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86 lines (70 loc) · 1.67 KB

File metadata and controls

86 lines (70 loc) · 1.67 KB

sed replace regex new

cat file.txt | grep -i "IMG_" | grep -i ".MP4" | sed -E -e 's/[^\/]+$//' | sort | uniq > videos.txt
cat file.txt | grep -i ".AAE" sed -E -e 's/[^\/]+$//' | sort | uniq > trash.txt

AAE .xmp empty folders and files

Find HEIC folders

find "`pwd`" -type f -iname "*.HEIC" | sed -E -e 's/[^\/]+$//' | sort | uniq > heic2.txt

Find empty folders

find "`pwd`" -type d -exec bash -c "echo -ne '{}'; ls '{}' | wc -l" \; | awk '$NF==0' > empty.txt
find "`pwd`" -type d -empty > empty.txt


cat trash.txt | grep -i "/Share" | sed -E -e 's/[^\/]+$//' | sort | uniq > delete.txt
exiftool -json input.jpg > output.JSON
 | awk -F $'\t' '{print $3}'
find . -type d -exec bash -c "echo -ne '{} '; ls '{}' | wc -l" \; | awk '$NF==0'
cat data.txt | grep -i "\.heic" > encode.txt
cat convertir.txt | sort | uniq > encode2.txt 

Solo los que no tengan "-" luego del 3er tab

cat ~/check.txt | egrep -v '.*\t.*\t.*\t\-'
exiftool \
-r \
-T \
-directory \
-filename \
-Make \
-Model \
-DateTimeOriginal \
-ext JPG \
-ext JPEG \
/DIR \
> ~/check.txt

Adobe Caches?

~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/PTX/
~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/Team Projects Cache/
~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/Media Cache Files/
~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/Media Cache/
~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/Essential Graphics/

Picasa DB Folder

~/Library/Application Support/Google/Picasa3


find . -regex "./[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}\.jpe?g"