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Project Status: Abandoned – Initial development has started, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release; the project has been abandoned and the author(s) do not intend on continuing development.

The goal of bnf is to parse grammar specifications in Backus–Naur form (BNF) and generate code from that grammar.

Focus for #OzUnconf19 (December 2019)

  1. Parse BNF (in text form) into R
  2. Sketch out a representation for BNF grammar in R
  3. Generate code from some simple grammars
  4. Evaluate, plot, visualise or create audio using the generated code

Future Work

  • The current BNF parsing process is very rough It needs a refactor/rewrite to improve:
    • Robustness
    • Correctness
    • Completeness
    • Readability
  • Need to document the particular idiosyncratic flavour of BNF that is supported e.g. must have a trailing ; after each rule
  • Work on a more complete R grammar in order to generate more interesting programs.
  • More tunable code generation parameters
    • e.g. generation of “zero or more” elements samples from a poisson distribution, but the lambda for this distribution is set globally. It would be nice to be separately configurable for each rule.


Install the development version from GitHub. This will also require installing minilexer which is used in parsing the original BNF grammar

# install.packages("devtools")

Simple Example: Read a BNF grammar into R and use it to generate code

  1. Start with a grammar in BNF form
  2. Turn this into an R list that we can compute on
  3. Generate code from this grammar
  4. Ask R to eval() this code

Simple 1. Start with a grammar in BNF Form

#> Expr   ::= Term ('+' Term | '-' Term)* ;
#> Term   ::= Number ('*' Number | '/' Number)* ;
#> Number ::= ('0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9')+ ;

Simple 2. Turn this into an R list that we can compute on

bnf_spec <- bnf::parse_bnf(bnf:::simple_bnf)
Click here to show/hide the BNF spec as an R object (a deeply nested list)
  Expr = list(
    list(items = list("Term")), 
      items = list(
        list(items = list("+", "Term")), 
        list(items = list("-", "Term"))
      N = "zero_or_more", type = "choice")
  Term = list(
    list(items = list("Number")), 
      items = list(
        list(items = list("*", "Number")),
        list(items = list("/", "Number"))
      N = "zero_or_more", type = "choice")
  Number = list(
    items = list(
      list(items = list("0")), 
      list(items = list("1")), 
      list(items = list("2")), 
      list(items = list("3")), 
      list(items = list("4")), 
      list(items = list("5")),
      list(items = list("6")), 
      list(items = list("7")), 
      list(items = list("8")), 
      list(items = list("9"))
    N = "one_or_more", type = "choice")

Simple 3. Generate code from this grammar

(code <- bnf::generate_code(bnf_spec = bnf_spec))
#> [1] "5-81+25+12*6"

Simple 4. Ask R to eval() this code

eval(parse(text = code))
#> [1] 21

Generative Art: Create “art” from the output of generated code

Art 1. Start with a more complicated grammar (with trigonometry and variables)

simple_bnf_with_trig <- "
Expr   ::= Term ('+' Term | '-' Term)* ;
Term   ::= Factor ('*' Factor | '/' Factor)* ;
Factor ::= (Number | Var |  '(' Expr ')' | Call) ;
Call   ::= ('cos(' Expr ')' | 'sin(' Expr ')') ;
Var    ::= ('x' | 'y') ;
Number ::= ('0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9')+ ;

bnf_spec <- bnf::parse_bnf(simple_bnf_with_trig)
Click to see R representation of this grammar
  Expr = list(
    list(items = list("Term")),
      items = list(
        list(items = list("+", "Term")), 
        list(items = list("-", "Term"))
      N    = "zero_or_more",
      type = "choice"
  Term = list(
    list(items = list("Factor")),
      items = list(
        list(items = list("*", "Factor")), 
        list(items = list("/", "Factor"))
      N    = "zero_or_more",
      type = "choice"
  Factor = list(
    items = list(
      list(items = list("Number")),
      list(items = list("Var")),
      list(items = list("(", "Expr", ")")),
      list(items = list("Call"))
    type = "choice"
  Call = list(
    items = list(
      list(items = list("cos(", "Expr", ")")), 
      list(items = list("sin(", "Expr", ")"))
    type = "choice"
  Var = list(
    items = list(
      list(items = list("x")), 
      list(items = list("y"))
    type = "choice"
  Number = list(
    items = list(
      list(items = list("0")),
      list(items = list("1")),
      list(items = list("2")),
      list(items = list("3")),
      list(items = list("4")),
      list(items = list("5")),
      list(items = list("6")),
      list(items = list("7")),
      list(items = list("8")),
      list(items = list("9"))
    N    = "one_or_more",
    type = "choice"

Art 2: Generate some code from this grammar

# Generate some R code from this grammar
set.seed(18) # 8
code <- bnf::generate_code(bnf_spec = bnf_spec, lambda0p = 0.5, lambda1p = 0.5)
#> [1] "y/y/3-cos(y-45*cos((07)*sin(4/x+x))+0/y)"

Art 3: Evaluate code at single (x, y) location

# Evaluate this code in R at a single (x, y) location
eval(parse(text = code), list(x = 1, y = 2))
#> [1] -0.01241846

Art 4: Evaluate code on a grid and plot

# Evaluate this code at multiple points on a grid
plot_df <- bnf::eval_grid(code, xmin = 0, xmax = 1, xn = 40)

# plot it
ggplot(plot_df, aes(x, y)) +
  geom_tile(aes(fill = abs(log(z)))) +
  theme_void() + 
  theme(legend.position = 'none') +
  scale_fill_viridis_c(na.value = '#440154FF') +

Shiny app

The package includes a shiny app to explore graphical representations of the generated code.

