A feasible caching library for Android.
- Real-time update
- Lightweight
- Secure
- Thread Safe
Caching is just a simple key-value pair data saving procedure. CacheX follows the same approach. CacheX uses SharedPreference as storage for caching data. Since we really can't just save the original data because of security issues. CacheX uses AES encryption & decryption behind the scene when you are caching data or fetching data from the cache. Also, you can observer cached data in real-time.
Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
Step 2. Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.rommansabbir:CacheX:Tag'
Latest Releases |
2.1.0 |
- Implementation of UseCase which interact between the app layer & library layer
- CacheX works asynchronously
- Performance Improved
- Simply UseCase in an interactor between two layer to communicate with each others (If you know you about Android Clean Architecture, you must be familiar with UseCase. It is one of the core component of ACA)
- UseCase take input from the respective thread and execute the whole operatin under a Background Thread & return the data on Main Thread
- Initialize CacheX properly
- Get an instance of CacheX (Instance is singleton)
- Call proper method to cahce data or get data from cache
- Method return a respective use case
- Provide the proper param to the use case & use case will return either expected data or an exception
Simple, huh? (Feel free to give any suggestion, I would love to get suggestion for further improvement)
This step is important!!
Define an encryption key to instantiate CacheX components. This key will be used to encrypt or decrypt data using AES algorithm.
Initialize CacheX component by calling CacheXCore.init()
pass contex, encryption key & app name for CacheX session.
Don't forget to call at CacheXCore.init()
application layer otherwise, CacheX will not work properly and
will throw an exception.
private val encryptionKey = "!x@4#w$%f^g&h*8(j)9b032ubfu8238!"
override fun onCreate() {
CacheXCore.init(this, encryptionKey, getString(R.string.app_name))
Call CacheXCore.getInstance()
to get reference of CacheX
and you can access all public methods.
fun <T> cacheSingle(): SingleCacheUseCase<T>
- To cache single data which return an instance ofSingleCacheUseCase
fun <T : Any> getCacheSingle(): GetSingleCacheUseCase<T>
- To get single data from cache which return an instance ofGetSingleCacheUseCase
fun <T> cacheList(): ListCacheUseCase<T>
- To cache list of data which return an instance ofListCacheUseCase
fun <T : Any> getCacheList(): GetListCacheUseCase<T>
- To get list of cached data from cache which return an instance ofGetListCacheUseCase
fun registerListener(callback: CacheXCallback, key: String)
- To register listener respective to aKey
& notify the listener through the callback on data changes -
fun registerListener(callback: CacheXCallback, key: ArrayList<String>)
- - To register list of listeners respective to aKey List
& notify the listener through the callback on data changes -
fun unregisterListener(key: String)
- Unregister any listener according to the respective key -
fun unregisterListener(key: ArrayList<String>)
- Unregister list of listeners according to the respective key list -
fun clearListeners()
- Clear all listeners -
fun clearCacheByKey(key: String)
- Clear any cache by it's key -
fun clearAllCache()
- Clear all cache
- Implement the callback to
class MainViewModel : ViewModel(), CacheXCallback {
override fun onChanges(key: String) {
when (key) {
MainActivity.SINGLE_KEY -> {
MainActivity.LIST_KEY -> {
private fun getListFromCache(key: String) {...}
private fun cacheLSingle(key: String, data: String) {...}
- Register a listener or list of listener from your
method. In this example, I have implemented the callback on my respective view model.
override fun onResume() {
CacheXCore.getInstance().registerListener(viewModel, arrayListOf(LIST_KEY, SINGLE_KEY))
CacheXCore.getInstance().registerListener(viewModel, LIST_KEY)
- To unregister a listener or list of listeners from your
override fun onStop() {
CacheXCore.getInstance().unregisterListener(arrayListOf(LIST_KEY, SINGLE_KEY))
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Copyright (C) 2021 Romman Sabbir
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.