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58 lines (45 loc) · 2.21 KB

File metadata and controls

58 lines (45 loc) · 2.21 KB

Contributing to Rows

We love your input! We want to make contributing to this project as easy and transparent as possible, whether it's:

  • Reporting a bug
  • Discussing the current state of the code
  • Submitting a fix
  • Proposing new features

Proposing a Change

If you intend to change the public API, or make any non-trivial changes to the implementation, we recommend filing an issue. This lets us reach an agreement on your proposal before you put significant effort into it.

If you’re only fixing a bug, it’s fine to submit a pull request right away but we still recommend to file an issue detailing what you’re fixing. This is helpful in case we don’t accept that specific fix but want to keep track of the issue.

Creating a Pull Request

Before creating a pull request please:

  1. Fork the repository and create your branch from main.
  2. Install all dependencies (flutter pub get or pub get).
  3. Squash your commits and ensure you have a meaningful commit message.
  4. If you’ve fixed a bug or added code that should be tested, add tests!
  5. Ensure the test suite passes.
  6. If you've changed the public API, make sure to update/add documentation.
  7. Format your code (dart format .).
  8. Analyze your code (dart analyze --fatal-infos --fatal-warnings .).
  9. Create the Pull Request.
  10. Verify that all status checks are passing.

While the prerequisites above must be satisfied prior to having your pull request reviewed, the reviewer(s) may ask you to complete additional design work, tests, or other changes before your pull request can be ultimately accepted.

Report bugs using Github's issues

We use GitHub issues to track public bugs. Report a bug by opening a new issue; it's that easy!

Write bug reports with detail, background, and sample code

Great Bug Reports tend to have:

  • A quick summary and/or background
  • Steps to reproduce
    • Be specific!
    • Give sample code if you can.
  • What you expected would happen
  • What actually happens
  • Notes (possibly including why you think this might be happening, or stuff you tried that didn't work)


By contributing, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under its BSD 3-Clause License.