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119 lines (82 loc) · 3.32 KB

File metadata and controls

119 lines (82 loc) · 3.32 KB


Clone the project

git clone
cd orchid-orm

Updating documentation

If you only wish to enhance the docs, there is no need to set up monorepo, head directly to the docs

Development setup

It's being developed with node.js v18, but other versions should work fine as well.

# install pnpm unless already
npm i -g pnpm

# install deps
pnpm i

Minimal Postgres version for all tests to pass is 15, install it on your machine, or run it with docker:

# start postgres
docker compose -f up -d
# stop it later
docker compose -f down

MySQL is optional, you can develop everything without it, except only for a myqb package. MySQL can be started with docker as well:

# start postgres
docker compose -f docker-compose.mysql.yml up -d
# stop it later
docker compose -f docker-compose.mysql.yml down

Copy .env.example to .env and change the database URLs in it. Leave it unchanged if you're running a database with Docker.

Create a database, unless running it with the Docker, with a command:

pnpm db create

Apply db migrations with command:

pnpm db migrate

Run all tests in every package (myqb will fail without running MySQL):

pnpm check

Check for types correctness with the command:

pnpm types

To run the check or types only for a specific package, add a package dir name before the command:

# run tests only for pqb
pnpm pqb check
# run tests only for orchid-orm
pnpm orm check
# check types only in rake-db
pnpm rake-db types

When working on some feature or fixing some bug, add it.only to some test and run tests for a specific file in a watch mode with the command:

# run tests in a watch mode for the select.test.ts file of pqb
pnpm pqb t select.test
# run tests in a watch mode for the belongsTo.test.ts file of pqb
pnpm orm t belongsTo.test

VSCode Dev Container setup

For an isolated dev environment that automatically starts Postgres on launch for you:

  1. F1 in VSCode and start typing Dev Containers: Clone Repository in Named Container Volume to run the command.
  2. For the repo, paste if you're using ssh.
  3. Click Create a new volume... and name it orchid and the folder name as orchid.

This will also start a PGAdmin4 process, access it by visiting http://localhost:5433/.

Note: if you can't see Dev Containers in the F1 menu, follow this guide to install the needed extension. In the OSS version of VSCode the extension may be not available.

Committing changes

Run pnpm changeset to choose packages to add a changelog to:

pnpm changeset

It will ask to select packages for major, minor, and patch changes. Hit enter twice to skip major and minor, as usually we do small changes, hit space to select all modified packages for a patch change, and enter a changelog message.

This message can be edited later in the .changeset file.

Briefly describe what this change is about, add (#123) GitHub issue number to it.

Now add stage all changed files with git add ., commit with the same message, (#123) GitHub issue number is better to be included here as well.