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A Swift package offering a simplified interface for HTTP REST requests using both Combine and async/await patterns.


  • Simplified HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
  • Easily customizable request configurations
  • Seamless error handling with specific RestingError cases
  • Asynchronous request handling using Swift's new async/await feature
  • Reactive request handling with Combine framework publishers
  • Send parameters as either Dictionary or Data
  • Handle responses with both Dataand Decodable


You can add the package to the dependencies value of your Package.swift

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "0.0.6"))


1. Import the package

import Resting

2. Create an instance of the RestClient

let clientConfiguration = RestClientConfiguration(sessionConfiguration: .default, jsonDecoder: .init())
let restClient = RestClient(configuration: clientConfiguration)

3. Configure your request

let requestConfig = RequestConfiguration(
    urlString: "",
    method: .get

4. Make the HTTP call

Using async/await:

// Decodable as response
do {
    let data: YourDecodableModel = try await restClient.fetch(with: requestConfig)
    // Handle the data
} catch {
    // Handle the error

// Data as response
do {
    let data = try await restClient.fetch(with: requestConfig)
    // Handle the data
} catch {
    // Handle the error

Using Combine:

// Decodable as response
let cancellable :AnyPublisher<YourDecodableModel, Error> = restClient.publisher(with: requestConfig)
cancellable.sink { completion in
    // Handle completion or error
} receiveValue: { (data: YourDecodableModel) in
    // Handle the data

// Data as response
restClient.publisher(with: requestConfig)
.sink { completion in
    // Handle completion or error
} receiveValue: { data in
    // Handle the data

Error Handling

The package provides a dedicated RestingError enum to handle errors gracefully. It includes cases like .urlMalformed, .statusCode, .wrongParameterType and .unknown. Make sure to incorporate these in your error handling logic.


This package supports the following languages:

  • English
  • Turkish

If you would like to contribute with translations for other languages, please open a new issue on our GitHub repository or submit a pull request.


We appreciate contributions! If you have any suggestions, feature requests, or bug reports, please open a new issue on our GitHub repository.


This package is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.