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Releases: rosell-dk/webp-convert

Forgot to rebuild in last two bugfix releases

20 Mar 20:46
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rebuilding and (forgot to recom…

…pile in the last two bugfix releases)

Fixed Gd again (the fix in 1.3.4 was lost in 1.3.5)

20 Mar 20:06
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Applied Gd fix again (it was lost in 1.3.5)


19 Mar 11:02
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  • Uses escapeshellarg for source and destination arguments for binary converters (instead of custom function) and quality detection
  • Now handles quality detecting files with spaces in

Fixed issues with the Gd converter

13 Mar 11:58
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Gd failed converting images that was not true color.
And it had issues with transparency.

See issue #42

A bunch of minor adjustments and a little bug fix

04 Feb 09:26
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Added method for keeping subscription alive. Closes #104

Fixed a little bug in Imagick converter

20 Dec 18:35
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two bugs

14 Dec 13:53
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Fixed two bugs:
1: An uncaught ImagickException could happen when detecting quality of jpeg, and Imagick was compiled without jpeg support
2: cwebp converter could not handle spaces in filenames.

Actually, there is also a new feature in this release: a new converter "imagickbinary". But it is not official, because it has not been tested thoroughly. Schhh!

wpc converter can now talk to new api

10 Nov 08:31
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No, this isn't mantisware either, it is now bloat-ware

Fixed bug in report - some converters "lost" their options

04 Oct 18:43
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Merged two libraries into this library plus many improvements

03 Oct 07:50
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The major new addition in this release is that two libraries that was based on webp-convert is now part of webp-convert.

The addition of the "webp-convert-and-serve" library means that webp-convert now is able to serve the images it converts as well as handle errors in customized ways.

The addition of webp-on-demand mostly means the addition of documentation on how to set up a solution for serving autogenerated webp-images to browsers that supports the webp format. But additional effort has been taken to make the task of serving already existing converted images as quick as possible.

One could argue that these additions should trigger a 2.0.0 version. However, care has been taken to maintain compatibility. The good old API still works, it has however been extended.

Besides these additions, there are good news regarding Imagick. It wasn't generating impressive webp images. But now, the conversions are on par with the other converters.

Also, say welcome to a new converter in our family: gmagick - which depends on the gmagick extension being available. Actually it is quite straight-forward to get the gmagick extension working with webp support in Ubuntu 18.04 (see the wiki)

I have also added new options for cwebp. Noteably "command-line-options", which allows you to set any command line option that cwebp supports. "size-in-percentage" is also interesting. It sets the file size cwebp should aim for - in percentage of the original. Its a good alternative to quality:auto, when quality detection on the system isn't working (detecting jpeg quality requires imagick or gmagick)

Finally, ewww and wpc now examines upload limits before trying to send big files to the cloud