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Proposed extension

As an extension of the autodiff package, we would like to propose making two additional submodules that make use of automatic differentiation: an optimization package that contains an easy-to-use API for finding the optima of scalar- and vector-valued functions, and a rootfinding package that can find roots of scalar- and vector-valued functions.

These are two new submodules under the autodiff package, so the new directory structure will be:

├── autodiff
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──

For autodiff.optimization, we will allow the user to use two different optimization algorithms: bfgs, bfgs_symbolic and steepest_descent. These is also an extension of the optimization example in our current docs folder.

In autodiff.rootfinding, we will have convenient API that allows the user to find the roots of complex functions using Newton's method, an extension of the root_finding example in our docs folder.

Proposed use cases


>>> from autodiff.structures import Number
>>> from autodiff.structures import Array
>>> from autodiff.optimizations import bfgs
>>> import timeit
>>> initial_guess = Array([Number(2),Number(1)])

>>> def rosenbrock(x0):
...     return (1-x0[0])**2+100*(x0[1]-x0[0]**2)**2

>>> initial_time2 = timeit.timeit()

>>> results = bfgs(rosenbrock,initial_guess)
>>> print("Xstar:",results[0])
Xstar: [Number(val=1.0000000000025382) Number(val=1.0000000000050797)]
>>> print("Minimum:",results[1])
Minimum: Number(val=6.4435273497518935e-24)

>>> time_for_optimization = initial_time2-final_time2
>>> print("Time for symbolic bfgs to perform optimization",time_for_optimization,'total time taken is',time_for_optimization)
Time for symbolic bfgs to perform optimization 0.0005920969999999581 total time taken is 0.0005920969999999581

Root finding

There are two methods in Root_finding, newtons_method and secant_method.

>>> from autodiff import rootfinding
>>> def test_func(x,):
...     return 0.5 * x ** 2 + 2 * x + 1

>>> rf = rootfinding.newtons_method(test_func, x_0=Number(0))
>>> rf[0] #root
... -0.585786437626905
>>> rf[1] #jacobians
[2.0, 1.5, 1.4166666666666665, 1.4142156862745097, 1.4142135623746899]

Comparison to traditional methods

We will also include bfgs_symbolic method of the optimization in optimization as instructional tools to demonstrate the differences between automatic differentiation and traditional method of user calculating derivatives by themselves. Not counting the time to do derivatives, we see that AD still holds a time efficiency advantage when we time the two methods.

>>> from sympy import * 
>>> import sympy

>>> initial_time = timeit.timeit()

>>> x, y = symbols('x y') 

>>> rb = (1-x)**2+100*(y-x**2)**2

>>> # Use sympy.diff() method 
>>> par1 = diff(rb, x) 
>>> par2 = diff(rb,y)

>>> def gradientRosenbrock(x0):
>>>     x=x0[0]
>>>     y=x0[1]
>>>     drdx = -2*(1 - x) - 400*x*(-x**2 + y)
>>>     drdy = 200 *(-x**2 + y)
>>>     return drdx,drdy

>>> final_time=timeit.timeit()
>>> time_for_sympy = initial_time-final_time

>>> initial_time1 = timeit.timeit()
>>> def gradientRosenbrock(x0):
...     x=x0[0]
...     y=x0[1]
...     drdx = -2*(1 - x) - 400*x*(-x**2 + y)
...     drdy = 200 *(-x**2 + y)
...     return drdx,drdy
>>> results = bfgs_symbolic(rosenbrock,gradientRosenbrock,[2,1])
>>> time_for_optimization_symbolic = initial_time1-final_time1
>>> print("Time for symbolic bfgs to perform optimization",time_for_optimization_symbolic,'total time taken is',time_for_optimization_symbolic+time_for_sympy)
Time for symbolic bfgs to perform optimization 0.005963177000012365 total time taken is 0.007416142000003845

Note that above with bfgs, we achieved a total time of 0.00059, which is an advantage compared to the traditional bfgs_symbolic.