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Leveraging C++20 For A True Type-Safe printf


"Yet another type-safe printf? Isn’t that a solved problem?"

Many C++ formatting libraries claim to be a "type-safe printf" but they are in reality alternatives to or replacements for printf. rostd::printf is not one of those; it is literally type-safe printf.

The Problem of printf

Standard C printf (and, by extension, C++ std::printf) is not portably type-safe.

  1. It does not guarantee that the parameters given to the function match the specifiers in the format string. This is not only a source of bugs, it’s also dangerous from a security perspective. Modern compilers typically implement extensions that will identify printf-like calls and can provide warnings at compile time when the specifiers don’t match the arguments.

  2. It is blind to typedefs. A typedef that is a long int might be a long long int when compiled for a different platform. The only way to make a typedef portable with printf is to give it its own format specifier. Some types have special standard format modifiers, such as std::size_t (%zu). But the vast majority of types are relegated to using macros, as with types like uint64_t (PRIu64) and all user-defined types.

  3. Some types don’t even have a standard portable definition or associated format specifier. An example of this is the various std::chrono::duration types, each of which has an underlying representation defined merely as "signed integer type of at least [N] bits." You cannot print duration.count() using (for example) PRId64 or %jd and remain strictly portable.

Special emphasis on the last sentence of point #2: if you want your own types to be portably type-safe for use with printf, you must associate each of those types with their own custom format specifier. For example:

using Identifier = std::uint64_t;
#define PRI_Identifier PRIu64

Then, the custom format specifier must be used everywhere as such:

printf("The identifier is %" PRI_Identifier ".\n", id);

This is awkward and cumbersome, difficult to read, and requires strict devotion and attention to detail. I have never seen it work out in practice.


As already mentioned, there are many alternatives to printf available, from standard iostreams to std::format to many different open-source libraries. We at Roku have investigated many of those options over the years. However, Roku code has a strong history with printf and we did not want that to change, for several reasons:

  • Many (almost all) type-safe formatting alternatives cause the compiler to generate more code either at the call point and/or as part of an implementation library. At Roku we are naturally averse to these code size increases.

  • Given how much code needed to change, we were not comfortable adopting a strategy that would revolutionize how we do formatting (as iostreams would, for instance). It is too much work to transition and difficult for developers to adapt to it.

  • We could not afford to sacrifice runtime performance across the board. Even a formatting library that is faster most of the time, but doesn’t match or exceed current performance in all cases, is a risk.

  • There were other internal considerations related to how we do certain things (such as logging) that would make a transition away from printf formatting difficult and risky.

A Real Solution

What if we could do this:

printf("The identifier is %?.\n", id);

and just print whatever is there. We know the compiler can do error checking (with GCC, it is accomplished via the format attribute extension). The compiler should be able to go the rest of the way and fix up the string for us, replacing the %? specifier with %llu or whatever the type demands.

If that were possible:

  • The caller would not need to care about what the type of id might be.

  • If the type changes, all format strings that print this type will automatically adjust, safely.

Fortunately, we at Roku had already enabled C++20. It has lots of powerful features, but one in particular lets us do exactly this:

printf<"The identifier is %?.\n">(id);

Here we take advantage of a feature in C++20 called cNTTP (class Non Type Template Parameter). An instance of a string literal class type can be a template parameter, and with it, you can do almost anything you want at compile time.

Enter rostd::printf

The rostd (pronounced "roasted") library is Roku’s internal extensions to the C++ standard library. The rostd::printf family of functions is part of that library, and rostd::printf looks like this:

namespace rostd {
    template <printx::FmtLiteral Fmt, typename... Args>
    int printf(Args const&... args) noexcept {
        auto call = [&](auto const&... args) {
            static constexpr auto f = printx::build_fmt<Fmt, Args...>();
            return std::printf(, args...);
        return printx::call_func(call, args...);
} // namespace rostd

First note that this formula can be adapted to any printf-family function. In this case, it’s a simple wrapper around std::printf but it will work for any such function, and implementations of both rostd::fprintf and rostd::snprintf are provided as well.

There are two function calls in here, both within the rostd::printx namespace, which do nearly all of the work:


This function builds a valid std::printf format string based on an analysis of the format string Fmt (template parameter) coupled with the types provided in Args. Its job is:

  • Look for instances of %? and replace them with the correct specifiers for the associated argument types in Args.

  • Find other (standard) specifiers, verify that they are compatible with the associated type, generating a compile-time error if they are not.

  • Build a new format string containing all the correct specifier replacements, null-terminate and return it.


This function applies the provided arguments to the function, while also allowing those arguments to be translated to other types. It can therefore provide direct support for types such as:

  • std::string, std::string_view, std::filesystem::path, etc.

  • enum (and enum class) types

  • limited support for user-defined types (by specializing the printx::FmtTraits template class)

Take a look at the source code for more detail. Note that, besides cNTTP, other new language features used include: concepts, consteval, and constexpr virtual.


Why does the format string need to be a template parameter?

The string that ends up in the compiled binary is transformed from the one that is provided in the code. In order to store that transformed string, we need to know how long it will be, so that we may convert that length to (part of) a type, like a std::array, which will contain the transformed string. Unfortunately, that’s not possible to do in C++ with a mere function parameter, because it is not a constant expression.

If we only needed to parse the string to verify its correctness then we could do that. But building a type from its size does not work. It does work for template parameters, because they are constant expressions.

Usage Examples

Here is an example with adjacent functionally-equivalent uses of std::printf and rostd::printf, with their resulting object code disassemblies below them (clang-13, x86_64). Note any differences in the object code, if you can find them.


