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165 lines (113 loc) · 4.75 KB

Developer's Guide

This document is also on the wiki.


$> git clone
Cloning into 'simple-typescript-library'...
Receiving objects: 100%, done.

$> cd simple-typescript-library/

# Choose either gulp or grunt. This project works with either one!

# Install gulp
npm install --global gulp-cli

# Install grunt
npm install --global grunt-cli

This project exports a ES module, so our gulpfile / gruntfile use the .cjs file extension to indicate that it is a Common JS script.

As a result, we need to use our bash scripts ./grunt and ./gulp to provide the correct path to the config file.


npm run grunt compile to compile the TypeScript files and output them to dist/.

Or you can use ./grunt or ./gulp to run a build and watch task, which allows you to develop your code and test the demos with a localhost web server.


You can view the demo HTML files directly on

Use release-it to Publish to NPM and GitHub

To automatically release to GitHub, you need to have a personal access token with repo rights.

Generate one here:

If you have 2FA enabled for NPM, you will need to provide a one time password to publish to NPM.


> simple-typescript-library@0.0.6 release
> release-it

🚀 Let's release simple-typescript-library (currently at 0.0.6)

Empty changelog

? Select increment (next version): patch (0.0.7)
✔ npm run grunt compile
✔ npm run test
✔ echo add dist/ folder
✔ git add -f dist/
✔ git commit -m 'Add dist/ for the release.'

 M package-lock.json
 M package.json

? Publish simple-typescript-library to npm? Yes
? Please enter OTP for npm: __YOUR_ONE_TIME_PASSWORD__
? Commit (release simple-typescript-library version 0.0.7)? Yes
? Tag (0.0.7)? Yes
? Push? Yes
? Create a release on GitHub (Release 0.0.7)? Yes
✔ echo Successfully released simple-typescript-library v0.0.7 to ronyeh/simple-typescript-library.
✔ echo remove dist/ folder
✔ git rm -r dist/
✔ git commit -m 'Remove dist/ after the release.'
🏁 Done (in 33s.)

Pre-Release [ alpha | beta | rc ]

The package.json defines the following scripts:

npm run release-dry-run
npm run release-alpha
npm run release-beta
npm run release-rc
npm run release

release-dry-run only walks you through the steps, but does not actually publish anything.

You can run a pre-release multiple times, and it will increment the pre-release number as follows:

Manually Publish to NPM

Before publishing, you can run a sanity check with npm pack. This creates a _.tgz file that you can inspect. The _.tgz file can also be uploaded to a test server, and others can install it with npm install

If everything looks great, we can 1) bump the version number 2) tag the version and 3) commit the updated package.json to the repository with a single call to: npm version.

npm version major
npm version minor
npm version patch
npm version prelease --preid=alpha
npm version prelease --preid=beta
npm version prelease --preid=rc
npm version 10.1.6

When you are finally ready, you can run npm publish. The output will look something like this:

$> npm publish

npm notice 📦  simple-typescript-library@0.0.1
npm notice === Tarball Contents ===
npm notice 192B  dist/a.js
npm notice 192B  dist/b.js
npm notice 320B  dist/index.js
npm notice 347B  index.html
npm notice 1.0kB package.json
npm notice === Tarball Details ===
npm notice name:          simple-typescript-library
npm notice version:       0.0.1
npm notice filename:      simple-typescript-library-0.0.1.tgz

This operation requires a one-time password.
+ simple-typescript-library@0.0.1

The package is now available on npm:

Manually Release to GitHub

Click the "Draft a New Release" button, which takes you to:

Choose a recently pushed tag, e.g., 0.0.7.

Fill in the title and description.

Attach zip / tgz files of the source code.

Check the "This is a pre-release" checkbox if you are publishing a beta or alpha version.

Click Publish Release.