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Node modules used:
npm init -y
npm install --save three
npm install --save-dev webpack
npm install --save-dev webpack-cli
npm install eslint --save-dev
ESLint (then edit .eslintrc.js)
node node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js --init
Build Webpack DEV dist/main.js and run from project root
npm run dev ; python -m http.server
Build Webpack PRD dist/main.js and run from project root
npm run prd ; python -m http.server
Other notes:
- Use directional arrows to move (hold shift to run).
  Hold 'p' while standing still to throw a haymaker.

- Easily combine Mixamo model animations:

- Evenly scale a Mixamo model/object in Blender:

- Recenter an object in Blender after scaling:

* The dist/ folder included in this repo has had its paths
  altered for all .glb files using the included
  script in order to serve the project using Github Pages. The
  normal webpack build that runs locally will use paths pointing
  to the parent directory, similar to ../assets/filename.glb.
  Github Pages requires paths to start from project root such as
  assets/filename.glb. Only use if deploying to
  Github Pages.


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