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Developer Notes for msdss-users-api

Richard Wen


Setup and install a development environment:

  1. Install git
  2. Install Anaconda Python 3
  3. Install GraphViz
  4. Clone this repository git clone
  5. Move to the cloned folder cd msdss-users-api
  6. Install python dependencies with bin\install.bat or bin/

In Mac OS (with Homebrew installed):

brew install git graphviz -y
git clone
cd msdss-users-api
chmod +x bin/
source bin/

In Linux (Ubuntu):

apt install git graphviz -y
git clone
cd msdss-users-api
chmod +x bin/
source bin/

In Windows (with Chocolatey installed):

choco install git graphviz -y
git clone
cd msdss-users-api

Virtual Python Environment

A conda environment will also be created with bin/install, which installs the environment defined by env.yml.

If you are opening a new terminal, you will need to use bin/activate to activate the environment.

In Linux/Mac OS:

source bin/

In Windows:


Note: The environment exists inside the tmp/ folder.

Package Management

The package can be reinstalled or uninstalled locally using the scripts in the bin folder.

This is particularly useful when you add or remove package dependencies in setup.cfg.

For example, you may want to run bin/reinstall_package after you edit the package dependencies to ensure that all dependencies are met after the changes.

Reinstalling the package

The package can be reinstalled in your virtual environment by running bin/reinstall_package.

In Linux/Mac OS:

source bin/

In Windows:


Uninstalling the package

The package can be uninstalled from your virtual environment using bin/uninstall_package.

In Linux/Mac OS:

source bin/

In Windows:



The documentation is automatically built with sphinx.

Building the documentation

You can build the documentation files into the docs folder by running bin/build_docs.

In Linux/Mac OS:

source bin/

In Windows:


Rebuilding the documentation

You can also completely rebuild the docs (reinstalling the package, and removing existing documentation) with bin/rebuild_docs.

In Linux/Mac OS:

source bin/

In Windows:


Publishing to the Python Package Index (PyPi)

When the package is ready, you can publish it to PyPi so that it is publicly available and pip installable:

  1. Remove any existing version builds in the dist/ folder
  2. Build the current package distribution files in dist/ with sdist
  3. Upload the package to PyPi with twine
  4. You will be prompted for your user name and password on PyPi
  5. Your package should be available at

In Linux/Mac OS:

rm -rf dist
python sdist
twine upload dist/*

In Windows:

rmdir /s /q dist\
python sdist
twine upload dist/*

Note: You will need to a registered account on PyPi to publish packages.