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File metadata and controls

28 lines (19 loc) · 1.12 KB


The Rollerworks\\Component\\Search\\SearchConditionSerializer class helps with (un)serializing a SearchCondition.

A SearchCondition holds a condition and a FieldSet configuration.

The condition and it's values can be directly serialized, but the FieldSet is more difficult. As a Field can have closures and/or resource reference's, it's to complex to serialize.

Instead of serializing the FieldSet the serializer stores the FieldSet set-name, and when unserializing it loads the FieldSet using a Rollerworks\\Component\\Search\\FieldSetRegistry.


The Serializer doesn't check if the FieldSet is actually loadable by the FieldSetRegistry. You must ensure the FieldSet is loadable, else when unserializing you get an exception.


Suffice to say, never store a serialized SearchCondition in the client-side! The Serializer still uses the PHP serialize/unserialize functions, and due to unpredictable values can't provide a list of trusted classes.

Use an Exporter to store a SearchCondition in an untrusted storage.