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Collection of controller utilities for rails applications. Created with the intention of bringing back most of the nice things about inherited resources, but in a more simple and explicit way.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'toqua'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install toqua


This library contain different tools that can be used independently, described below.

Transform params

Use this to change the value of a params key, for example:

class MyController < ApplicationController
  include Toqua::TransformParams
  transform_params(:q) { |v| JSON.parse(v) }

This would transform the value of params[:q] from a raw string into its json representation. The new value is whatever returns your block. Also works on nested keys:

transform_params(user: :q) {|v| DataManipulation.change(v) }

Or more levels of nesting:

transform_params(user: {data: :q}) {|v| DataManipulation.change(v) }


This allows you to further refine an ActiveRecord::Relation, optionally depending on conditionals. For example:

class MyController < ApplicationController
  include Toqua::Scoping
  scope {|s| s.where(parent_id: params[:parent_id])}
  def index
    @elements = apply_scopes(Element)

The scope definitions are lambdas that receive an ActiveRecord::Relation as parameter and must return another AR::Relation. They are chained in the order they're defined. To use them, you explicitly call apply_scopes with the initial argument.

You can use :if or :unless to conditionally choose if execute the scope or not. Examples:

scope(if: :show_all?) { |s| s.includes(:a, :b) }

This will call the method show_all? defined in the controller and their return value (truthy or falsey) will indicate if the scope applies or not. You can also use anything that responds to :call directly, ex:

scope(if: -> { false }) { |s| s.all }

Finally, you can also condition the scope execution based on the action on the controller:

scope(only: :index) { |s| s.includes(:a, :b) }

This is the foundation used to build searching, sorting and pagination over an AR::Relation.

Used as an independent tool, it provides a way to define scopes used by multiple actions in the same place (authorization, eager loading, etc.).


This tool can be used to paginate collections using Kaminari, providing some additional useful things. Example of basic usage:

class MyController < ApplicationController
  include Toqua::Pagination
  def index
    @elements = apply_scopes(Element)

As the paginate method uses scoping, you can pass the options of :if, :unless and :action that will get forwarded to the scope method, allowing you to conditionally decide when to paginate. Ex:

paginate(only: :index)

Or, to paginate only on html but not xlsx format:

paginate(unless: :xlsx?)

The names of the url parameters used to identify the current page and the number of results per page are page and per_page by default, but can be changed using:

paginate(page_key: "page", per_page_key: "per_page")

The number of results in each page can be controlled with the :per option:

paginate(per: 100)

The last option available is :headers. If used, 3 additional headers will be attached into the response allowing you to know info about the pagination of the collection. This is useful for API clients. Ex:

paginate(headers: true)

The response will include the following headers:

  • 'X-Pagination-Total': Total number of elements in the collection without pagination
  • 'X-Pagination-Per-Page': Number of elements per page
  • 'X-Pagination-Page': Number of the current page

Finally, the method paginated? available in both the controller and the views will tell you if the collection has been paginated or not.


Small utility to help in the implementation of searching, using Doure as a way to filter an AR model. Given that you have a model with filters defined, ex:

class Post < ApplicationRecord
  extend Doure::Filterable
  filter_class PostFilter

class PostFilter
  filter(:category_id_eq) { |s, value| s.joins(:post_categories).where(post_categories: {category_id: value}) }

You can setup searching in the controller using:

class PostsController < ApplicationController
  include Toqua::Search
  def index
    @elements = apply_scopes(Post)

The parameter used to represent the search criteria is :q.

The method search_params will give you a hash representing the contents of :q, which is the current search criteria, for example:

{title_cont: "Air", category_id_eq: "12", slug_cont: "", scheduled_at_present: "", id_eq: ""}

The method active_search_params will give you only the search parameters containing some value:

{title_cont: "Air", category_id_eq: "12"}

The method search_object, available in the view, gives an ActiveModel like object stuffed with the current search_params, so you can use that as the object of the search form to automatically pre-fill all the search inputs with their current value. Ex:

= form_for search_object do |f|
  = f.input :title_cont
  = f.input :category_id_eq, collection: ...

The method searching? will tell you if there's a current search or not.

Finally, you can define a default_search_params method in the controller to setup default search criteria:

def default_search_params
  { visible_by_role: "editor" }

As a final note, remember to take care of properly sanitize the input of your search criteria to avoid unintended usage, using TransformParams as seen before or by any other means. Toqua doesn't apply any sanitization by default, since the values that may come from the view can vary between use cases (strings, arrays, hashes, etc.).


The sorting utility allows you to sort the collection, using the parameter s in the url with a format like title+asc or title+desc. Usage example:

class PostsController < ApplicationController
  include Toqua::Sorting
  def index
    @elements = apply_scopes(Post)

A helper to create sorting links easily is not directly provided by the gem, but can be something like this:

  def sort_link(name, label = nil, opts = {})
    label ||= name.to_s.humanize
    current_attr_name, current_direction = params[:s].present? && params[:s].split("+").map(&:strip)

    next_direction = opts.fetch(:default_order, current_direction == "asc" ? "desc" : "asc")

    parameters = request.query_parameters
    parameters.merge!(opts[:link_params]) if opts[:link_params]

    dest_url = url_for(parameters.merge(s: "#{name}+#{next_direction}"))
    direction_icon = current_direction == "asc" ? "↑" : "↓"
    anchor = current_attr_name == name.to_s ? "#{label} #{direction_icon}" : label

    link_opts = opts.fetch(:link_opts, {})

    link_to(anchor, dest_url, link_opts)

Then used as:

= sort_link :title, "Title"

Keyset pagination

The keyset pagination is similar to the pagination utility, but working with OrderQuery to provide pagination that works with no offsets. Example usage:

class PostsController < ApplicationController
  include Toqua::KeysetPagination
  keyset_paginate :score_order
  def index
    @elements = apply_scopes(Post)

It takes care of applying the correct scoping based on the id of the current element, as identified by the :idx parameter as default. With the optional :headers parameter some headers are also added into the response:

keyset_paginate :score_order, headers: true

Will generate those headers:

  • 'X-KeysetPagination-Index': The id of the current element index.
  • 'X-KeysetPagination-Next-Index': The id of the element to use as the next page.
  • 'X-KeysetPagination-Prev-Index': The id of the element to use as the previous page.

The next and prev indexes are also available via the instance vars @keyset_pagination_prev_index and @keyset_pagination_next_index.

If the value of @keyset_pagination_prev_index (or via header) is -1 it means the previous page is the initial one. If it's nil, there's no previous page.

To generate pagination links, you can use something like this:

  def keyset_pagination_next_link(index_key = :idx)
    if @keyset_pagination_next_index
      url_for(request.GET.merge(index_key => @keyset_pagination_next_index))

  def keyset_pagination_prev_link(index_key = :idx)
    if @keyset_pagination_prev_index
      if @keyset_pagination_prev_index == -1
        url_for(request.GET.merge(index_key => nil))
        url_for(request.GET.merge(index_key => @keyset_pagination_prev_index))

Final notes

If you use multiple scope declarations either mixed with the other utilities shown here or not, be aware of the order. For example, pagination must always go last.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/toqua.


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