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Run a Containerised Postgres Server for Waltz

The command below can be used to spin up a Postgres database server instance for use with Waltz.

Set the default username and password using environment variables as in the command below.
POSTGRES_DB is set to waltz, so that the default database created by Postgres is named as waltz.

Optional: Use -p 5432:5432 in the command to access your database server using the host machine's IP address.

By default, Docker manages data peristence by writing database files to disk on the host system. This is transparent to the user and data is preserved between container restarts (until the container is removed).

While this is sufficient for dev/test instances, it is recommended that you explore options like mounting directories onto the Postgres docker container to store data, backups etc.

More information on running Postgres in a Docker container can be found here: Postgres Docker Official Documentation

# run the database container in the background

[user@machine:waltz-docker]$ docker run -d \
--name waltz-db-postgres \
-e POSTGRES_USER=waltz \
-e POSTGRES_DB=waltz \

Sample Data

Waltz maintainers provide sample data dumps for Postgres, which can be downloaded from the releases page and used to initialise your database.

  1. Download the dump_pg_*.zip file for the latest available release (data dumps from older releases will also work, as the build process will upgrade your database)
  2. Extract the .sql file (ususally named dump.sql) from the zip
  3. Copy the dump.sql file to the database/postgres directory
  4. Run the command to create the database, using the -v option to mount database/postgres to the container's /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d directory, so that Postgres can use the dump.sql file to initialise your waltz database

POSTGRES_USER must be set to postgres for the import to work correctly, as this is what the dump.sql file uses

Make sure the Postgres version in the command below matches the version in dump.sql file (check the line containing: Dumped from database version)

This command must be run from the waltz-docker root directory

# run the database container in the background

[user@machine:waltz-docker]$ docker run -d \
--name waltz-db-postgres \
-e POSTGRES_USER=postgres \
-e POSTGRES_DB=waltz \
-v "${PWD}"/database/postgres:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d \

Connect to the Postgres Server SQL Client

# pass the username used when creating the DB in the -U option
# docker exec -it <container_name> psql -d <db_name> -U <user_name>
# use the password set above when prompted

[user@machine:waltz-docker]$ docker exec -it waltz-db-postgres psql -d waltz -U waltz
[user@machine:waltz-docker]$ docker exec -it waltz-db-postgres psql -d waltz -U postgres

Find IP Address of the Postgres Server (to use in Maven settings.xml)

[user@machine:waltz-docker]$ docker exec waltz-db-postgres hostname -I