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Farel is a library that allows you to work with Firebase in the Angular 2 applications in a way that's concise, type-safe, and easy to extend. Using Farel, you won't need to write boilerplate code to ensure that Firebase data is synchronized. Farel does this with a minimum of syntax while at the same time improving type safety and data integrity.

However, Farel does not attempt to replace the features of the entire Firebase client library's API, so feel free to use the Firebase along with it.


$ npm install farel --save-dev

Or include this script tag from the CDN:

<script src=""></script>

Basic Example

Live Demo

import { FAREL_BASE_URL, Farel, FarelArray, FarelRecord } from 'farel/farel';

  selector: 'app',

  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,

  template: `
    <h1>Weather App</h1>

    <div *ngFor="#city of citiesRef | async">
      {{ city.$key }} | {{ city.currently.temperature }} °F

class Weather {
  citiesRef: FarelArray<FarelRecord>;

  constructor(farel: Farel) {
    this.citiesRef = farel.asArray(ref => ref.orderByKey(), FarelRecord);

bootstrap(Weather, provide(FAREL_BASE_URL, { useValue: '' });

Retrieving Data

Farel provides the asObject and asArray methods to sync and keep local objects and Angular 2 components up-to-date with any changes made to the remote Firebase database.

Farel will serialize Firebase data to extendable FarelRecord, a plain javascript object with the $ref, $key and $val (will be assigned if and only if data is array or primitive value, such as string, number, boolean, etc...) meta keys merged with a Firebase data. The extending technique will be described later in the Extending Farel Records section.

NOTE: Since Farel is reactive, don't forget to turn on the OnPush change detection strategy - this is a big win because it will only trigger change detection when a new value arrives, and you don't have to cache the custom methods in extended Farel records.

<T extends FarelRecord>asObject((ref: Firebase) => Firebase, RecordConstructor<T>) => FarelObject<T>

Creates an emitter for synchronized Farel record.


ref: FarelObject<FarelRecord> = farel.asObject(ref => ref /* query firebase here */, FarelRecord);
<T extends FarelRecord>asArray((ref: Firebase) => Firebase, RecordConstructor<T>) => FarelArray<T>

Creates an emitter for a synchronized list of the Farel records. The list should not be modified directly; instead, local changes should be pushed to the server, which will then automatically trickle back.


ref: FarelArray<FarelRecord> = farel.asArray(ref => ref /* query firebase here */, FarelRecord);

Reuse Angular expressions

For cases when piped output is bound to many places within a template, it's beneficial to have a single piped expression. Since Angular 2 doesn't support an assignment of piped expression result to a local variable in a native way, it can be done with a custom directive:

  selector: '[query]', exportAs: 'query', inputs: ['result: query']

class Query {
  set result(val: any) {
    val ? this['$val'] = val : delete this['$val'];


  directives: [

  template: `
    <div [query]="todoRef | async" #todo="query">
      <div *ngIf="todo.$val">
        {{ todo.$ }}

      <span *ngIf="!todo.$val">

Extending Farel Records

It is very easy to extend Farel records. All you have to do is subclass the FarelRecord class. In the next example, we will create a Farel record which has a serialized property message and a computed property greet.

import { Farel, FarelRecord} from 'farel/farel';

interface GreeterAttr {
  message: string;

class GreeterRecord extends FarelRecord implements GreeterAttr {
  message: string;

  get greet() {
    return `Hello, ${this.message}`;

Then we should tell Farel to use our own record factory:

let greetersRef = farel.asArray(ref => ref, GreeterRecord);

Now any retrieved data by the async pipe will be transformed to GreaterRecord and both message and greet can be directly accessed in the Angular 2 templates:

<div *ngFor="greetersRef | async">
  {{ contact.greet }}
