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RQ: Documentation

For some use cases it might be useful have access to the current job ID or instance from within the job function itself. Or to store arbitrary data on jobs.

Retrieving Job from Redis

All job information is stored in Redis. You can inspect a job and its attributes by using Job.fetch().

from redis import Redis
from rq.job import Job

redis = Redis()
job = Job.fetch('my_job_id', connection=redis)
print('Status: %s' $ job.get_status())

Some interesting job attributes include:

  • job.status
  • job.func_name
  • job.args
  • job.kwargs
  • job.result
  • job.enqueued_at
  • job.started_at
  • job.ended_at
  • job.exc_info

Accessing the "current" job

Since job functions are regular Python functions, you have to ask RQ for the current job ID, if any. To do this, you can use:

from rq import get_current_job

def add(x, y):
    job = get_current_job()
    print('Current job: %s' % (,))
    return x + y

Storing arbitrary data on jobs

Improved in 0.8.0.

To add/update custom status information on this job, you have access to the meta property, which allows you to store arbitrary pickleable data on the job itself:

import socket

def add(x, y):
    job = get_current_job()
    job.meta['handled_by'] = socket.gethostname()

    # do more work
    return x + y

Time to live for job in queue

New in version 0.4.7.

A job has two TTLs, one for the job result and one for the job itself. This means that if you have job that shouldn't be executed after a certain amount of time, you can define a TTL as such:

# When creating the job:
job = Job.create(func=say_hello, ttl=43)

# or when queueing a new job:
job = q.enqueue(count_words_at_url, '', ttl=43)

Failed Jobs

If a job fails during execution, the worker will put the job in a FailedJobRegistry. On the Job instance, the is_failed property will be true. FailedJobRegistry can be accessed through queue.failed_job_registry.

from redis import StrictRedis
from rq import Queue
from rq.job import Job

def div_by_zero(x):
    return x / 0

connection = StrictRedis()
queue = Queue(connection=connection)
job = queue.enqueue(div_by_zero, 1)
registry = queue.failed_job_registry

worker = Worker([queue])

assert len(registry) == 1  # Failed jobs are kept in FailedJobRegistry

registry.requeue(job)  # Puts job back in its original queue

assert len(registry) == 0

assert queue.count == 1

By default, failed jobs are kept for 1 year. You can change this by specifying failure_ttl (in seconds) when enqueueing jobs.

job = queue.enqueue(foo_job, failure_ttl=300)  # 5 minutes in seconds

Requeueing Failed Jobs

RQ also provides a CLI tool that makes requeueing failed jobs easy.

# This will requeue foo_job_id and bar_job_id from myqueue's failed job registry
rq requeue --queue myqueue -u redis://localhost:6379 foo_job_id bar_job_id

# This command will requeue all jobs in myqueue's failed job registry
rq requeue --queue myqueue -u redis://localhost:6379 --all