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Securing Keys

This is a sample project that demonstrates how to secure keys and other important credentials in android apps.

There are a lot of methods as discussed here but based on my current requirements, i used the gradle variables approach


  1. I have a private key 123abcd that would be used to access a particular server api. I want to share my app with the world, but that key is precious to me and if misused might cost me . So using gradle variables and custom properties files will allow me to share the app code without sharing the actual file having my key

  2. This will also help in a case where i have different api keys for production and debug environment.

How it works

Checkout app/build.gradle for more info .

  1. we create a folder in project root say secure and add a properties file
# secure/
KEY_USER = "This is a debug key"
  1. then we access the variables from properties file in app/build.gradle
android {
    defaultConfig {
        def credsFile = rootProject.file("secure\\")
        def prop = new Properties()
        prop.load(new FileInputStream(credsFile))
        buildConfigField('String', 'KEY_USER', prop['KEY_USER']) // always use single quotes here
  1. then we access in the activity or anywhere else using the following code.
val key = BuildConfig.KEY_USER
  1. if the keys are needed to be hidden , we can simply add the line secure/* in a .gitignore file. this will let git know that the content in secure folders does not need to be pushed to repo

  2. for different environments, we move the code to from point 2 to buildTypes tasks:

   buildTypes {

            def credsFile = rootProject.file("secure\\")
            def prop = new Properties()
            prop.load(new FileInputStream(credsFile))
            buildConfigField('String', 'KEY_USER', prop['KEY_USER']) // always use single quotes here


        release {

            def credsFile = rootProject.file("secure\\")
            def prop = new Properties()
            prop.load(new FileInputStream(credsFile))
            buildConfigField('String', 'KEY_USER', prop['KEY_USER']) // always use single quotes here

            minifyEnabled true
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), ''



A sample showing how to add keys securely in the project






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