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Releases: root3nl/SupportApp

Support 2.2

01 Jun 20:11
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  • Modulair info items: you can now configure any of the top four info items to any of the six available options:
    • IP Address (NEW)
    • Mac Password(NEW)
    • Computer Name
    • macOS Version
    • Last Reboot
    • Storage
  • IP Address is added as a configurable info item. It shows the current IPv4 address. The icon will show the connection type, Wi-Fi or Ethernet. Clicking the item will open Network in System Preferences.
  • Mac Password is added as a configurable info item. It shows the days until the Mac password expires. Clicking the item will open Accounts in System Preferences. Local accounts and Active Directory accounts are supported. The text label in the item can be modified using the preference key ‘PasswordLabel’.
  • Preference key ‘UptimeDaysLimit’ added to configure the maximum amount of uptime days recommended by the organization. When the limit is reached, a badge counter with exclamation mark will be shown in the Last Reboot tile. Also a little notification badge can overlay the menu bar icon when the preference key ‘StatusBarIconNotifierEnabled’ is set to ‘true’
  • Preference key ‘PasswordExpiryLimit’ added to configure the minimum amount of days before the user should change the Mac password. When the limit is reached, a badge counter with exclamation mark will be shown in the Mac Password tile. Also a little notification badge can overlay the menu bar icon when the preference key ‘StatusBarIconNotifierEnabled’ is set to ‘true’.
  • Flexible rows of for App, URL or Command: The middle button is now optional, offering a two or three button row. The middle button are enabled by setting the following keys: FirstRowTitleMiddle or SecondRowTitleMiddle. Together with HideFirstRow and HideSecondRow, the total amount of configurable buttons is possible: 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. As a result, keys for the middle buttons no longer have default values and the app shows two buttons by default;
  • Computer Name info item: The Mac model name and introduction year is shown when hovering over Computer Name. Clicking the item opens ‘About This Mac’
  • Small UI tweaks for Dark Mode. Buttons now have a small border and are more distinguishable
  • Performance improvements and bug fixes

Support 2.1

15 Jan 15:36
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  • Preference key LogoDarkMode is added to provide a separate logo for Dark Mode
  • Preference key CustomColorDarkMode is added to set a separate custom color for Dark Mode
  • The number of available Apple Software Updates will now be shown in a badge counter in the macOS version tile. Also a little notification badge can overlay the menu bar icon when the preference key ‘StatusBarIconNotifierEnabled’ is set to ‘true’
  • Clicking on the macOS version tile will now open the Software Update preference pane in System Preferences
  • Running basic zsh commands as the user can now be used as an action by setting the LinkType to “Command”
  • Changes to the menu bar icon will now be observed and will automatically be applied without restarting the app
  • Preference key ErrorMessage is added to provide a custom error message when clicking an App, URL or Command results in an error
  • The app’s icon is changed to a more generic looking icon
  • Default error message is improved
  • Unified logging is implemented for the subsystem “” to be able to capture errors when using commands or scripts
  • Fixed a localization issue for error alerts
  • Fixed an issue where some functions kept running in the background, causing more CPU time than required

Support 2.0

12 Nov 14:15
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Initial public release