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Anatomy of a figure

A matplotlib figure is composed of a hierarchy of elements that, when put together, forms the actual figure as shown on figure :ref:`fig-anatomy`. Most of the time, those elements are not created explicitly by the user but derived from the processing of the various plot commands. Let us consider for example the most simple matplotlib script we can write:


In order to display the result, matplotlib needs to create most of the elements shown on figure :ref:`fig-anatomy`. The exact list depends on your default settings (see chapter chap-defaults_), but the bare minimum is the creation of a Figure that is the top level container for all the plot elements, an Axes that contains most of the figure elements and of course your actual plot, a line in this case. The possibility to not specify everything might be convenient but in the meantime, it limits your choices because missing elements are created automatically, using default values. For example, in the previous example, you have no control of the initial figure size since is has been chosen implicitly during creation. If you want to change the figure size or the axes aspect, you need to be more explicit:

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6))
ax = plt.subplot(aspect=1)

A matplotlib figure is composed of a hierarchy of several elements that, when put together, forms the actual figure (sources: :source:`anatomy/`). 🏷️`fig-anatomy`

In many cases, this can be further compacted using the subplots method.

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,6),


You may have noticed in the previous example that the plot command is attached to ax instead of plt. The use of plt.plot is actually a way to tell matplotlib that we want to plot on the current axes, that is, the last axes that has been created, implicitly or explicitly. No need to remind that explicit is better than implicit as explained in the The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters (import this). When you have choice, it is thus preferable to specify exactly what you want to do. Consequently, it is important to know what are the different elements of a figure.

The most important element of a figure is the figure itself. It is created when you call the figure method and we've already seen you can specify its size but you can also specify a background color (facecolor) as well as a title (suptitle). It is important to know that the background color won't be used when you save the figure because the savefig function has also a facecolor argument (that is white by default) that will override your figure background color. If you don't want any background you can specify transparent=True when you save the figure.
This is the second most important element that corresponds to the actual area where your data will be rendered. It is also called a subplot. You can have have one to many axes per figure and each is usually surrounded by four edges (left, top, right and bottom) that are called spines. Each of these spines can be decorated with major and minor ticks (that can point inward or outward), tick labels and a label. By default, matplotlib decorates only the left and bottom spines.
The decorated spines are called axis. The horizontal one is the xaxis and the vertical one is the yaxis. Each of them are made of a spine, major and minor ticks, major and minor ticks labels and an axis label.
Spines are the lines connecting the axis tick marks and noting the boundaries of the data area. They can be placed at arbitrary positions and may be visible or invisible.
Everything on the figure, including Figure, Axes, and Axis objects, is an artist. This includes Text objects, Line2D objects, collection objects, Patch objects. When the figure is rendered, all of the artists are drawn to the canvas. A given artist can only be in one Axes.

Graphic primitives

A plot, independently of its nature, is made of patches, lines and texts. Patches can be very small (e.g. markers) or very large (e.g. bars) and have a range of shapes (circles, rectangles, polygons, etc.). Lines can be very small and thin (e.g. ticks) or very thick (e.g. hatches). Text can use any font available on your system and can also use a latex engine to render maths.


All the graphic primitives (i.e. artists) can be accessed and modified. In the figure above, we modified the boldness of the X axis tick labels (sources: :source:`anatomy/`).

Each of these graphic primitives have also a lot of other properties such as color (facecolor and edgecolor), transparency (from 0 to 1), patterns (e.g. dashes), styles (e.g. cap styles), special effects (e.g. shadows or outline), antialiased (True or False), etc. Most of the time, you do not manipulate these primitives directly. Instead, you call methods that build a rendering using a collection of such primitives. For example, when you add a new Axes to a figure, matplotlib will build a collection of line segments for the spines and the ticks and will also add a collection of labels for the tick labels and the axis labels. Even though this is totally transparent for you, you can still access those elements individually if necessary. For example, to make the X axis tick to be bold, we would write:

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5,2))
for label in ax.get_xaxis().get_ticklabels():

One important property of any primitive is the zorder property that indicates the virtual depth of the primitives as shown on figure :ref:`fig-zorder`. This zorder value is used to sort the primitives from the lowest to highest before rendering them. This allows to control what is behind what. Most artists possess a default zorder value such that things are rendered properly. For example, the spines, the ticks and the tick label are generally behind your actual plot.