The symbol name of the rostd::printf-generated format string (_ZZZN5rostd6printf) is much longer than what is presented here, so it is truncated for display purposes. It’s irrelevant for code-generation comparisons because it does not end up in the final link of the binary.

#include <cstdio>

void report(std::string_view test_name, std::int64_t duration, unsigned threads) {
    std::printf("Test '%.*s' succeeded in %" PRId64 "ms using %u threads.\n",
            static_cast<int>(test_name.size()),, duration, threads);
#include <rostd/printx.hpp>

void report(std::string_view test_name, std::int64_t duration, unsigned threads) {
    rostd::printf<"Test '%?' succeeded in %?ms using %? threads.\n">
            (test_name, duration, threads);
report(std::basic_string_view<char, std::char_traits<char> >, long, unsigned int):
        mov     r8d, ecx
        mov     rcx, rdx
        mov     rdx, rsi
        mov     rsi, rdi
        mov     edi, offset .L.str
        xor     eax, eax
        jmp     printf                          # TAILCALL
        .asciz  "Test '%.*s' succeeded in %ldms using %u threads.\n"
report(std::basic_string_view<char, std::char_traits<char> >, long, unsigned int):
        mov     r8d, ecx
        mov     rcx, rdx
        mov     rdx, rsi
        mov     rsi, rdi
        mov     edi, offset _ZZZN5rostd6printf
        xor     eax, eax
        jmp     printf                          # TAILCALL
        .asciz  "Test '%.*s' succeeded in %ldms using %u threads.\n"

The result compiles directly to a call of the underlying std::printf function, with a guaranteed-correct format string. It’s impossible to tell (beyond the ephemeral symbol name) that rostd::printf was even used. It compiles away entirely. This is why rostd::printf is type-safe printf. The resulting object code is printf and only printf!

More usage examples are below. Note the following:

  • All standard printf format strings are supported; flags, as well as width and precision fields, are supported even in combination with %?.

  • There are no format length modifiers used in these examples. You may use them, but they will be ignored and replaced.

  • When using %?, floating point types are printed as-if using %g. However, any floating point specifier may be used explicitly.

  • Types like std::string and std::string_view can be printed using %? or %s.

auto const my_sv = std::string_view{"my string view"};
auto const my_str = std::string{"my string"};
rostd::printf<"%s">(my_sv); // prints "my string view"
rostd::printf<"%s">(my_str); // prints "my string"

auto const my_ull = 12345ull;
rostd::printf<"%u">(my_ull); // prints "12345"
rostd::printf<"%?">(my_ull); // prints "12345"
rostd::printf<"0x%x">(my_ull); // prints "0x3039"
rostd::printf<"%o">(my_ull); // prints "30071"
rostd::printf<"%c">(my_ull); // compile-time error: "format %c expects argument of type char"

auto const my_float = 3.125f;
rostd::printf<"%?">(my_float); // prints "3.125"
rostd::printf<"%A">(my_float); // prints "0X1.9P+1"
rostd::printf<"%e">(my_float); // prints "3.125000e+00"

rostd::printf<"%10?">("right"); // prints "     right"
rostd::printf<"%-10?">("left"); // prints "left      "
rostd::printf<"%10.2?">(my_str); // prints "        my"
rostd::printf<"%-10.2?">(my_str); // prints "my        "

Error Messages

Strict error checking is performed on the format strings that are given to rostd::printf. However, because C++ does not provide a way to directly customize the compiler’s error messages, rostd::printf will cause the compiler to trigger an error on a line of code that begins with PRINTX_ERROR when there is a problem. If such an error occurs, whatever else is printed, there should be some text in the error message that looks something like:

rostd-public/rostd/include/rostd/printx.hpp:204:13: note: in expansion of macro ‘PRINTX_ERROR’
  204 |             PRINTX_ERROR("format %c expects argument of type char");
      |             ^~~~~~~~~~~~

The rest of the error message should then give you enough information to trace the problem back to the line of code that caused it.

Compiler Performance

Given that we’re now running more code at compile time, it is important to be aware of how it affects compile time performance. The graph below demonstrates the compile performance (using gcc-10.3) for a rostd::printf statement with N:[1-64] parameters.

  • The yellow line (printf-int) is the baseline. It is the time to compile a file with one std::printf statement that contains N parameters (all int, in this case).

  • The blue line (printx-int) represents the same, but using rostd::printf instead of std::printf.

  • The orange line (printx-double) represents rostd::printf with N parameters that are of type double.

  • The gray line (printx-string_view) represents rostd::printf with N parameters that are of type std::string_view. This diverges significantly because for each std::string_view parameter, two values go on the stack (to be passed to std::printf).


Since most printf calls contain at most a handful of parameters, compile times are not significantly affected. But even in the rare case of a printf with dozens of parameters, compile times can still remain reasonable. Additionally, we believe compilers will get better at this over time.

Adapting "Printx Form" To Your Own Functions

Take the following hypothetical example:

class Logger {
    int log(char const* fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)));

You can adapt this to printx form by changing it to use the formula described above:

class Logger {
    int log(char const* fmt, ...);

    template <rostd::printx::FmtLiteral Fmt, typename... Args>
    int log(Args const&... args) {
        auto call = [this](auto const&... args) {
            static constexpr auto f = rostd::printx::build_fmt<Fmt, Args...>();
            return log(, args...);
        return rostd::printx::call_func(call, args...);

Fixing up all the call points to move the format string into the template parameter can be done by a script written in your favorite text processing language. As already demonstrated, the generated binary object code will be equivalent.