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File metadata and controls

72 lines (44 loc) · 2.73 KB


An opinionated setup of spring boot application


Uses Java 11


Distroless is the base image.

As java is object-compatible, docker image is generated by copying the packaged jar. This is preferred over multi-stage docker, as multi-stage docker downloads internet

To build and run the application at port 8080 use docker run --rm -it -p8080:8080 $(docker build -q .)

Local Development

Start the application at port 8080 and debug port 5005 using mvn spring-boot:run"-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005"

Code is auto formatted during compilation using formatter-maven-plugin and impsort-maven-plugin.

maven-enforcer-plugin is used to enforce java and mvn versions.


Liquibase is used for database changes. SQL changes are present at src/main/resources/db/changelog

For testing, liquibase is disabled and h2 is used. Database entities are generated from classes instead of running changelog scripts.


Swagger is exposed at /swagger-ui.html


APIs are exposed with a prefix, here it is /api/v1

APIs returns data transfer objects instead of entities, to reduce coupling of models to database schema.

POST APIs should return 201 Created with inserted resource PUT APIs should return updated resource


actuator/health/readiness is health check endpoint for load balancer

actuator/health shows health stats

actuator/info API exposes git state through git-commit-id-plugin

actuator/prometheus API exposes metrics

actuator/loggers Used for changing log levels in runtime

Static Analysis

Following plugins are used for static analysis

  1. maven-pmd-plugin
  2. spotbugs-maven-plugin
  3. modernizer-maven-plugin


maven-surefire-plugin runs tests through maven.

jacoco-maven-plugin is used for code coverage


mvn deploy fails if local modifications are present using maven-scm-plugin

maven-release-plugin is used in tools/ for release

maven-deploy-plugin is used for deploying to nexus repository if required


  1. Integrate Caching
  2. Integrate OAuth