Default rendering order of different elements and graphic primitives. The rendering order is from bottom to top. Note that some methods will override these default to position themselves properly (sources: :source:`anatomy/`). 🏷️`fig-zorder`


A backend is the combination of a renderer that is responsible for the actual drawing and an optional user interface that allows to interact with a figure. Until now, we've been using the default renderer and interface resulting in a window being shown when the method was called. To know what is your default backend, you can type:

import matplotlib

In my case, the default backend is MacOSX but yours may be different. If you want to test for an alternative backend, you can type:

import matplotlib

If you replace xxx with a renderer from table :ref:`table-renderers` below, you'll end up with a non-interactive figure, i.e. a figure that cannot be shown on screen but only saved on disk.

Available matplotlib renderers. 🏷️`table-renderers`
Renderer Type Filetype
Agg raster Portable Network Graphic (PNG)
PS vector Postscript (PS)
PDF vector Portable Document Format (PDF)
SVG vector Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
Cairo raster / vector PNG / PDF / SVG
Available matplotlib interfaces. 🏷️`table-interfaces`
Interface Renderer Dependencies
GTK3 Agg or Cairo PyGObject & Pycairo
Qt4 Agg PyQt4
Qt5 Agg PyQt5
Tk Agg TkInter
Wx Agg wxPython
MacOSX OSX (obviously)
Web Agg Browser

The canonical renderer is Agg which uses the Anti-Grain Geometry C++ library to make a raster image of the figure (see figure :ref:`fig-raster-vector` to see the different between raster and vector). Note that even if you choose a raster renderer, you can still save the figure in a vector format and vice-versa.


Zooming effect for raster graphics and vector graphics (sources: :source:`anatomy/`). 🏷️`fig-raster-vector`

If you want to have some interaction with your figure, you have to combine one of the available interface (see table :ref:`table-interfaces`) with a renderer. For example GTK3Cairo or WebAgg.

For example, to have a rendering in a browser, you can write:

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


Warning. The use function must be called before importing pyplot.

Once you've chosen an interactive backend, you can decide to produce a figure in interactive mode (figure is updated after each matplotlib command):

plt.ion()            # Interactive mode on
plt.plot([1,2,3])    # Plot is shown
plt.xlabel("X Axis") # Label is updated
plt.ioff()           # Interactive mode off

If you want to know more on backends, you can have a look at the introductory tutorial on the matplotlib website.

An interesting backend under OSX and iterm2 terminal is the imgcat backend that allows to render a figure directly inside the terminal, emulating a kind of jupyter notebook as shown on figure :ref:`figure-imgcat`


Matplotlib imgcat backend 🏷️`figure-imgcat` (sources: :source:`anatomy/`).

import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,4), frameon=False)
ax = plt.subplot(2,1,1)
X = np.linspace(0, 4*2*np.pi, 500)
line, = ax.plot(X, np.cos(X))
ax = plt.subplot(2,1,2)
X = np.linspace(0, 4*2*np.pi, 500)
line, = ax.plot(X, np.sin(X))

For other terminals, you might need to use the sixel backend that may work with xterm (not tested).

Dimensions & resolution

In the first example of this chapter, we specified a figure size of (6,6) that corresponds to a size of 6 inches (width) by 6 inches (height) using a default dpi (dots per inch) of 100. When displayed on a screen, dots corresponds to pixels and we can immediately deduce that the figure size (i.e. window size without the toolbar) will be exactly 600×600 pixels. Same is true if you save the figure in a bitmap format such as png (Portable Network Graphics):

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6))

If we use the identify command from the ImageMagick graphical suite to enquiry about the produced image, we get:

$ identify output.png
Image: output.png
  Format: PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
  Mime type: image/png
  Class: DirectClass
  Geometry: 600x600+0+0
  Resolution: 39.37x39.37
  Print size: 15.24x15.24
  Units: PixelsPerCentimeter
  Colorspace: sRGB

This confirms that the image geometry is 600×600 while the resolution is 39.37 ppc (pixels per centimeter) which corresponds to 39.37*2.54 ≈ 100 dpi (dots per inch). If you were to include this image inside a document while keeping the same dpi, you would need to set the size of the image to 15.24cm by 15.24cm. If you reduce the size of the image in your document, let's say by a factor of 3, this will mechanically increase the figure dpi to 300 in this specific case. For a scientific article, publishers will generally request figures dpi to be between 300 and 600. To get things right, it is thus good to know what will be the physical dimension of your figure once inserted into your document.


