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We put the "fun" back in functional programming with Cocoa collections


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AHGCollection provides methods for working with collections of objects inspired by functional programming libraries such as Scala Collections and Underscore.js.

AHGCollection works with classes that implement the NSFastEnumeration protocol. This includes the following Foundation classes:

  • NSArray
  • NSSet
  • NSOrderedSet
  • NSDictionary (enumerates keys)

It should also work with any custom implementation of NSFastEnumeration. If you need help adding the protocol to one of your own classes, you can look in AHGEnumeration.m for some different ways it can be implemented. Many thanks to Mark Dalrymple's for his deep-dive on theNerdBlog.

Lazy Evaluation

Perhaps the main difference between AHGCollection and other libraries that add "map/filter/reduce" methods to Foundation collections is that AHGCollection is implemented using "lazy evaluation". This means that the result of operations such as "map" doesn't immediately produce a new collection. For example, given an NSArray of 10,000 objects, [AHGCollection map:] will not produce another NSArray of 10,000 objects. Instead, it will evaluate the mapping function each time the collection is iterated using NSFastEnumeration. This can be really beneficial if you don't intend to use all 10,000 results, maybe because you're showing only a subset of objects in a UITableView. It also removes the need for custom NSFastEnumeration implementations to have a mutable variant or some mechanism for describing what mutable collection to use when transforming the values.

You can use [AHGCollection allObjects] to get a complete NSArray containing all the objects in the collection, applying any operations. The "Map" example below shows this.



BOOL (^myFilter)(NSString *) = ^(NSString *str) {
    return (BOOL) (str.length > 3);

AHGCollection *strings = AHGNewColl(@[@"hello", @"to", @"you", @"again"]);
for (NSString *string in [strings filter:myFilter]) {
    // string's length is larger than 3


NSSet *stringSet = [NSSet setWithArray:@[@"What", @"is", @"going", @"on", @"here?"]];
NSArray *result2 = [[[AHGNewColl(stringSet) map:^id(NSString *str) {
    return [str uppercaseString];
}] map:^id(NSString *str) {
    return [str stringByAppendingString:@"!"];
}] allObjects];

// Produces @[@"WHAT!", @"IS!", @"GOING!", @"ON!", @"HERE?!"]


AHGCollection *strings = AHGNewColl(@[@"hello", @"to", @"you", @"again"]);
NSString *result = [strings reduce:@"" withOperator:^id(NSString *resultObject, NSString *anObject) {
    return [resultObject stringByAppendingString:anObject];

// Produces @"hellotoyouagain"

Combining Operations

Many operations on a collection can be chained together. The result is not evaluated until the collection is enumerated or converted into an NSArray using [AHGCollection allobjects].

NSNumber *num = [[[AHGNewColl(@[@"hello", @"to", @"you", @"again"]) filterNot:^BOOL(NSString *str) {
	return [str isEqualToString:@"again"];
}] map:^id(NSString *str) {
	return [str stringByAppendingString:@"-mapped"];
}] reduce:@0 withOperator:^id(NSNumber *resultObject, NSString *str) {
	return [NSNumber numberWithInteger:[resultObject integerValue] + [str length]];

// Number will be 31


AHGCollection is licensed under the MIT License.


We put the "fun" back in functional programming with Cocoa collections







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