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Fork of @ravenjohn's scheda.js, rewritten in ES6 syntax. Create SystemOne-inspired schedule timetable!


<script src="./dist/scheda.min.js"></script>
  const scheda = new Scheda();

    day: 'M',
    time: '8:30-9:45',
    courseCode: 'CMSC 142',
    section: 'UV-4L',
    room: 'Physical Sciences Bldg.',

Make sure to include the canvas element somewhere in your HTML code as <canvas id="scheda" />.


constructor(config?: Object)

Scheda constructor can accept a configuration object.

import Scheda from 'scheda.js';

const config = {
  id: 'my-schedule',                // custom canvas ID
  colors: ['#000000', '#ff0000'],   // array of preset course colors
  theme: {
    background: '#FFFFFF',
    header: '#00838F',
    grid: {
      mini: '#DFE0D2',
      horizontal: '#00838F',
      vertical: '#00838F'

    time: {
      color: '#FFFFFF',
      background: '#00838F',
      style: 'bold',
      font: 'Arial',
      size: 12,
    day: {
      color: '#FFFFFF',
      style: 'bold',
      font: 'Arial',
      size: 12
    sched: {
      color: '#FFFFFF',
      style: 'bold',
      font: 'Arial',
      size: 10

    timeColumnWidth: 80,

const scheda = new Scheda(config);

scheda.init(canvasElement?: Node)

Draws initial scheda elements.

const scheda = new Scheda();

const canvas = document.querySelector('canvas#mySchedule');
scheda.init(canvas); // can accept a node element

  The above code can be written as:
  const scheda = new Scheda({ id: 'mySchedule' });

scheda.add(course: Object)

Adds a course to scheda canvas. Returns the course UUID.

scheda.get(id: String)

Returns course object from the scheda history given the course UUID.

scheda.remove(id: String)

Removes course from scheda canvas.

scheda.update(id: String, course: Object)

Updates course identified by UUID given. String)

Generates a PNG file of the schedule.