
        return np.cos(a)
def sin(a):
    try ...
    return np.sin(a)

The Number() class overloads __add__ and __radd__, along with other elementary operations as follows. The autodiff.array class overloads vector operations similarly.

# From autodiff.operations
def add_deriv(x,y):
    """Derivative of additions, one of x and y has to be a Number object
        x: a Number
        y: a Number object or an int/float to be added
        The derivative of the sum of x and y
        for key in x.deriv.keys():
            if key in y.deriv.keys():
                d[key] = x.deriv[key] + y.deriv[key]
                d[key] = x.deriv[key]
        for key in y.deriv.keys():
            if not key in x.deriv.keys():
                d[key] = y.deriv[key]
    except AttributeError:
        d = x.deriv
    return d

def add(x,y):
    """add two numbers together, one of x and y has to be a Number object
        x: a Number object or an int/float
        y: a Number object or an int/float to be added
        value of the sum
        s = x.val + y.val
        s = x.val + y
    return s

# In autodiff.structures
class Number():

    def __add__(self, other):
        Overloads the add method to add a number object to another Number object or an integer/float.
            other: a Number object or an integer or float to be added.
            another Number object, which is the sum.
        return operations.add(self, other)
    def __radd__(self, other):
        Overloads the right add method to add a number object to another Number object or an integer/float.
            other: a Number object or an integer or float to be added.
            another Number object, which is the sum.
        return operations.add(self, other)

The Array class overloads the following operations:

  • +
  • -
  • *
  • /
  • **

These will either support operations between two Array objects, or one Array object and one Number/integer/float object.

Moreover, Array will support the following operations, which will perform element-wise operations on each element when called:

  • autodiff.operations.sin()
  • autodiff.operations.cos()
  • autodiff.operations.tan()
  • autodiff.operations.asin()
  • autodiff.operations.acos()
  • autodiff.operations.atan()
  • autodiff.operations.log()
  • autodiff.operations.exp()
  • autodiff.operations.sqrt()

You can call these directly on an Array object, as the same case with Number.

To access the derivatives, Array implements a jacobian method, which will return another Array object in 2-d, holding each row as an element of the original array, each column as the element of order to take partial derivatives with respect to.

def jacobian(self, order):
        Returns the jacobian matrix by the order specified.
            order: the order to return the jacobian matrix in. Has to be not null
            a list of partial derivatives specified by the order.

        def _partial(deriv, key):
                return deriv[key]
            except KeyError:
                raise ValueError(
                    f'No derivative with respect to {repr(order)}'
        j = []
        for element in self._lst:
            jacobian = []
                for key in order:
                    jacobian.append(_partial(element.deriv, key))
            except TypeError:
                # The user specified a scalar order
                jacobian.append(_partial(element.deriv, order))
        j = Array(j)
        return j