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Get all emoji in a public Slack channel.

Table of Contents


This library requires the following to run:


Install alongside the Slack web API with npm:

npm install @slack/web-api @rowanmanning/get-all-emoji-in-a-slack-channel

Load the library into your code with a require call (you'll also need the Slack WebClient class):

const {WebClient} = require('@slack/web-api');
const getAllEmojiInASlackChannel = require('@rowanmanning/get-all-emoji-in-a-slack-channel');

Get all occurrences of an emoji in a Slack channel:

const slackWebClient = new WebClient('YOUR-SLACK-TOKEN');
const emojiOccurrences = await getAllEmojiInASlackChannel(slackWebClient, 'YOUR-CHANNEL-ID');

emojiOccurrences will be an array of objects which look like this:

    emoji: String,         // The name of the emoji that was used (excluding wrapping colons)
    modifierEmoji: String, // The name of any modifier emoji (currently only skin-tone modifiers)
    user: String,          // The Slack user ID of the person who used this emoji
    ts: String,            // The Slack timestamp for the message that this emoji appear in
    isReaction: Boolean    // Whether the emoji was a reaction rather than part of the message


The contributing guide is available here. All contributors must follow this library's code of conduct.


Licensed under the MIT license.
Copyright © 2019, Rowan Manning