A text rendered in matplotlib and saved using different dpi (50,100,300 & 600) (sources: :source:`anatomy/`). 🏷️`figure-dpi`

For a more concrete example, let us consider this book whose format is A5 (148×210 millimeters). Right and left margins are 20 millimeters each and images are usually displayed using the full text width. This means the physical width of an image is exactly 108 millimeters, or approximately 4.25 inches. If we were to use the recommended 600 dpi, we would end up with a width of 2550 pixels which might be beyond screen resolution and thus not very convenient. Instead, we can use the default matplotlib dpi (100) when we display the figure on the screen and only when we save it, we use a different and higher dpi:

def figure(dpi):
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4.25,.2))
    ax = plt.subplot(1,1,1)
    text = "Text rendered at 10pt using %d dpi" % dpi
    ax.text(0.5, 0.5, text, ha="center", va="center",
            fontname="Source Serif Pro",
            fontsize=10, fontweight="light")
    plt.savefig("figure-dpi-%03d.png" % dpi, dpi=dpi)

figure(50), figure(100), figure(300), figure(600)

Figure :ref:`figure-dpi` shows the output for the different dpi. Only the 600 dpi output is acceptable. Note that when it is possible, it is preferable to save the result in PDF (Portable Document Format) because it is a vector format that will adapt flawlessly to any resolution. However, even if you save your figure in a vector format, you still need to indicate a dpi for figure elements that cannot be vectorized (e.g .images).

Finally, you may have noticed that the font size on figure :ref:`figure-dpi` appears to be the same as the font size of the text you're currently reading. This is not by accident since this Latex document uses a font size of 10 points and the matplotlib figure also uses a font size of 10 points. But what is a point exactly? In Latex, a point (pt) corresponds to 1/72.27 inches while in matplotlib it corresponds to 1/72 inches.

To help you visualize the exact dimension of your figure, it is possible to add a ruler to a figure such that it displays current figure dimension as shown on figure :ref:`figure-ruler`. If you manually resize the figure, you'll see that the actual dimension of the figure changes while if you only change the dpi, the size will remain the same. Usage is really simple:

import ruler
import numpy as np
import matplotlb.pyplot as plt

fig,ax = plt.subplots()
ruler = ruler.Ruler(fig)


It's now time to try to make some simple exercises gathering all the concepts we've seen so far (including finding the relevant documentation).

Exercise 1 Try to produce a figure with a given (and exact) pixel size (e.g. 512x512 pixels). How would you specify the size and save the figure?


Pixel font text using exact image size 🏷️`figure-pixel-font` (:source:`anatomy/`).

Exercise 2 The goal is to make the figure :ref:`figure-inch-cm` that shows a dual axis, one in inches and one in centimeters. The difficulty is that we want the centimeters and inched to be physically correct when printed. This requires some simple computations for finding the right size and some trials and errors to make the actual figure. Don't pay too much attention to all the details, the essential part is to get the size right.


Inches/centimeter conversion 🏷️`figure-inch-cm` (solution: :source:`anatomy/`).

Exercise 3

Here we'll try to reproduce the figure :ref:`figure-zorder-plots`. If you look at the figure, you'll realize that each curve is partially covering other curves and it is thus important to set a proper zorder for each curve such that the rendering will be independent of drawing order. For the actual curves, you can start from the following code:

def curve():
    n = np.random.randint(1,5)
    centers = np.random.normal(0.0,1.0,n)
    widths = np.random.uniform(5.0,50.0,n)
    widths = 10*widths/widths.sum()
    scales = np.random.uniform(0.1,1.0,n)
    scales /= scales.sum()
    X = np.zeros(500)
    x = np.linspace(-3,3,len(X))
    for center, width, scale in zip(centers, widths, scales):
        X = X + scale*np.exp(- (x-center)*(x-center)*width)
    return X

Multiple plots partially covering each other 🏷️`figure-zorder-plots` (solution: :source:`anatomy/`).